He threw away the giant axe in his hand and ran away, shouting as he ran.

  Everyone was attracted by Sean's shouting, and looked at Madame Madara.

  "Huh? Mundo is dead?"

  Tyrone was dumbfounded when he saw Mundo's headless body.

  "Did those two guys do it?"

  Katerina looked at Madara and Accelerator, and subconsciously attributed Mundo's death to the two.

  Since Mundo was killed, Madam Ban must be someone from the Ionian forces.

  So Caterina immediately rushed to Madam Ban, ready to stab him to death.

  But Madam Ban's writing wheel is not a decoration, he controls Katerina's every move.

  "Hmph, boring trick."

  Madara easily held Caterina's wrist, and the amazing grip directly broke the other's wrist.


  Katerina cried out in pain, and the dagger in her hand fell to the ground.

  Madara didn't give Caterina a chance to breathe, and kicked the opponent again.

  This time, even Darius was dumbfounded.

  The killing Matt in front of him actually easily solved his two generals?This TM has got it!

  So Darius picked up his axe, jumped into the sky, and swooped down towards Madara.

  That's right, this move is the R skill of Noxus, Noxus Guillotine.

  "Unmatched power!"

  Darius swooped, shouting his signature name.

  Hearing this, Banye felt very funny.

  Also TM unrivaled power?That's it?Who are you frightening!

  "Humph, just let you know what it means to be unmatched."

  Banye sneered twice, and the three-gou jade in his eyes gradually transformed into an eternal kaleidoscope.

  "Hey kid, stay away from me."

  Madara warned Accelerator next to him, and then turned on the full body Susanoo.

  In the next second, Susanoo, who was over a thousand meters tall, was instantly exposed to everyone's sight.


  Accelerator quickly retreated to the distance to avoid being stepped on by Susanoo.


  Darius saw the blue giant in front of him, and a series of black question marks appeared on his forehead.

  Is this Nima doing magic with him?What about the one who killed Matt just now?

  However, before Darius could come back to his senses, Susanoh pulled out his katana and slashed him quickly.


  Darius was cut in half, and the two bodies fell to the ground.

  Susanohu's slash not only severed Darius, but also split the entire ground in two.

  Countless soldiers flew into blood in an instant, and a large amount of blood dyed the ground red.

  The island of Ionia was cut in half by a knife.

  After seeing the power of Susanoo, everyone was dumbfounded.

  Until now, everyone has never seen this kind of sky-defying combat power, and they all froze in place.


  Seti in the distance took two steps back in fright, almost unable to stand still.

  He knew that Banye was strong before, but he didn't expect Banye to be so strong.

  "This... This is beyond the scale of ninjutsu, right?"

  Akali looked at Susanoo uneasily, her legs trembling uncontrollably.

  "Our strength...is not in one dimension."

  Katerina wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and stood up with scars all over her body, her eyes full of fear.

  In the face of such a powerful Madam, they are not qualified to fight against him.

  Not only Katerina, but everyone else also realized this.

  "¨' Are you kidding me?"

  Draven looked at Susanoo in disbelief, even forgetting Yasuo next to him.

  Although he showed his flaws, Yasuo didn't step forward to attack, because he was also stunned.

  "Is this... the power of God?"

  Yasuo held the dagger numbly, his body shaking non-stop.

  Looking at Susanoo who descended like a god, everyone forgot to fight.

  At this moment, there is only one thought in everyone's mind, and that is to escape.

  "Quick retreat!"

  At this time, Tai Long immediately issued an order to retreat, and then jumped over the wall to escape.

  Millions of Noxian soldiers were so frightened they ran away.

  Even some of Ionia's soldiers began to retreat, only Irelia and others did not.

  Because they know Banye, they know Banye won't hurt them.

  "Hey! Why did you all run away? Didn't you promise to take Ionia together?"

  Seeing Noxus withdrew, Kayn was furious on the spot.

  He was so fascinated with Jie Da just now that he didn't even notice Susanoo next to him.

  However, just as Kayn shouted, the ground under his feet was suddenly covered by shadows.

  "Oh my God!"

  Zie looked at the top of his head in horror, decisively used the shadow clone to change positions, and escaped from here.


  Kayin showed an inexplicable expression, this was a good fight, why did Jie suddenly withdraw?

  So Kayn also looked up at the top of his head, and was taken aback too.

  Because right above him, it turned out to be Susanoo's big foot.

  "Wow ah ah!"

  Kayn was so frightened that she screamed and hurriedly tried to escape.

  But his speed was simply not fast enough to escape completely.

  In the end, Susanoo's feet the size of a tall building directly stomped Kain into a muddy flesh.

(Li Li Zhao)

  "Hmph, what a disappointment, can't anyone dance with me twice?"

  Madara stood on Susanoo's forehead, proudly looking down at everyone on the ground.

  After confirming that there is no opponent, Madara canceled the complete body Susanoo and landed from the air to the ground.

  "Let's go kid, it's time to go back."

  With a disdainful expression on his face, Madam Ban walked into the restaurant indifferently.

  "Cut, you can really make a fuss."

  Accelerator looked at the huge crack in the ground with envy in his eyes.

  He swore that sooner or later he would raise himself to Madara's strength.

  On the other side, Yasuo was still staring at the crack in a daze, apparently unable to recover.

  "What a powerful slash, when did I become so strong?"

  Yasuo muttered to himself, looking forward to Madam Madara's strength.

  "What? You want to learn? I can take you to apprentice. I know that person, but he is my elder brother's younger brother."

  Seti showed a bold smile and patted Yasuo on the shoulder.

  It can be seen that he must have a good relationship with Yasuo.

  "Little... little brother?"

  Hearing this, Yasuo was immediately stunned.

  What the hell?Did he hear it right?

  The man who was like a god just now turned out to be someone else's younger brother?How strong is the big brother that Seti said!

  "Of course I want to learn, Brother Seti, please help me build a bridge."

  Yasuo faced Sett solemnly and decided to agree to the other party's proposal.

  If Seti is very familiar with Banye, then he can just use this relationship to apprentice.

  ・・・ Dress up・

  (For flowers!!! For tickets!!!).

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