Seeing Madam Ban's expression, Zhi Shui instantly hesitated and walked towards the front desk slowly.

  After arriving at the front desk, Shishui threw the coin directly to Itachi and said, "One dozen seven, is there any machine around the front desk? You throw this coin inside."

  "it is good."

  Itachi picked up the coin, turned around and walked to the innermost part of the front desk.

  It's piled high with virtual helmets and a coin-operated machine.

  Then, Itachi threw the coin into the machine without hesitation.

  The next second, the loud sound above the ceiling was activated instantly, and a particularly rocky hi song immediately echoed throughout the hall.

  "Oh! It's too loud! It's harsh!"

  Mitsuha Gongshui immediately covered her ears and was startled by the BGM coming from above her head.

  "Huh? Is this the beginning? It's so lively!"

  Sakata Ginshi was immediately driven by the rhythm of BUM, and his body began to twist unconsciously.

  "Why does this music sound weird?"

  The next door Yashi frowned, always feeling that this BGM seemed a little wrong.

  "Fuck! Isn't this TM a new treasure island!"

  Only Guo Huang couldn't help but shout, and subconsciously looked up at the loudspeaker.

  When he was in Water Blue Star, Guo Huang visited station B a lot and was very familiar with the BGM of Xinbaodao.

  This means that Tony is going to hop on a new treasure island at the restaurant tonight?

  Thinking of this, Guo Huang immediately turned his attention to Tony, ready to watch the excitement.

  But Tony was still sitting in the chair chatting with everyone, without any intention of dancing.

  "What's the matter? Doesn't the person who ordered the song dance automatically? Why didn't Tony dance?"

  Guo Huang was stunned when he found that there was no movement on Tony's side, which was different from what he thought.

  However, just when Guo Huang was puzzled, Madam Ban, Zhi Shui, and Itachi jumped up at the same time in the hall.


  (Ask for flowers!!! Ask for tickets!!! In addition, the next chapter two pillars are coming!).

Chapter 176


  (This chapter recommends everyone to listen to Xinbaodao to watch, the effect is excellent)

  On the twentieth floor of the restaurant, the deafening BGM reverberated throughout the hall.

  The moment they heard the BGM, Madara, Shisui, and Itachi suddenly became very strange, and their bodies began to move.

  "What... what's going on! The body is suddenly out of control!"

  Itachi ran from the front desk to the center of the hall with a bewildered face, and then started to twist his body like a fool.

  "I rely on!"

  Shishui also followed and came to Itachi.

  "what happened?!!"

  Madam Ban also ran to the center of the hall with a dazed expression, and even turned somersaults uncontrollably in the process.

  The next second, the three started their dance along with the BGM of Xinbaodao.

  Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng ~~~~~

  Too much shit!Eat more shit! (New Treasure Island Empty Ear Lyrics)

  I saw Itachi, Shishui, and Madara, like three madmen, constantly posing in various shameful poses and movements.

  After seeing this scene, Guo Huang was instantly stunned.

  what's the situation!Wasn't that the song that Tony ordered just now?Why did Banye they jump up!Shouldn't Tony dance?

  【Ding!Reply to the host, that's because of coins]

  [Anyone who has touched a coin and put the coin into the machine will be judged by the system to be the one who ordered the song]

  [At present, only Madara, Shisui, and Itachi have touched coins, so they will naturally dance with BGM]

  [If there are guests who want to order songs in the future, it is recommended that the host give the coins directly to the guests, not to other irrelevant people]

  At this moment, the system immediately answered Guo Huang's doubts.

  "Fuck! Why didn't you say this earlier?"

  After Guo Huang understood the reason, he held his head and shouted.

  But things have come to this point, and Guo Huang has no choice.

  Fortunately, Tony only ordered the dance club dance for an hour. After the time is over, Madara and the others will be able to return to normal.

  During this period, I had no choice but to feel sorry for Banye and the others.

