And he is still a god-level player, but unfortunately he is often pitted by others.


  At the same time, in the elevator.

  "Brother, you have to be smart later and say hello when you see my eldest brother."

  Seti patted Yasuo on the shoulder and boasted to Yasuo with a smile.

  That's right, Yasuo has had the idea of ​​apprenticeship since Madam Madara defeated Noxus in the morning.

  So Seti led Yasuo over, wanting to accompany his good brother.

  After all, Se had been to the restaurant before, and he was quite familiar with everyone.

  With this relationship in place, things are much easier to handle.

  "Well, I'll trouble you this time, Brother Seti."

  Yasuo nodded, indicating that there was no problem.

  However, just as the elevator was about to reach the twentieth floor, Vegeta's scolding suddenly came from upstairs.

  "Trash Yasuo! What a piece of trash! Orphan hero!"

  Vegeta's voice sounded particularly angry, as if he had some blood feud with Yasuo.


  Hearing this, Seti and Yasuo were instantly stunned and froze in place.

  "Brother...Brother, have you provoked everyone before?"

  Seti pointed to Yasuo, his voice trembling.

  Listening to Vegeta's movement, the other party obviously knows Yasuo!

  If Yasuo really provokes everyone before, isn't he asking for trouble by bringing Yasuo there?

  "¨'Fuck! Are you cheating on labor?"

  After reacting, Seti immediately pushed Yasuo away, apparently misunderstanding.

  "No! I... how could I possibly provoke them? This is my first time here today!"

  Yasuo shook his head and quickly explained to himself.

  He is also very confused now, and he has absolutely no idea why someone scolds him?

  And scolded so harshly?Even the word orphan is TM out!

  However, before he could figure out what was going on, the elevator reached the twentieth floor.

  "What? We can't make it through?"

  Yasuo sighed subconsciously and looked at the hall nervously.

  "You... are you sure you didn't provoke everyone, right?"

  Seti was still a little worried, and confirmed again.

  "Of course! I told you that this is my first time here!"

  Yasuo nodded immediately and replied affirmatively.

  This time, Sett finally no longer hesitated, and finally decided to trust Yasuo.

  After all, Yasuo (Li Wanghao) is his good brother no matter what, it is impossible to deceive him about this.

  Besides, it didn't do Yasuo any good, there was no need for him to lie.

  "If that's the case, let's go. You can be smart for the labor and management later, don't talk nonsense."

  So Seti calmed down his emotions, turned around and walked out of the elevator.

  "Well, don't worry."

  Yasuo bit his head and followed, looking very nervous.

  Think about it too, according to Seti's information, the people who eat here are basically bigwigs.

  Inexplicably, he was scolded by the boss, and he must be very nervous!

  However, when the two walked towards the hall, the dimensional passage just happened to change.

  After a few seconds, Hinata and Boren walked out of the dimension passage and appeared in the hall.

  Behind Hinata, there is the Seventh Hokage of Konoha Village, which is Naruto Tomb.


  (For flowers!!! For tickets!!!).

Chapter 379


  "Is it here? Sure enough, there is a lot of gold!"

  When Naruto first arrived, he was immediately stunned by the golden house in front of him.

  "Hey, can you stop acting so unpromising? Dad."

  The blogger showed a look of disgust, thinking that his father was simply inferior.

  This image of Naruto, who has never seen the world, makes Boren feel particularly ashamed.

  "Boren, don't talk to Dad like this."

  Hinata crouched down and patiently taught Boren.

  "Haha, it's okay Hinata."

  And Naruto scratched his head, not taking the blogger's attitude to heart at all.

  In his eyes, Bo people are just young and ignorant, and it is normal to be rebellious.

  At this time, everyone in the hall also discovered the three Naruto family.

  "You're here, Naruto."

  Sasuke got up from his chair and greeted his good friend.

  "Yo, come and sit down, Hinata."

  Sakura also greeted warmly and invited Hinata over.

  So the Naruto family of three came to the crowd and found a place to sit down.

  "Who is this guy? He looks familiar."

  Door Yashi looked at Naruto carefully, and always felt that he had seen Naruto somewhere.

  Not only Wang Xiaoming, but everyone as well.

  Although everyone has seen Shippuden before, everyone has not seen Bo Renzhuan.

  Because the reputation of bloggers is so bad, there are all scoldings on the Internet, and they are all said to be bad.

  So everyone lost interest in Bo Ren Chuan, and they were satisfied just by watching Shippuden.

  "Oh! I remembered! Isn't he the protagonist in Naruto?"

  At this time, Sanji suddenly shouted, and finally remembered Naruto's identity.

  "Is that the guy who looks like Luffy?"

  After Sanji's reminder, Nami also recalled.

  Sanji and Nami were impressed by Goku and Naruto as early as when they were chasing.

  Because of Naruto's character, it is too much like their idiot captain Luffy.

  Of course, Naruto's IQ is still stronger than Luffy, and his temperament is also more mature than Luffy.

  After listening to Sanji and Nami's words, everyone suddenly realized.

  However, everyone always felt that there was something wrong with Naruto.

  He used to be a handsome guy, how did he become an inch when he grew up?

  To be fair, this is definitely a long-term disability, right?The hairstyle is not half as handsome as before!

  "Oh! Long time no see, one dozen seven. (Itachi)"

  After Naruto sat down, the first thing he did was say hello to Itachi.

  "And Obito, Madara Uchiha. So what Sasuke said is true, you are all resurrected! It's incredible."

  Naruto looked at Uchiha with a little surprise and laughed wildly at the four heroes, and couldn't help feeling emotional.

  "Ah, it's been a long time indeed, Naruto."

  Itachi nodded and smiled at Naruto.

  Seeing each other again after many years, Naruto is still the same.

  In terms of personality, he is still the same simple boy as before, except for his hairstyle, there is no change at all.

  "Let me introduce to you, this is my good friend, Naruto Uzumaki."

  At this time, Sasuke took a sip of wine and introduced Naruto to everyone in a cold tone.

  "Oh shit, Oleowana Mai Iwa (my name is) Naruto Uzumaki, the first time we met, please take care of me in the future."

  Naruto saluted everyone, and then introduced himself carelessly.

  "Huo? Such an upright man, very similar to Gou Kusang."

  Weiss covered his mouth and chuckled twice, glancing at Goku next to him.

  "Hello, hello, Ora Sungou is cool. (My name is Sun Wukong)"

  Wukong quickly stepped forward, smiled and shook hands with Naruto, looking very friendly.

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