I hang you MD!I waited so hard for so long, but you actually told me that I was too tired?

  However, although both of them were very angry, there was nothing they could do about Guo Huang.

  Who let others be the boss and himself the employee?

  So, Itachi and Madara sighed helplessly and went to help Shisui and Obito to clean up the restaurant together.


  (For flowers!!! For tickets!!! For collection!!!).

Chapter 25


  In the early morning of the next day, the door of the Dimension Restaurant was gradually opened by Shishui and Obito.

  As soon as the door opened, the four of them started busy with their work.

  Itachi rubbed his eyes and stood behind the front desk waiting for the arrival of the guests.

  Madara crossed her chest with her arms, and walked to the door to stand guard with a cold face.

  On the other hand, Shisui and Obito walked out of the restaurant with a large pile of flyers, ready to go outside to distribute flyers.

  Since there are not many customers in the Dimension Restaurant at present, Obito doesn't need to deliver food now, and can help Zhishui to promote the restaurant in his spare time.

  "Stop the water, we will act separately."

  "Well, see you in the afternoon."

  After talking to each other, Shisui and Obito began to walk in different directions.

  As for the places to distribute the flyers, Shishui chose the overcrowded downtown blocks, while Obito chose schools and shopping malls in Academy City.

  At present, if you want guests to come to eat, you can only deposit your hope on the leaflets of Shishui and soil.

  Because the area where the Dimension Restaurant is located is very remote, there are basically few passers-by in this kind of area where birds don't shit.

  "Hmph, another boring day."

  After the two left, Madara looked up at the sky, feeling very bored.

  "It's also impossible. Who would let the restaurant open in such a place."

  Itachi counted the money in the cash register, sighed softly, and counted the yen in his hand carefully.

  After all, being idle is also idle, so it is better to find something to do for yourself to kill time.

  At the same time, in the room on the second floor, Guo Huang was lying on the bed and sleeping soundly.

  Because he was really busy last night, Guo Huang has not been able to get up until now.

  And itachi, Madara, Obito, and Shishui didn't even think about calling Guo Huang to get up.

  Anyway, there wasn't even a single customer in the restaurant. Even if Guo Huang got up, he would have nothing to do. It might be better to let him sleep for a while.


  At the same time, in a small alley in the academy city.

  Accelerator was standing on the roof with a playful face, holding a bloodstained arm in his hand.

  Below him, there was a girl exactly like Misaka Mikoto, staring blankly at Accelerator.

  That's right, this girl is the clone of Misaka Mikoto, that is, Misaka's sister.

  At this time, Sister Misaka was wearing military night vision goggles and holding a revolver.

  It is worth noting that one of her arms has been broken, and the wound is bleeding continuously.

  Obviously, Miss Misaka and Accelerator are carrying out an experiment in the evolution of absolute abilities.

  I saw Miss Misaka raised her only remaining arm and fired several shots at Accelerator.

  But her bullets were deflected by Accelerator's reflexes, and instead hit her in the head.

  Afterwards, Sister Misaka fell to the ground and lost her breath of life.

  "Come on, it's really boring."

  Accelerator looked at Misaka's sister who was lying on the ground with a contemptuous look.

  The Misaka sister in front of her was the eighth thousandth Accelerator killed.

  According to the researchers, as long as he kills another 6 Misaka sisters, he can become an unprecedented Level [-] absolute ability.

  At the very beginning, Accelerator's attitude was still reluctant, he didn't have the special hobby of being a cold-blooded murderer.

  But the researchers told him that Sister Misaka was just a clone bred with cheap nutrition and protein.

  It is a toy that can be cloned for only [-] yen without any human emotion.

  In addition, Accelerator really wanted to become stronger, so he was slowly persuaded by this group of inhuman researchers and began to slaughter Sister Misaka.

  After a long period of massacre, Accelerator's attitude has gradually changed from initial reluctance to numbness.

  He believed what the researchers said, and regarded Sister Misaka as a toy that could be tortured and killed at will.

  Because in the process of Accelerator's killing, none of Miss Misaka showed a painful expression.

  Like a robot, it never shows fear or runs away.

  So Accelerator let go of all concerns, and from then on, he killed these Misaka sisters at will.

  Every day, he kills at least three Misaka sisters.

  "Alas, how long is this boring life going to end?"

  At this time, Accelerator sighed wearily and prepared to leave this alley.

  The dead Misaka sister does not need him to deal with, and the rest of the Misaka sisters will come to recover the body.

  However, just as Accelerator was about to leave the alley, a man suddenly rushed towards him from the other side of the roof.

  This person was wearing an Xiao organization costume and an orange mask on his face, and it was Obito who rushed to the mall to distribute leaflets.

  In order to hurry, Obito deliberately found a shortcut and set off from the roof.

  After discovering Accelerator, Obito was a little puzzled, why is there still someone on the roof?And the other party looks like a young kid.

  Going up on the roof by himself is to hurry, what is this bear kid thinking?

  However, as Obito got closer and closer to Accelerator, his eyes gradually became serious.

  Because Obito smelled a faint fishy smell nearby.

  As an intuitive ninja, Obito immediately sensed the smell of blood.

  So, Obito subconsciously turned on Sangou Yu's writing wheel and looked at Accelerator.

  After observation, Obito quickly discovered the amputated limb in Accelerator's hand, and he was surprised.

  What the hell!Are all the bear children so fierce now?

  How dare you kill someone in broad daylight?Did you amputate your limbs afterwards? ? ?

  However, while Obito was observing Accelerator, the other party was also looking at Obito carefully.

  After seeing the writing wheel eyes in Obito's eye sockets, Accelerator's pupils shrank suddenly.

  It was this eye, exactly the same as Madara who defeated him before.

  This means that Obito and Madara must be the same group.

  After realizing this, Accelerator's anger immediately soared to the extreme.


  (For flowers!!! For tickets!!! For collection!!! Also, do you want Guo Huang to save Sister Misaka? Do you want to write this story?).

Chapter 26


  "It's the eyes!"

  Accelerator stared at Obito's Shaker, showing extremely angry eyes.

  It was this eye that he would never admit wrong.

  The bastard who beat him yesterday had eyes like this in his eye sockets.

  At this time, Obito immediately noticed the change in Accelerator's expression.

  what happened?What's up with this dead white hair in front of you?

  Why did you suddenly become so angry?You don't seem to have provoked this bear child, do you?

  So, Obito stopped and planned to wait and see what Accelerator wanted to do.

  And while staying, Obito also used the corner of his eye to observe the surroundings.

  After careful observation, Obito finally found Miss Misaka lying in the alley.

  At this time, Miss Misaka had a blood hole on her forehead and one arm was missing, and she had long since turned into a cold corpse.

  Obito frowned immediately after seeing Misaka's sister's body.It seems that he guessed right, this kid really did kill.

  "Hey, are you the same as yesterday's bastard who came to trouble the uncle Ben?"

  I saw Accelerator staring at Obito fiercely, his eyes filled with endless murderous intent.

  Thinking back on what happened yesterday, Accelerator couldn't contain his anger.

  I believe that as long as Obito dares to say something that doesn't go his way, he will attack Obito without hesitation.

  After listening to Accelerator's words, Obito's face was filled with confusion.

  Yesterday's next three abuse?Looking for trouble?What is this TM all about?Why can't I understand a word?

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