  At this time, everyone in the hall also discovered the abnormality of Mr. Ban and the others, so everyone turned to look at Mr. Ban and the others.

  "Huh? What are you doing?"

  Seeing Madara who was dancing, a series of black question marks appeared on Kadoya's forehead.

  Isn't it just a hi song?Are you so excited?Are you all jumping up?

  "You don't understand. These guys were stars some time ago. They must have received professional training. When they hear music, they can't help but want to dance."

  Tony patted Kazuya Shi on the shoulder, and his body swayed to the rhythm of the new treasure island.

  Obviously, he also wanted to have a good time.

  "I have to say, they danced really well."

  Sakurajima Mai watched Madara and the others dancing, and couldn't help but applaud.

  Indeed, since the dances of the three of Madara are controlled by the system, they all dance very well.

  Cheaper, Cheaper, Cheaper!You pull up your trouser pockets too!Seven cents a bag! (New Treasure Island Empty Ear Lyrics)

  At this time, the BGM finally reached the climax of Xinbaodao, and the dances of Banye, Zhishui, and Itachi instantly became more sand sculptures.

  First, a wave of baboons scratching their heads, followed by a series of classic movements such as fairy pointing the way.

  "What a joke! What the hell is going on here!"

  Madam Ban roared and danced at the same time, this feeling was worse than death.

  "Boss, save us! Stop this damn music!"

  Shishui and Itachi also followed Madara's dance steps, swaying from side to side and ramming.

  Guo Huang, on the other hand, spread his hands, saying that he could do nothing.

  After seeing Guo Huang's reaction, Banye was instantly desperate.

  But what Madam Ban never expected was that there were even more terrifying things waiting for him.

  After a few seconds, Shisui and Itachi stepped aside at the same time, leaving Madam Madara the center of the hall.

  Afterwards, Madara put one hand on his abdomen and raised the other hand above his head.

  That's right, he is now ready to jump out of the most classic (sand sculpture) dance steps on Xinbao Island, that is, the tornado destroying the parking lot.

  After putting on this extremely sand sculpture pose, Madam Ban immediately started to circle in circles.

  Moreover, the speed of Banye's circle is very fast, and he can't wait to spiral into the sky.

  If there is no BGM support, then Banye looks no different from Shabi.

  "Ma... Marada! You..."

  Looking at Banye's sand-sculpted dance steps, Zhu Jian covered his mouth and widened his eyes in disbelief.

  "Brother Spot!"

  Hawkeye Mihawk was also stunned in place, shocked by this scene incoherently.

  No one would have thought that the majestic Madam Madara would reveal such a sand-sculpted side on weekdays, which is unbelievable.

  "Is he really Banye?"

  Shokuhou and Mikoto were even more incapacitated by Madam Madara, and they even had some doubts about Madam Madara's true identity.

  "What a good dance! Not bad!"

  Only Guo Huang and Ah Li applauded for Banye and couldn't help cheering.

  However, the two of them seemed to be encouraging Madam, but in fact they were dying of laughter.

  "Hahahaha! Lord Ban, what are you dancing?"

  Sakata Ginshi couldn't hold back his laughter when he saw Madara's funny dance moves.

  Girls including Mai Sakurajima, Mitsuha Miyamizu, and Ramrem were all amused.

  "Damn! You are enough!!!"

  At this time, Madam Ban yelled loudly, and looked at everyone in the hall fiercely.

  At this moment, his heart is broken, feeling super angry and ashamed.

  It's a pity that Madam Ban's roar didn't stop everyone's laughter, and everyone was still holding their stomachs and laughing.

  Hearing everyone's laughter, Madam Ban's shame was about to explode, and he wanted to die.

  At this time, he would rather be stabbed in the back a hundred times by Hei Jue than bear this shame again.

  Not long after, in a state of overwhelmed shame, Madam Ban even showed a loveless expression, as if he had lost his soul.

  Done!It's all over!The domineering image that I have worked hard to build over the years is completely over!

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