But Mitsuha's mayor's father is a stubborn old man, and she doesn't think she can successfully convince her father.

  But now that the comet has come, she can only go to her father to explain the situation with the mentality of giving it a try.

  However, when Mitsuha Gongshui was running hard, because she was running too fast, she suddenly tripped over a step.


  Gongshui Sanye fell hard from the downhill road and hit his leg.

  Her legs were bleeding profusely, and her thin body was covered in bruises.


  After a long time, she looked at the three words on her palm.

  That liking you gave her the strength to get back on her feet.

  So Mitsuha Gongshui stubbornly stood firm and prepared to move forward again.

  But her leg was so badly injured that she couldn't run fast.

  At this speed, it is difficult for her to get to the mayor's office in time.

  "Who's... who's gonna help me, who's gonna save this town?"

  Mitsuha Gongshui was in tears, and her expression was very painful.

  Just when she didn't know what to do, the dimensional phone in her pocket suddenly rang.

  "Reminder: It is now eight o'clock in the evening, you can open the dimension channel at any time and go to the restaurant for dinner."


  (Brothers, do you want to accept Mitsuha Gongshui? If you do, you will have to dismantle her Taki, and it is up to you to decide).

Chapter 334

  (The pictures in this chapter are very cute)


  At eight o'clock in the evening, Rem had already taken Riven to take a bath.

  Soon, the dimension channel appeared in the center of the hall on time.

  Guo Huang walked out of the kitchen and came to the hall.

  Just now he agreed to the system's proposal and was going to hold the Big Stomach King competition.

  "Mikoto, take everyone to the kitchen and bring out all the dishes in the kitchen."

  Guo Huang patted Mikoto on the shoulder and asked her to go to the kitchen to serve dishes.

  "Cut, you will call me from day to night."

  Mikoto slapped Guo Huang's palm away, pouted and walked towards the kitchen.

  Obviously, Mikoto was still angry with Guo Huang at this time, but she looked really cute when she was angry.

  Looking at the angry Meiqin, Guo Huang was immediately stunned.

  Who is it that you are so accustomed to stinking, that you dare to be angry with Lao Tzu all day long?

  Just wait and see, I won't let you dry and bloom tonight!

  After Mikoto left, the others followed Guo Huang's orders and followed.

  "Well, let's wait for everyone to come."

  Guo Huang sat on the chair and waited quietly for the old customer to come to the door.

  This time, the Big Stomach King competition is held, and the champion can get system rewards.

  And the reward of the system can be said to be very rich, it turned out to be a wish to satisfy the champion.

  Yes, you heard that right, it is the fulfillment of a wish.

  No matter what you want, as long as you win the championship, the system will satisfy you.

  If it wasn't for Guo Huang's lack of appetite, even he would want to participate in this game.

  "Good evening, boss."

  At this time, the Dimension Restaurant finally welcomed its first guest, Saitama.

  After Saitama came to the hall, he began to look around for Mitsuha Miyamizu.

  Seeing that Mitsuha Mitsuha didn't come, Saitama sat on a chair and waited for the other party to come.

  No way, as a pauper, Saitama has no money to order food at all.

  The dishes he ordered before were paid by Mitsuha Gongshui.

  Saitama didn't wait too long, and soon Mitsuha Gongshui walked out of the dimension passage and arrived at the restaurant.

  "Sanye, why are you injured?"

  Careful Saitama immediately noticed Mitsuha Mitsuha's injury and the tears in the eyes of the other party.

  "Big Brother Saitama, please... please save everyone.ˇ!"

  Mitsuha Mitsuha came up and grabbed Saitama's arm, then knelt down directly to Saitama.

  "Hey, calm down first, what's going on?"

  Saitama hurriedly helped Mitsuha Miyamizu, completely confused about the situation.

  Seeing Gongshui Sanye's desperate appearance, Guo Huang instantly guessed the whole story.

  So Guo Huang immediately asked, "Is the meteorite about to fall?"


  Gongshui Sanye nodded while crying, with a very worried expression.

  She didn't know whether she could successfully persuade her father, so she went directly to the restaurant to ask for help.

  "If the meteorite hits Shishouzhen, everyone will die."

  Gongshui Sanye sobbed helplessly, she couldn't even imagine the scene of the meteor falling down.

  "Don't worry, I won't stand idly by."

  Saitama put his hand on Mitsuha Miyamizu's shoulder, made a promise to the other party, and tried his best to appease the other party's emotions.

  That's right, he, Saitama, helped with this task.

  After all, Gongshui Sanye had already invited him to eat so many dishes, so he could just take this opportunity to repay the other party.

  "Mr. Saitama, if you want to go to Mitsuha's world, you must start plane travel. Do you have enough money?"

  Just when Saitama's enthusiasm was high, Guo Huang suddenly poured him a basin of cold water.

  "Uh, no."

  Hearing this, Saitama was immediately embarrassed.

  Because he really didn't have so much money, he could only count on Gongshui Sanye.

  "I... neither did I."

  Gongshui Sanye also shook his head, his face became ugly.

  Starting a plane trip requires paying Guo Huang [-] million in cash, even if she has more pocket money, she will not be able to collect enough money!

  "I beg you... I beg you, boss! Please let Brother Saitama come with me!"

  Out of desperation, Gongshui Sanye could only cry and beg Guo Huang.

  Looking at Gong Shui Sanye crying, Guo Huang lit a cigarette with a very embarrassed expression.

  Although Guo Huang also wanted to help Gongshui Sanye, this was a rule set by the system, and he couldn't help it.

  Unless he is willing to pay out of his own pocket, this can help Gongshui Miye.

  "Please boss! I will work hard to make money to repay in the future! Please save everyone!"

  At this time, Gong Shui Sanye actually knelt down and kowtowed to Guo Huang.

  It can be seen that she must be in a hurry at this time.

  If Guo Huang is unwilling to help her, then the Shouzhen will be finished.

  "Hush, huh."

  Guo Huang exhaled a puff of smoke, and finally relented.

  After all, Mitsuha Gongshui is also a regular customer of the restaurant, so it would be inappropriate for him to die.

  So Guo Huang walked slowly to Gong Shui Sanye and put his hand on the other's head.

  "Just this time, don't tell other guests."

  Guo Huang gently stroked Gong Shui Sanye's head and agreed to the other's request.

  Gong Shui Sanye looked up at Guo Huang, feeling a little unreal. I didn't expect Guo Huang to be really willing to help her?

  "Thank you, thank you, boss!"

  After reacting, Gong Shui Sanye threw himself directly into Guo Huang's arms.

  While thanking Guo Huang, she cried aloud.

  "Alright, alright, let's go. You can go back to Shishou Town if you enter the dimensional channel again. You must save everyone."

  Guo Huang continued to kill Gong Shui Sanye to appease the other party's emotions.

  Then he snapped his fingers and modified the coordinates of the dimension channel.


  Gong Shui Sanye nodded towards Guo Huang, showing a firm gaze.

  "Then let's go, boss."

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