After the bumps along the way, he was finally dazed by the soil.

  However, the direction in which he vomited happened to be aimed at the gluttonous bishop on the ground.

  "Where are you spitting, stinky boy! It's disgusting!"

  Bishop Gluttony was stunned in place, and was vomited all over his body by Accelerator in an instant.

  The vomit gave off an unpleasant odor, and the gluttonous bishop hurriedly pinched his nose.

  Regulus next to him was also stunned. He didn't expect such a dramatic scene to happen.

  "Little devil, what did you eat this morning? It smells too bad."

  Obito also pinched his nose and cast a disgusting look at Accelerator.

  Obviously, Brother Tu was also disgusted enough.

  "Stop chattering! It's not all your fault!"

  Accelerator hugged his head, his stomach felt as uncomfortable as the river was overturned.

  "Hey! I'm talking to you, brat! Can't you hear me?"

  At this time, Bishop Gluttony raised his head, opened his mouth wide and let out a roar.

  But more coincidentally, Accelerator happened to feel it again, and immediately vomited the second wave.

  "I vomit! Ku... Kulusi, vomit!!!"

  Accelerator spewed out a large pool of vomit again, all of which went into Bishop Gluttony's mouth.

  There was really not a drop left, it was all vomited in.

  No way, after all, how big the mouth of Bishop Gluttony really is.

  "Ah! This is too disgusting."

  Guo Huang turned his head away, not wanting to see the scene in front of him at all.

  Itachi and Shisui also turned their heads and were disgusted by the gluttonous teacher.

  If they had seen that scene, they would have been so disgusted that they would not be able to eat for days.


  Bishop Gluttony grabbed his neck and immediately widened his eyes.

  Because he was yelling just now, all the vomit flowed down his throat.

  After swallowing the vomit, Bishop Gluttony immediately turned ashen, and his expression was as ugly as eating shit.

  When he came back to his senses, he immediately became angry.

  Being humiliated for no reason, he must kill Accelerator to vent his hatred.

  "Go to hell! You son of a bitch!"

  After making up his mind, Bishop Gluttony glared at Accelerator viciously and launched a charge.

  Seeing that the gluttonous bishop dared to take the initiative to find fault, Guo Huang's temper also came up, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  I can't find a reason to beat you when I was worried, but you sent it to the door yourself instead?

  Then don't blame me for being rude!This TM is what you asked for!

  So Guo Huang said without hesitation: "Master Ban! Call me!"

  Hearing Guo Huang's order, Madam Ban's eyes instantly became sharp.

  He decisively jumped to Bishop Gluttony and slapped him in the face.


  The gluttonous bishop was knocked to the ground by Banye, and even the fangs in his mouth were blown away.

  "Don't be idle, hurry up and beat him together!"

  Guo Huang pushed Shishui and Obito forward, signaling the two to hurry up as well.

  "What? Boss, do you have a grudge against this little dwarf?"

  Obito looked at Guo Huang with some doubts, wondering why Guo Huang wanted to beat the bishop of gluttony so much.

  "Don't worry about it so much, in short, it's over to flatten him!"

  Guo Huang didn't answer Obito's question, he just stepped up and kicked Bishop Gluttony's ass.

  To be fair, he has long wanted to smash the gluttonous bishop.

  When Guo Huang watched the second season of Zero Zero, he originally watched it with the attitude of admiring Rem.

  As a result, Rem was in a coma because the pen swallowed Rem's memory.

  It has been hidden in the snow until the end of the second season, and there are not many scenes in TM!It made everyone look lonely! So this evil pen is a crime that deserves death!

  Thinking of this, Guo Huang no longer holds back.

  He rolled up his sleeves and stepped forward, and in the past it was a slap in the face.

  Bishop Gluttony was beaten until his nose was blue and his face was swollen, and his head was buzzing with melon seeds.

  Even Guo Huang is so hilarious, can Obito and Zhishui hide and watch?Certainly not!

  So everyone followed Guo Huang's footsteps and began to gluttonously eat the bishop.

  Apart from Itachi and Accelerator, one of them was monitoring Regulus, and the other was squatting on the ground and vomiting.

  "Hit me! Hit me hard! I won't stop until I stop! Hit me to the death!"

  Guo Huang kept raising his feet and kicked the gluttonous bishop who was lying on the ground, obviously beating up hard.

  He must act for heaven today!Beat up this disgusting thing for Rem fans!

  "Aah! Stop fighting! What are you still doing? Help me!"

  Bishop Gluttony curled up, shouting at his throat, continuing to make a miserable cry.

  In the face of Guo Huang and Banye's madness, he had no room to fight back, so he could only ask for help from Regulus next to him.

  This time, Regulus finally couldn't stand idly by.

  If Guo Huang is not stopped, the Bishop of Gluttony is afraid that he will not be beaten to death!

  So Regulus immediately activated his powers and prepared to attack Guo Huang.

  At this moment, Itachi suddenly blocked in front of Regulus, and then turned on the kaleidoscope.

  "Why...why am I afraid? What are these eyes?"

  Regulus observed Itachi's writing wheel eyes, and his whole body trembled with chills.

  "From the moment you meet these eyes, your end is doomed."

  Itachi said these words indifferently, and decisively launched the illusion.

  "There is rice in the dead. (Monthly Reading)"


  Regulus's pupils shrank when he was struck by Itachi's Yueyue.

  In the illusion world, his body was tied to a cross and was being stabbed by Itachi.


  The next second, Regulus returned to reality with a face full of fear, and looked at Itachi with a nervous breakdown.

  Although only a second had passed in reality, he had been tortured by Itachi for two whole days in the illusion world.

  Being tortured like this, it would be nice if he could still stand.

  "Devil! You are a devil!"

  Regulus put his head in his hands, cried loudly, turned around and desperately fled the scene.

  He was so frightened that he even became incontinent, and his pants were covered in urine stains.

  There is no doubt that Itachi has become a lingering shadow in his life.

  "Boss, do you want to chase?"

  Itachi stared at Regulus' back and asked Guo Huang next to him coldly.

  "Don't pay attention to that coward, we have to deal with more important things."

  Guo Huang didn't have time to pay attention to Regulus, and turned to look at the battle above his head.

  At this moment, Reinhardt was being beaten by Frieza in all directions and had been resurrected many times.

  Frieza frowned, obviously impatient.

  "If we have to deal with that guy, we probably won't be enough."

  Obito stopped beating the Gluttony Bishop and fell into thought.

  After Guo Huang and others had a mad meal, the gluttonous bishop had long been beaten until his nose was blue and his face was swollen.

  Now that he is completely unconscious, he has been beaten to death by everyone.

  "That's right, why don't I call someone else?"

  Guo Huang nodded, took out his phone and was ready to shake.

  After beating Bishop Gluttony, he felt a lot more comfortable and didn't want to do it himself anymore.

  Just ask two big guys to come over to hammer Frieza, wouldn't it be good for him to hide and watch the show?


  (Brothers, today is delayed for a day, tomorrow will start at [-]th).

Chapter 360


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