"Boss, where is Frieza?"

  As soon as he came to Zero World, Goku hurriedly asked about Frieza's whereabouts.

  "Idiot, can't you sense that bastard's breath?"

  Vegeta tapped Goku on the skull, then looked up at Frieza.

  At this moment, Frieza was in a fierce confrontation with Reinhardt.

  Madara and the others are also constantly taking off, flying towards Frieza.

  "It's time to end this farce."

  At [-], Frieza impatiently flicked his tail, sending Reinhardt away.


  Reinhardt fell from the sky and fell heavily to the ground, smashing a deep pit.

  "Hmph, it's really useless."

  Madara glanced at Reinhardt, then slowly flew to Frieza.

  Pillar, Obito, Shishui, Weasel, and Yifangtong followed closely.

  "Huh? Why did your defeated general come here?"

  Frieza immediately recognized Banye's identity, after all, he had just fought with Banye yesterday.

  Madam Ban didn't answer Frieza's question, but stared at him excitedly.

  It didn't take long for Frieza to realize something was wrong.

  Because of the strength of Banye, it has improved a lot!

  And there are not only Madam and his breath around, but also the breath of other people.

  So Frieza immediately looked down and found Goku and the others on the ground.

  "Nani! Is that Sun Gouku? And... Po... Destruction God?"

  The moment Frieza saw Beerus, he was instantly horrified.

  After all, the prestige of the God of Destruction can be said to be resounding throughout the universe, and there is no one who does not know the God of Destruction.

  But why did Goku and Beerus suddenly come here?How did they get here?

  "Sarah, let me dance."

  Madara didn't give Frieza time to think, and rushed forward with the scepter in hand.

  "The Immortal Technique! The Technique of the Wood Dragon!"

  Hashirama transformed into a white-robed goddess and released a huge wooden dragon from the palm of his hand to attack.

  Obito, Shishui, and Itachi were also not to be outdone, and all rushed towards Frieza.

  In the face of the crowd's charge, Frieza was stunned, not daring to fight back at all.

  Because he was really scared, if Madara and the others were injured, would Goku and Beerus also take action?

  With this thought in mind, Frieza didn't even dare to move, but Madara and the others were still attacking.

  At the same time, on the ground.

  "That's amazing! So... is that guy really Frieza?"

  Goku stared at Frieza with his mouth open, his expression very surprised.

  "Cut, why does that bastard look like a different person? The combat power has increased a lot."

  Vegeta also glared at Frieza with a more surprised expression than Goku.

  Because Frieza's combat power has increased so much, it's not at the same level as before.

  Obviously, they didn't know about Frieza's four months of hard practice.

  They would be more surprised if Frieza turned golden.

  "Sure enough, he made me feel so excited, I really want to fight him."

  Saitama looked at Frieza with interest.

  After this period of training, his strength has reached the peak level of Super 3, and he can't wait to play against Frieza.

  "Well, Frieza has indeed become stronger. Your employees alone are not enough to defeat him."

  Beerus hooked his chin and kindly reminded Guo Huang.

  Ever since he saw Guo Huang's methods, Beerus has always wanted to make friends with Guo Huang, so he was so polite to Guo Huang.

  "It's okay, let Banye and the others play around with them, and I'll hand them over to you later."

  Guo Huang took a cigarette and calmly replied to Beerus.

  Of course he knew that Banye was not an opponent, and he never thought that Banye and the others would win.

  The reason why Banye and the others were brought on was just because Guo Huang wanted to exercise Banye's strength.

  On the other side, in the sky.

  "Damn, why did the God of Destruction appear here, is he here to arrest me?"

  Frieza stared at Beerus in fear, feeling a little uneasy inside.

  "Immortal! Lan Dunguang Fang!"

  At this moment, Madara spewed a laser from his mouth and stabbed Frieza.

  Itachi, Obito, and Shisui also used the Yin-Yang Escape Technique together and tried their best to attack Frieza.. 0

  Facing the attack of Uchiha's spirit boy, Frieza finally got angry.

  In Frieza's eyes, Madara and the others are ants-like beings.

  As the emperor of the universe, he was repeatedly offended by ants, which made him very angry.

  So Frieza directly burst out all his energy, sweeping the Quartet.

  "Hmm! Good... such strong energy fluctuations."

  Itachi and Shisui were instantly blown away by Frieza's terrifying energy and landed on the ground.

  "go to hell!"

  Frieza took advantage of the victory to pursue the attack, disappearing into an afterimage and appearing in front of Obito.

  He directly threw out his fist and hit Obito's head.

  If he was hit with this punch, Obito would definitely die on the spot.

  "It's useless."

  At the critical moment, Obito resolutely exited the Six Paths mode, and then turned on the blur.

  Then, Frieza's fist went through Obito's head and hit the air.


  Frieza's eyes widened in disbelief.

  Obito didn't give Frieza time to react, so he kicked Frieza away.

  Don't underestimate the power of his kick, it's more than enough to blow up a building.

  It's a pity that such an attack is simply not enough to inflict damage on Frieza.

  "Cut, what a bunch of annoying ants."

  After being kicked in the air, Frieza felt humiliated.

  So Frieza charged again, this time changing his target to Madara.

  He doesn't believe that everyone has the weird ability of Obito.

  "Hmph, Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

  Madame Madara looked at Frieza in front of him, and immediately launched the Shinra Heavenly Expedition.

  But Frieza easily broke through the repulsion of Shinra Tianzheng, and waved his tail to Madara.

  "Motor! Abu milk! (Dangerous)"

  In the nick of time, Shima suddenly flew over and blocked in front of Madam Ban.

  Then, Frieza's tail instantly hit the forehead of the big pillar.


  A large mouthful of blood spewed out between the pillars, and his chest slammed into Madara's face.

  Seeing Hasuma hurt, Madara's pupils suddenly shrank.

  Even if there is a six-path mode to save life, being drawn to the head is a fatal injury.

  Now that Zhu Jian's forehead has been severely damaged, I'm afraid it will be less fortunate.


  (I heard that you want Banye to become a dead dad and Sayakin?).

Chapter 362


  "Hash Lama!"

  In the sky, Madam Madara held up the pillars who vomited blood.

  The blood between the pillars suddenly splashed on Madam Ban's face, which made his pupils shrink.

  After seeing this scene, Guo Huang was instantly shocked.

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