
  (Guo Huang is about to recruit new employees from Hokage in the next chapter. Do you have any good suggestions for the selection of employees?).

Chapter 155


  In the early morning of the next day, Gui Wuyue Wumai was standing in the infinite city with a ferocious face.

  After a period of repair, his body has returned to normal.

  At this time, the boss of the crumbs is going to summon the ghosts of the upper and lower strings in the twelve ghost months, let them search for the dimensional restaurant in the world of the blade of the ghost, and then personally lead the twelve ghost months to the restaurant for revenge.

  But what he didn't know was that the Dimension Restaurant was not in the world of Ghost Slayer's Blade at all.

  "No... no miserable adults."

  The Winding Up Girl was holding her pipa and staying in the corner, staring timidly at the ghost dance.

  It was the first time she had seen the strongest ghost ancestor look so angry since Naruto began to serve Ghost Dance.


  At the same time, in the dimension restaurant.

  Guo Huang woke up from his sleep, pushed open the door and walked out of the room.

  As soon as he walked out of the room, Guo Huang smelled a rancid smell, which made him frown.

  In the hall, Uchiha's spirit boys are still cleaning, repeatedly wiping every corner of the hall with mops.

  Up to now, the four of them have been doing chores all night, and I don't know how many times they dragged it all over the place.

  The minced meat and blood that covered the hall last night had long been destroyed by their fire escape, and only the stench could not dissipate for a long time.

  No matter how many times it was dragged, the damn smell was still there, making their noses go numb.

  "Boss, you're finally awake! Hurry up and let us rest! We can't stand it anymore!"

  When Zhishui saw Guo Huang coming, he threw away the mop and began to cry. He had been busy for so long that his dark circles came out.

  "This stench is really nasty, and I can't get rid of it no matter what."

  Itachi and Obito sighed helplessly, and there was nothing they could do about the smell.

  Smelling this smell, Guo Huang immediately pinched his nose.

  No, if the hall is always filled with this rancid smell, let alone the customers, even Guo Huang himself can't stand it.

  The odor must be eliminated, otherwise it will not be able to maintain normal work at all.

  Thinking of this, Guo Huang snapped his fingers lightly, and activated his ability to instantly clear the surrounding smell.

  After seeing this scene, the Uchiha spiritual guys were all stunned.

  What the fuck?The four of us worked all night and couldn't get rid of the smell, and you dog owner snapped your fingers and solved it?

  Then you TM left us in the hall to clean up last night?Just snap your fingers and you're done!

  After reacting, the Uchiha spiritual guys all stared at Guo Huang with resentment, seriously suspecting that they were tricked by Guo Huang.

  And Guo Huang smiled softly and said, "Don't stare at me like this, it's for your own good to let you guys do some work, isn't it delicious to earn more points?"

  As soon as these words came out, the four of them were not happy on the spot.

  I TM believe you a ghost!You dog boss is so wicked!Are you fooling people like that?

  【Ding!Attention employees!The system will now announce the recent points earned by employees. The points earned by employees are counted according to the number of chores that everyone has done. Please listen carefully! 】

  Just when the Uchiha mental guys were depressed, the voice of the system suddenly sounded in their minds.

  Not only them, but this time, even Ahri, Mikoto, Kuroko, Accelerator, Nezuko, Queen Shokuhou and others also heard a systematic voice in their heads.

  Subsequently, the system beeps continue to sound.

  [Because everyone has done too much chores recently, the system will not explain them one by one this time, and will directly announce everyone's current points, otherwise the audience will say it is a water number]

  Current employee points:

  (Uchiha Madara: 1752 points) (Position: Security Captain)

  (Uchiha Shisui: Points) (Position: Salesman)

  (Uchiha Obito: Points) (Position: Takeaway Brother)

  (Uchiha Itachi: 1512 points) (Position: Cashier)

  (Misaka Mikoto: 130 points) (Position: Waiter)

  (Kuroko Shirai: 119.45 points) (Position: Waiter)

  (Nine-tailed demon fox Ali: 85 points) (Position: responsible for appearance)

  (Accelerator: 12 points) (Position: Masseur)

  (Kamamon Nezuko: 37.12 points) (Position: Mascot)

  (Bee Shokudo: 0.01 points) (Position: Maid)

  [Reminder: The points in the hands of employees can be exchanged for anything in the points mall. As long as they recite in their minds, they can enter the points mall]


  After the sound of the system ended, Madara, Shisui, and Itachi were instantly shocked.

