But the problem is, Vegeta and the others have already reached their limit, and they can't hold it any longer.

  No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't eat much food.

  According to this progress, it is only a matter of time before they are overtaken by the Four Laughing Heroes.

  "I can't, I can't, I can't eat any more."

  At this time, Obito collapsed on the table, his belly swollen.

  "Sorry, Madam Ban, I've reached my limit too."

  Itachi and Sasuke also covered their stomachs, their stomachs were bloated.

  The two brothers are not like Madara and Obito, who have the power of the six realms to protect their bodies.

  If they continue to eat, they will definitely rupture the stomach lining.

  "¨'It doesn't matter, the rest... leave it to me."

  Madam Ban is sloppy, and has been tormented by the pain.

  But with tenacious willpower, he persevered.

  At present, Vegeta's team has eaten more than [-] dishes, while the Four Crazy Laughter has eaten more than [-] dishes.

  As long as Madara eats more than [-] dishes, he will surpass Vegeta's team.

  "Ahhh! Hash Lama!"

  Suddenly, Madam Madara shouted the name of the column in his throat.

  As if shouting this sentence, he can gain endless motivation.

  In this game, no matter what, Banye will win.

  He not only wants to win the championship, but also makes Hasama regret not joining his team.

  Thinking of this, Madam Ban acted again, put his face on the plate again, and continued to gobble.

  However, want to eat (Li Haohao) three hundred plates in five minutes?is it possible?That must be impossible!

  But Madam Ban today has to make the impossible possible!He still has a trick he didn't use!

  "Round Grave Border Prison!"

  I saw Madam Ban activate the ability of Samsara Eye, and then summoned four transparent clones, desperately eating.

  However, the four clones are all in a state of support, and they will feel pain when they eat.

  And when Madam Ban removes the tomb border prison, all the pains suffered by the clone will be returned to Madam Ban.

  "The horse...the motor is..."

  Hasashima showed disbelief, and stared at Madame Madara with wide eyes.

  Madara's strength with Saburo's desperate efforts has completely terrified Hasuma.

  Looking at Madam Madara's painful expression, Da Zhuzi felt particularly distressed, but he was also terrified.

  After the game is over, his end will definitely be miserable, and it is estimated that Madam Ban will definitely teach him a lesson.


  (Guys! Have you guessed who will win?).

Chapter 344


  At present, only Vegeta's team and Uchiha Laughing Four are still holding on, and the rest all leave the stage.

  The game fell into a five-minute countdown, and everyone launched a final sprint.

  It's a pity that Vegeta's team has already eaten up, and no matter how hard they try, they won't be able to eat too much food.

  Their current results are more than [-] dishes, while the Four Crazy Laughing Heroes have more than [-] dishes.

  As long as Banye can eat more than [-] dishes in five minutes, the final winner will be the Four Laughing Heroes.

  In order to win the championship, Madam Ban directly activated the Tomb of the Tomb and turned into four transparent clones to devour them together.

  "Hiccup, I really can't eat any more."

  Gui Wuyue put down the plate in his hand and almost spit it out.

  "I...I also..."

  Thor also lay on the chair, expressing powerlessness.

  Not to mention them, even Vegeta, the Saiyan prince, was overwhelmed.

  "Damn, am I going to lose to those pink-eyed people?"

  Vegeta showed unwilling eyes and turned to look at the four heroes of wild laughter.

  At this moment, Obito, Sasuke, and Itachi have already fallen, and only Madara is still holding on.

  I saw Mr. Ban's whole face lying on the plate, sweeping the dishes on the plate like a storm.

  In pursuit of speed, he even gave up chewing and devoured it directly.

  Seeing Banye's eating like this, the corners of everyone's eyes couldn't help twitching.

  Sasuke and Itachi also felt super ashamed. Just now, their brothers also ate according to Madara's way of eating.

  "What's the matter? Why is he eating so fast?"

  At this time, Vegeta suddenly realized something was wrong.

  Because the dishes around Mr. Ban are disappearing out of thin air, that is Mr. Ban's clone helping him eat.

  Because the clone summoned from the Tomb of Wheels is transparent, it cannot be seen by the naked eye.

  So those dishes that were eaten by the clones disappeared out of thin air in everyone's eyes.

  After realizing this, Vegeta was instantly stunned.

  What's up with this TM?Banye should not be hanging up!

  "Boss, look at that guy! Did he cheat?"

  Under extreme doubt, Vegeta immediately asked Guo Huang in the corner.

  At this time, Guo Huang was having a pleasant conversation with Xiazhiqiu, and the two chatted for more than two hours.

  It seems that there are endless common topics to talk about, which makes the two sides have a great time chatting.

  "Someone seems to be calling you over there, boss."

  Xia Zhiqiang heard Vegeta's shout, so he reminded Guo Huang.

  "Well, I see."

  Guo Huang smiled at Xiazhiqiu, turned and walked towards the center of the hall.

  Looking at the back of Guo Huang's departure, Xia Zhiqiu felt a little reluctant in his heart.

  Because of the process of chatting with Guo Huang, she had a long-lost sense of relaxation.

  If possible, she would like to have a long talk with Guo Huang all night, it seems that she can only wait for the next time.

  "Boss, look at what's going on over there, Mr. Ban?"

  Finding that Guo Huang was coming, Tony hurriedly pointed in the direction of Mr. Ban.

  When Guo Huang saw the food of Banye's animal, he was taken aback.

  "Fuck! This way of eating is too shameless, isn't it?"

  When he came back to his senses, Guo Huang couldn't help but utter a foul language.

  I didn't expect Banye to make it like this in order to win the championship?

  However, Guo Huang also noticed one thing, that is, the four transparent clones next to Banye.

  As long as he is in the Dimension Restaurant, Guo Huang is omnipotent, and Banye cannot escape from his eyes.

  In the eyes of others, cooking disappeared out of thin air, while in Guo Huang's eyes, cooking was eaten by clones.

  After the efforts of Madara and the clone, the number of empty plates that were eaten kept increasing.

  At this rate, Madara will be able to overtake Vegeta's team in no time.

  "Quickly disqualify him, he must be cheating!"

  Seeing that Banye was about to overtake him, Vegeta immediately signaled Guo Huang to disqualify Banye.

  But Guo Huang shook his head, he had his own judgment.

  "No, Madam Ban didn't cheat, he just summoned four transparent clones to eat with him."

  "This is a method of his own, and the rules do not say that avatars are prohibited from participating in the competition, so this is not cheating."

  Guo Huang explained it to everyone, but did not disqualify Banye.

  There is no way, as the owner of the restaurant, Guo Huang will definitely turn towards Banye!

  Besides, the rules do not say that clones are prohibited from participating in the competition. If others have such tricks, they can use them.


  After listening to Guo Huang's explanation, Vegeta's eyes widened and she was stunned on the spot.

  Doesn't that count as cheating?Also TM can play like this!

  However, just when Vegeta was stunned, the phone at the front desk finally rang.

  This is the sound of the countdown reaching zero, which means the game is over.

  "Okay, the game is over, don't eat it."

  With Guo Huang's order, Vegeta's team stopped eating.


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