Misaka, who was on the first floor watching the gate, looked at Guo Huang in confusion, not knowing what happened.

  "Open the door first, my elder sister and I are going out for a walk, come back soon."

  Guo Huang touched Misaka's small head and gave the order with a smile.

  "Yes, I understand. Duh, Misaka replied after understanding the situation."

  Misaka immediately took out the key and opened the door for Guo Huang and Mikoto.

  "Come on, girl, what are you still doing?"

  Guo Huang walked out of the door slowly and looked back at Mikoto who was still standing dumbfounded.


  After being shouted by Guo Huang, Meiqin immediately reacted and followed Guo Huang in a panic.

  Even now, she is still a little confused, she can't believe Guo Huang just brought her out like this.


  (Next, a villain in Ghost Slayer will come to the restaurant, you can boldly guess who this villain is?).

Chapter 147


  In the Dimension Restaurant, the battle between Hawkeye Mihawk and Esdes is drawing to a close.

  Esdes took out the unique skill at the bottom of the press box, released Mokobatmo, and froze the time and space.

  Hawkeye Mihawk slashed with the strongest slash, and the terrifying sword energy even vaguely broke through the space-time freeze of Esdes.

  In the hall, the guests were drinking small wine and eating side dishes, watching the battle very leisurely.

  "It's amazing! To be able to hit this level."

  Yuan Dagu drank a glass of wine and applauded the wonderful battle between the two.

  "It's really good, but it's far from me."

  Madam Ban also drank a glass of wine, and was not too amazed.

  Everyone present, except Vegeta, was watching the battle between Hawkeye Mihawk and Esdes.

  And in the process of watching, the wine glasses in everyone's hands did not stop, and the whiskey brought by Tony was disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  From the beginning to now, basically everyone is drunk.

  "Separate! Uh, I'm so dizzy."

  Wukong was forced to lie down on the dining table by everyone, his face flushed from drunk.

  "Hey, I really envy the strength of you guys."

  Sakata Ginshi sighed, raised his glass and drank it.

  Everyone was chatting just now, and suddenly they started talking about the battle in the Marvel World this afternoon, which made Sakata Gintoki feel very disappointed.

  Because of this battle with the Chitauri army, Sakata Gintoki deeply understood the strength gap between himself and the other guests.

  During the battle, in the face of the Zitari army, Banye and the others were simply killing them.

  And Sakata Yinshi couldn't even take out a few miscellaneous soldiers, which really hurt his self-esteem.

  "Come on, man, it's useless even if you're envious. What are you thinking about, just keep drinking. Come, come, Brother Thanos, I'll give you a toast."

  Tony put his hand on Sakata Gintoki's shoulder and raised his glass to Thanos.


  Thanos laughed softly, and immediately clinked glasses with Tony, and the two drank at the same time.

  Up to now, Ahri, Kuroko, Madara, Obito, Shisui, Itachi, Fanwai, Men Yasushi, Yuandagu, Wukong, Thanos, Tony, Sakata Gintoki and others have almost drank.

  Only Queen Bee-eater, Mai Sakurajima, Mitsuha Miyamizu, Ramrem, Accelerator, Nezuko, Vegeta, and Saitama are not drinking alcohol and have been eating food.

  At this time, the winner was finally decided on the TV screen.

  At the end of the battle, Hawkeye Mihawk and Esdes were tied.

  I saw Hawkeye Mihawk split Estes in half with his sword qi.

  Before his death, Esdes activated Freeze Time and created an ice pick to stab Hawkeye Mihawk to death.

  As a result, the two of them perished together, and they forced a one-for-one exchange.

  After the virtual world died, the two returned to reality together and took off their helmets.

  "Huh, it's really scary."

  Esdes touched his body, feeling very magical while excited.

  She was clearly split in half in the virtual world just now, but she returned to reality unscathed.

  "Your Excellency is very strong, I have seen it."

  Hawk-Eyed Mihawk took a serious look at Esdes and recognized her strength.