  However, the reason they were shocked was not the points mall mentioned by the system, but the points from Obito.

  This cub!Actually TM has [-] points!This lets us play Nima!

  Fortunately, Ahri, Accelerator and others were sleeping at this time, otherwise they would have been shocked too.

  "Obito! What's the matter with you guy!"

  After reacting, Banye immediately grabbed Obito's collar and stared at Obito with gnashing teeth, obviously jealous.

  "Mah Saga...you won the star quest that the system released before?"

  Itachi and Shisui stared at Obito with envious expressions, and suddenly recalled the most popular star mission released by the system before.

  This must be the case, otherwise even Obito would not be able to earn more than one million points in just a few days!

  "Oh, I don't want to, but I can't help it. Who made me so popular with the audience? It's not the same as a duck voice. Do you think so? Mr. Ban?"

  Looking at Banye, who was envious, jealous, and hated, Obito pretended to be troubled and sighed, and deliberately started to be angry with Banye.

  His appearance is really damn bad.

  "¨'My Nima! Are you trying to beat me up!"

  Hearing this, Banye was trembling with anger, and even used the terms he just learned on the Internet recently.

  However, just as Uchiha's spiritual guys were fighting in the nest, Guo Huang's mind suddenly heard the system's prompt sound again.

  And this time, the prompt sound only sounded in Guo Huang's mind.

  [Forgot to tell the host before that after the second upgrade of the Dimension Restaurant, the host can recruit new employees from Naruto World again.The recruitment rules remain the same. The host can only recruit deceased people. Does the host currently open recruitment? 】

  "Of course, recruit now."

  As soon as the system's voice fell, Guo Huang nodded and agreed to the recruitment.

  [Okay, the system will now start randomly recruiting dead people in Naruto World for the host, please wait a moment for the host]

  Guo Huang couldn't wait to rub his hands together and became a little expectant, wondering which character in Hokage will the system recruit him?Hope it's not too weak.

  After a few seconds, the system did not make Guo Huang wait too long, and directly announced the recruitment (good promise) result.

  【Ding!System recruitment is over!Congratulations to the host for successfully recruiting Senju Hima and Nohara Rin as new employees of Dimension Restaurant! 】

  "Lying in a big slot!"

  After listening to the system's words, Guo Huang was stunned for a moment.


  Meanwhile, in the dormitory of Tokiwadai Girls' High School.

  Mikoto and Kuroko looked at each other, completely ignoring the voice that appeared in their heads just now.

  "Sister, did you hear any strange noises just now?"

  Kuroko scratched her head and looked at Mikoto suspiciously.

  "Eh? Did you hear that too? I thought I was hallucinating."

  Mikoto was also confused and didn't know what was going on.

  Including Queen Bee, who lives near the Tokiwadai dormitory, was also stunned. She just thought that someone had invaded her brain.


  (I saw that the brothers in the book review area said they were recruiting Sasuke. Although I did not recruit, please rest assured, that Sasuke is definitely indispensable. I will arrange him to come to the restaurant for dinner today!).

Chapter 156


  [Congratulations to the host for successfully recruiting Senju Hima and Nohara Rin as new employees of this restaurant! 】

  In the Dimension Restaurant, the system's voice echoed in Guo Huang's mind.

  A few seconds later, a dazzling white light instantly fell from the sky and arrived inside the Dimension Restaurant.

  "what happened?"

  The Uchiha spirit boys turned their heads to look at the white light in the hall, each with a very puzzled expression.

  When the light disappeared, two figures suddenly appeared in the hall.

  The two were a man and a woman, one tall and one short.

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