Faced with this situation, Hakuma became even more anxious.

  If he can't gain everyone's trust, he can't seek Guo Huang's help.

  He must produce strong evidence to prove to everyone that he is Hakuma.

  In this way, Guo Huang will come forward to help and find a way to help him restore his manhood.

  So Hasuma immediately burst out his chakra and entered the fairy mode.

  Immortal lines appeared on his forehead, and the familiar Chakra filled the entire hall.

  Perceiving this chakra, Madara's pupils shrank instantly.

  That's right, this is Chakra between the columns!

  He, who has been entangled with the pillars for a lifetime, will never mistake Chakra of the big pillars.

  After realizing this, Madam Ban was instantly desperate.

  "How... how is it possible? How could this be?"

  Madam Ban subconsciously took two steps back, his eyes full of disbelief.

  At this time, he had already lost his former arrogance.

  Not only was his expression twisted, but his legs were shaking uncontrollably.

  He made a wish to the system and wanted to find a woman as a partner, but the system turned out to be a mother-in-law directly?

  This result was unacceptable to Mr. Ban no matter what.

  "Original...So this beauty is really big brother Hasuma?"

  Shishui judged the identity of the column based on Madam's reaction, including everyone.

  Afterwards, everyone cast a sympathetic look at Madame Madara.

  In order to find a satisfactory object, Banye has worked hard to this extent.

  But what he had to face in the end turned out to be the mother-in-law version of Yuma.

  I have to say, this is simply too sad.

  It is estimated that Banye now even has the heart to die, otherwise he would not show that expression.

  "Impossible, it's impossible. Don't think you can fool me by imitating the chakra of Hash Lama."

  At this time, Madam Ban covered his face and stared fiercely at Yuma.

  He was greatly stimulated by the motherhood of the pillars, which caused him to subconsciously open the writing wheel, and the eye sockets were full of bloodshots.

  Obviously, Banye has been stimulated a little bit out of his mind.

  "Damn it, Hash Lama! Get me out!"

  After a long time, Madam Madara roared and looked around for the figure of the pillar.

  He kept telling himself that the beauty in front of him was not Hashima, and deceived himself.

  "Don't yell, Madara, I'm really Hakuma."

  Hasuma stepped forward, trying to comfort Madara.

  "Husaki Luna! (What a joke) How can you make me believe this kind of thing?"

  Madam Ban pushed aside the column, and his mental state was very unstable.

  In order to convince Banye, Hashima began to prove his identity again, and madly violated Banye's minefield.

  Hasuma: "I have a secret."

  Madam Ban: "Shut up! I don't want to hear it!"

  Hasuma: "A secret that only you and I know."

  Madam: "Stop talking..."

  Hasuma: "If someone is standing behind you, you won't be able to pee!"

  Banye: "Dah le! I told you to stop talking!"

  After passing through the minefield between the pillars, Madam Madara roared at once.

  He threw his fists up and gave Hashima an uppercut.


  Before Hasakuma could react, Madara hit him in the jaw.

  His whole body spiraled into the sky in an instant and hit the ceiling.

  "Ahhh! Hash Lama!!!"

  After doing all this, Madam Madara hugged his head, turned and ran back to his room.

  Now, Madam Ban, you need to calm down by yourself.

  "what happened to him?"

  Thor looked at Madam Madara's leaving back with a puzzled expression on his face.

  "Then there is no need to ask, it must be stimulated."

  Guo Huang gently pushed Thor away from his arms and sighed.

  To be honest, this time even Guo Huang began to feel sorry for Mr. Ban.

  "It's really pitiful, my sister can't stand it anymore."

  Ah Li looked towards Banye's room and was very sympathetic to Banye's experience.

  "Why don't we go and comfort Madam Ban?"

  At this time, the kind-hearted Mikoto expressed her opinion and wanted everyone to comfort Madara together.

  Because Ye Ban's expression just now was so scary, she was worried that there would be a problem with Ban Ye's spirit.

  Accelerator next to him, and Obito and Itachi also thought the same.

  Don't look at everyone's relationship with Banye on weekdays, in fact, they all care about Banye very much.

  "No need, just clean up here and go to sleep."

  Guo Huang rejected Mikoto's proposal, and then ordered everyone to go to work.

  Because what Banye needs most now is not comfort, but quietness, so let him be alone.

  Even if he is left alone, Madam Ban's spirit will not be a problem, at most it will be stimulated a little.

  As a hero of the Naruto world, Banye's spirit is still very strong.

  The bell still needs to be tied. After Madara calms down tomorrow, let him have a good talk with Hasuma.

  It really doesn't work, it's not too late for everyone to persuade Madam Ban.

  "Rem, go and deliver some bottles of Birdie Vodka to Madam Ban, I'm going to rest."

  Guo Huang lit a cigarette and left the hall without looking back.

  Before leaving, he specifically asked Rem to take care of Madam Madara.

  Presumably after drinking Birdie Vodka, Madam Banya should feel much better.


  (I’m so sorry guys! I went out of town with my friends last night, and I just got home now! I’m back late!)

  (In addition, the next chapter is about to accept a woman, I guess you have guessed who it is?).

Chapter 350


  At half past twelve in the morning, Sasuke and Thor had already left the restaurant.

  Madara hid in the room and calmed down alone for a long time.

  During this period, Rem gave Banye a few bottles of Birdie Vodka.

  But this time, Banye felt a little more comfortable and stimulated, even drinking Birdie Vodka would not help.

  As the saying goes, the person who unlocks the bell must also be tied to the bell.

  Wait until tomorrow, let Hasuma go to Madam-san and have a good talk.

  As for Guo Huang, he is currently hiding in his room to rest.

  However, he was a little angry tonight, and he couldn't sleep no matter how he slept.

  Although Queen Bee Eater slept with him beside the bed, Guo Huang would not touch each other.

  Because his relationship with Shokuhou hasn't developed that far yet.

  I had no choice but to find Mikoto.

  So Guo Huang slowly got out of bed, preparing to leave the room quietly.

  However, just as Guo Huang was about to leave, Shokuhou suddenly opened his eyes.

  Just like Guo Huang, she didn't sleep at all.

  "Master, are you leaving again tonight? Occasionally... accompany me too."

  Shokuhou looked at Guo Huang's back, his tone a little lost.

  Of course she knew what Guo Huang was going to do, and she definitely wanted to find Mikoto.

  "Sorry, go to sleep first, and I'll accompany you tomorrow."

  Guo Huang turned his head and smiled at Shokuhou, his expression slightly embarrassed.

  Originally, he wanted to sneak out, but Shokuhou found out.


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