Because he doesn't even know what to say!Can't find a common thread at all!

  So the two of them sat on the chairs awkwardly, and neither of them was the first to break the silence.

  In other words, both of them are waiting for the other to speak to break the silence, and it depends on who loses his temper first.


  (Brothers! The recent results are really dismal! Subscriptions have been dropping! Please support the author with some free flowers and tickets!).

Chapter 249


  In the Dimension Restaurant, Big Bear's chaotic camera fell on the floor and hit the shutter button, accidentally photographing Rem.

  After being photographed by the camera, Rem suddenly shrank his pupils and his expression froze.

  Then, the effect of the Chaos Camera takes effect immediately.

  Rem's forehead slowly grew a horn, and the whole person became manic.

  That's right, Rem at this time, like Sasuke just now, has completely lost his mind, and gradually became violent and mad.

  "Oops! The bear is leaving!"

  Doraemon decisively dragged the big bear and pulled the big bear to hide in the distance.

  "Sure enough, it was you who did it!"

  After Boren witnessed the whole process, he finally understood.

  There is no doubt that Sasuke's madness before, including Rem's current rage, must be caused by the big bear.

  But how exactly did they do it?Could it be the camera?

  Thinking of this, the blogger picked up the messy camera on the ground and fiddled with it curiously.

  "Rem? Are you alright!"

  At this time, Ram inadvertently observed the situation on Rem's side.

  Realizing that something was wrong with Rem, Ram immediately ran over.

  "Sister...Sister, leave quickly and don't come near me."

  Rem hugged her head in pain, trying to maintain her last sanity and pushed Ram away.

  Then, Rem exploded completely.

  She took out the chain meteor hammer directly from the bottom of her skirt and started attacking everyone in the hall indiscriminately.

  "Ah! You witch believers! Die for me!"

  I saw Rem smashed Tony with a hammer, mistaking everyone for witch cultists.

  "Walter Law?"

  Tony stared at Rem with a bewildered expression, completely unresponsive.

  Fortunately, Thanos blocked Tony in time and slapped the hammer back.

  "What the hell is going on! Why is it crazy again?"

  Sakata Ginto hurriedly hid behind Kadoya Shi and Endaigu, and cautiously put his head out and glanced at Rem.

  "Rem! What's wrong with you!"

  Ram stared at Rem with wide eyes, showing an expression of disbelief. She couldn't understand why Rem suddenly fell into a rage?

  When he came back to his senses, Ram immediately rushed towards Rem.

  Aware of Ram's movement, Hawkeye Mihawk immediately grabbed the opponent's shoulder and stopped her in time.

  "Don't act rashly, this child has lost his mind and can't recognize you."

  Hawkeye Mihawk patiently explained to Ram, but Ram didn't listen at all and wanted to find Rem.

  "Thousands of birds!"

  At this moment, Sasuke suddenly formed a seal with one hand, releasing a strong current that covered the entire hall.

  Hawk-Eyed Mihawk instantly picked up Ram and took her away from the current.

  But the electric current did not disappear, but spread to Kadoyaji and Endaigu along the floor.

  "Damn it! It's too late to transform!"

  The speed of the current was so fast that Menya and Yuandagu couldn't transform in time.

  If they are hit by the electric current, then their fate must be miserable.

  "Kill Dad to death! (Help) Who will help to block it!"

  Sakata Gintoki, who was hiding behind the two, trembled in fright and screamed at the top of his voice.

  joke!If you are hit by this current, you will definitely die!

  At a critical moment, Esdes resolutely created an ice wall to block the flow of lightning.


  Sakata Gintoki breathed a sigh of relief like the rest of his life, and cast a grateful look at Esdes.

  Seeing that his Chidori-ryu was blocked, Sasuke became even more irritable. He directly turned on Susanohu and launched an even more frantic attack.

  "Mr. Yinshi, the next thing is not something you can handle. Find a place to hide."

  Yuan Dagu took out the divine light stick from his arms, and the whole person turned into a light, and transformed into a reduced version of Tiga and appeared in the hall.

  "Very thin."

  Kamen Rider! Decade!

  Kaoru also took out the driver and put it on his waist, and turned into an imperial knight with the cool sound effects.

  "Of course I know I can't handle it! It's up to you to say that!"

  Sakata Yinshi hid in the corner without hesitation and came to the vicinity of Guiwu y Wumisian.

  Gongshui Sanye also followed, hiding behind Ah Yin and shivering.

  "Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

  Saitama glanced at Mitsuha Miyazaki behind him and smiled at her.

  Sanye invited the bald head to eat so many times, and the bald head would definitely give priority to ensuring the safety of Sanye.

  "What's wrong with these two guys?"

  Vegeta frowned as she stared at Sasuke and Rem who were in a frenzy.

  "Oh! It's amazing, what exactly is that blue skeleton?"

  Luffy shouted heartlessly while biting the jerky in his hand.

  "Captain idiot! You know what to eat! Hurry up and hide!"

  Zoro and Sanji forcibly dragged him to fly, and hid in the corner with Nami and Robin, and did not intend to participate in this mess at all.

  "Hmph, anyway, let's subdue the two of them first."

  Madara opened his Samsara eyes and walked slowly towards Sasuke and Rem.

  Since Guo Huang is not in the restaurant, as the security captain of the Dimension Restaurant, Madam Ban must come forward.

  Moreover, subduing Sasuke and Rem is not difficult for Madara.


  Hashirama turned on the immortal mode and followed behind Madam Madara.

  "You don't have to shoot, just leave it to me."

  Madara looked at the guests who were about to try, and waved at them, saying that he didn't need help.

  "Ah, then leave it to your Excellency."

  Esdes nodded and stood with his arms crossed, ready to watch the play.

  The same is true of the rest of the guests. Obviously, everyone trusts Madam Madara's strength.

  "Damn it! I've had enough! What are you arguing about this time! Don't let this uncle rest!"

  At this time, Accelerator suddenly pushed open the door, and let out a roar with a displeased face.

  Yes, tragically, he was awakened again by the movement outside the door.

  Hearing Accelerator's roar, everyone was attracted and turned to look at Accelerator.

  Good guy, is this kid getting up so badly?

  Looking at the thick dark circles under the eyes, how long has it been since you slept peacefully?

  However, just as everyone was observing Accelerator, something unexpected happened.

  "It's so strange, isn't this (Wang Hao) just an ordinary camera? How on earth does it make others lose their minds?"

  I saw that around the toilet, Bo Ren was holding a camera, showing a puzzled expression.

  He suspected that it was the camera that made Sasuke and Rem into a rage, but he couldn't figure out the reason.

  So the curiosity of the blogger as a bear child broke out on the spot, and began to fiddle with the camera in his hand.

  "Hey! Don't touch that thing!"

  After Doraemon saw this scene, he hurried over to stop the blogger, wanting to quickly retake the Chaos Camera so as not to cause trouble.

  It's a pity that Fatty Lan was still a step too late, because the blogger had already pressed the shutter button of the Chaos Camera.

  The next second, the camera's camera flashed brightly, capturing many people in the hall.

  These include Esdes, Thanos, Luffy, Nezuko, Goku, Saitama, Kazuya Shi, Accelerator, and Hashirama.


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