  "Oh, each other, you are also very strong."

  Esdes came to a wave of business exchanges, and smiled elegantly and politely at Hawkeye Mihawk.

  "It's up to us, bald donkey, are you ready?"

  Vegeta stood up and left the chair, staring at Saitama menacingly.

  "Ah, let me see what you can do."

  Saitama enthusiastically followed Vegeta, and the two walked to the corner together, putting on their helmets at the same time.

  Itachi took out a small notebook from his arms and wrote the consumption records of the two of them using the helmets on the notebook.

  "Don't stand there stupidly, come over and have a drink together."

  Tony waved at Hawkeye Mihawk and Esdes, signaling them to come over for a drink.


  At the same time, in the academy city.

  Mikoto and Guo Huang were wandering the streets non-stop.

  Guo Huang walked in front with a calm face, and Mikoto followed behind with her face flushed.

  Neither of the two were the first to speak to break the silence, and they just walked aimlessly on the street.

  In the end, Guo Huang suddenly stopped, and he finally couldn't help it.

  "Okay girl, it's almost here. What do you want to say to me?"

  Guo Huang turned to face Mikoto and directly forced Mikoto to answer the question, acting very straight.

  Because after leaving the restaurant, Guo Huang has no invincible blessing. In order to prevent accidents, he wants to return to the restaurant as soon as possible.

  Although he has the ability to control time, Guo Huang is enough to protect himself and is basically not afraid of danger.

  But not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, Guo Huang is very cautious.


  After listening to Guo Huang's words, Mikoto was stunned on the spot, a little overwhelmed and seemed very panicked.

  Looking at Guo Huang's posture, it seems that he is forcing her to confess?

  But she wasn't mentally prepared yet, and she didn't know how to speak at all.

  And to make a proud girl like her take the initiative to confess, it is simply more difficult than going to the sky, almost impossible.

  So Mikoto could only act like a mute, standing there dumbfounded, not responding to Guo Huang at all.


  At the same time, in the world of Ghost Slayer Blade.

  Tanjiro is being taught by Rin Taki Sakonji, and he is eager to train.

  Since Tanjiro left the Dimension Restaurant last night, he met Tomioka Yoshiyoshi.

  Just like in the original book, Tomioka Yoshiyoshi was very optimistic about Tanjirou's talent, so he recommended him to practice under the sect of Rintaki Sakonji.

  However, Tanjirou has no intention of practicing right now, because tonight, the dimensional channel did not appear by his side.


  If there is no dimensional passage, it means that he cannot go to the restaurant to see Nedouzi, which makes him very anxious, for fear that he will never see Nedouzi in the future.

  It should be explained here that after the system upgrades the restaurant, the dimensional channel will no longer appear in a fixed place as before.

  Now the guests need to open the dimensional mobile phone, and then click to open the dimensional channel, so that the dimensional channel will automatically appear beside the guests.

  But the dimensional channels that guests can open are only a small part. On weekdays, most of the dimensional channels will still randomly appear in various worlds, and continue to attract guests from other worlds for the restaurant.

  This news, the system has already told the guests through the dimensional chat group, so the guests basically know it.

  Except for Tanjiro, since he got a dimensional mobile phone, he has never used a mobile phone.

  But also, he has to train non-stop on weekdays, and he is so busy that he has no time to chat with other guests in the group.

  However, while Tanjirou is practicing rigorously, his nemesis Onimai is staying in a certain village, disguising himself as a human to pass the time.

  And when passing by a small alley, a white hole suddenly attracted the attention of Gui Wuyue.

  "Huh? What is this?"

  Gui Wu y Wu Mian walked into the alley with curiosity and came to the dimension passage, completely unclear what this white hole was.

  After some thought, Gui Wuy Wumian finally squinted and stepped into the dimension passage, and when he entered the dimension passage, the dimension passage began to gradually dissipate and disappeared into the alley.


  (Ask for flowers!!! Ask for a ticket!!!) Enter.

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