After hearing Erzhu's voice, Itachi, who was serving a plate, immediately stopped what he was doing.

  Afterwards, Itachi immediately turned to look at Sasuke's family of three.

  Looking at Sarana with glasses and Sakura with pink hair, Itachi showed a warm smile.

  This mother and daughter must be his niece and sister-in-law, so Itachi was about to go over to say hello.

  But at this moment, the blogger suddenly came out of the dimensional channel.

  Seeing Sasuke grabbing Sakura and Sarana's arms, Bo Ren was immediately angry.

  His Aunt Sakura and Sarana were both kidnapped by this sneaky one-armed man!

  "You pervert! Let go of them!"

  Thinking of this, Bo Ren directly slammed his fist and hit Sasuke with a heavy hammer on the back of his head.


  Sasuke was punched by the blogger and fell to the ground, throwing a dog and eating shit.

  Just now, he was patronizing and greeting Itachi, and he didn't take precautions at all, so he didn't detect Boren's sneak attack in time.

  "Watt? What happened?"

  Tony's eyes widened and he looked at the blogger suspiciously, completely confused about the situation.

  Where the hell did this TM come from?Dare to make trouble when you just came to the restaurant?

  "You want to violate Aunt Sakura and Sarana! You bastard!"

  The next second, the blogger seemed to be unhappy, and he kicked Sasuke in the ass again.

  "Boren! What are you doing!"

  Zorana covered her mouth and looked at this scene in disbelief.

  Sakura was also stunned, a series of black question marks appeared on her forehead.

  You stinky boy actually said that Sasuke is a pervert?Said that Sasuke wanted to violate our mother and son?Aren't you bullshitting!

  "Fuck! This kid is a bit ruthless."

  After witnessing the brutality of Bo Ren, Obito felt a moment of silence for Sasuke.

  The bear boy's attack was neither light nor heavy, and that heavy punch hurt just by looking at it.

  Even Itachi stared blankly at the blogger, not knowing what to say.

  "Eh? Is that guy so brutish?"

  Mai Sakurajima was very surprised when he heard the word "infringement" raised by Boruto.

  Sasuke looks like a handsome guy, but his heart is so perverted?It's just a human face!

  Everyone in the hall, including those in the hall, also cast contemptuous glances at Sasuke, and began to despise Erzhuzi in his heart.

  No way, because everyone is a melon eater who doesn't know the truth, so they subconsciously believe the blogger's words.

  Because everyone agrees that children do not lie.

  "Aunt Sakura, Zorana, let's run away while this pervert was beaten by me!"

  At this time, Bo Ren grabbed Sakura and Sarana, and prepared to pull the mother and daughter into the dimension passage and return to Konoha Village.

  However, Sakura and Sarana did not move at all.

  "Dad! Are you all right?"

  I saw Sarana ran to Sasuke's side, crouching down to help Erzhuzi up from the ground.

  "Boren! Look at what you've done!"

  Xiao Ying even grabbed Bo Ren's collar and yelled directly at him.

  "Huh? Dad... Dad?"

  Hearing Zoryana's address to Erzhuzi, Bo Ren suddenly widened his eyes and opened his mouth in surprise.

  what's the situation?Is this sneaky one-armed man Sarana's father?

  ah? won't work!

  If that's the case, wouldn't he be in trouble!

  "Well, I'm fine."

  The next second, Sasuke finally stood up from the ground, feeling a dull pain in the back of his head.

  Erzhuzi was really stunned by the sudden sneak attack by the bloggers just now, so much so that there was a big bag on the back of his head.

  When he came back to his senses, Sasuke turned around immediately and looked at Bo Ren with black lines all over his head.

  With just one glance, Sasuke recognized Bo Ren's identity.

  Isn't this Nima the child of Naruto and Hinata?How did he get here?

  But the strength of this bear child is too TM!How many calcium tablets did Naruto feed him since he was a child!

  On a horse!I always feel that this batch of little bastards from Boren has been inexplicably strengthened a lot.

  And their group of older ninjas seem to have all been weakened!


  After a while, Sasuke sighed helplessly.

  Since this bear child is Naruto's cub, Sasuke has nothing to do with him.

  You can't beat him, and you can't scold him. At most, you can reprimand him for a while.

  Seeing Sasuke looking so embarrassed, Guo Huang couldn't help but burst out laughing.

  Sure enough, Erzhuzi still gave Naruto a bit of a thin face, and couldn't bear to teach the old son a lesson.


  (For flowers!!! For tickets!!!).

Chapter 191

  (I strongly recommend everyone to watch the pictures in this chapter! It’s the kind of special and warm picture! If you don’t feel moved after reading it, you can hit me!)


  A few minutes later, in the hall.

  Sasuke, Sakura, Sarana, and Boruto have already made it to the chair.

  Because of what Bo Ren said before, everyone in the hall would look at Sasuke with contempt from time to time.

  This made Sasuke's face very ugly, and he did not speak with a black face, while Boren felt particularly embarrassed.

  Zorana had explained everything to him just now, and he knew that he had misunderstood Sasuke.

  "Hug... I'm sorry, uncle, are you alright?"

  Bo Ren scratched his head while smiling awkwardly, and apologized to Sasuke insincerely.

  "What do you say?"

  Sasuke touched the big bag on the back of his head, but he didn't give Boren a good face.

  If it weren't for Naruto's face, he really wanted to hang up this arrogant child.

  "Sasuke, what would you like to eat?"

  It didn't take long for Itachi to walk to Erzhuzi's family of three with the menu, and put the menu on the table.

  "Just a few dishes, Nissan, sit down and eat with us too."

  Instead of opening the menu, Sasuke invited Itachi over for dinner.


  Itachi wanted to accept Sasuke's request, but it was still work time.

  Madara and Hasuma have already eaten with the guests. Wouldn't it be bad if he did the same?

  However, just when Itachi hesitated, Kuroko accidentally noticed the difficulty of Itachi.

  So Heizi hurried over and said, "Hee hee, it doesn't matter Brother Itachi, you can just catch up with your family, and leave the work to Heizi."

  As soon as the words fell, Kuroko hugged Itachi's arm directly, showing a foolish smile.

  For Heizi, the fewer people who will work later, the better, so that it is convenient for her to put medicine in food.

  To be honest, Kuroko's priority tonight was Itachi.

  After she planned to lure Mikoto or Itachi to drink the computer accessories, she took the opportunity to bow hard.

  But itachi's family came to the restaurant tonight, so itachi must spend the whole night with his family to catch up.

  As a result, Kuroko had no chance to let Itachi drink computer accessories, and she could only target Mikoto now.

  "Ah...ah, then please, Kuroko."

  Looking at Kuroko's lunatic expression, Itachi hurriedly pulled out his arm, the corners of his eyes twitched.

  Although he was very grateful for Kuroko's willingness to help, Kuroko's perverted smile made his scalp tingle.

  Seeing how close Kuroko and Itachi were so close, Sasuke's eyes widened instantly.

  what happened?Why is his cold Nissan so close to a little kid?Is this TM the rhythm of asking old cows to eat young grass?

  What a joke!His Nissan character is a younger brother!Not Lolicon!

  Not only Sasuke, but also Sakura and Sarana were stunned.

  It turns out that Erzhuzi's brother is such a person?It's unbelievable.

  Even Sakata Ginshi, who was sitting next door, couldn't help but complain: "It's too grassy! Is this guy really Itachi God? Could it be that I'm watching a fake Hokage?"

  "Small things, Brother Itachi, if you continue to tell the past, Heizi won't bother you anymore."

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