"Nonsense! I have never lived on earth, how could I know that kind of thing!"

  Beerus became angry and yelled at Sakata Gintoki.

  This time, Ah Yin didn't dare to speak any more.

  "Since you don't know, then I'll demonstrate it to you. The first is radio gymnastics."

  Guo Huang took out his dimensional mobile phone and found a video of broadcasting gymnastics.

  Immediately afterwards, Guo Huang connected the video screen to the TV screen so that everyone could watch it.

  On the TV screen, hundreds of students were standing on the playground, waiting for the loudspeaker overhead to sound.

  "The second set of national middle school students broadcast gymnastics, the times are calling."

  Deng Deng Deng Deng~~~ Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng~~~


  Deng ~ Deng ~ Deng ~ Deng ~

  "One two three four! Five six seven eight! Two two three four! Five six seven eight!"


  It didn't take long for a passionate and energetic soundtrack to come from the loudspeaker above the playground.

  Thousands of students started doing radio gymnastics to the soundtrack, rocking their bodies desperately.

  "Is this radio gymnastics? It looks easy."

  Tsunade had a confident expression on his face, feeling like he was going to win.

  The radio gymnastics on the screen is not too simple for them.

  As long as they learn a little, they can perform perfectly.

  "Then next is pole dancing."

  Guo Huang switched the video again, switching the broadcast gymnastics to pole dancing.

  This time, the TV screen is no longer showing the students, but the big waves of blond hair with enchanting body.

  The group of beauties soon started dancing, circling a few poles.

  And while jumping and taking off, it's simply not good!

  After seeing this scene, all the women present were dumbfounded.

  The male compatriots widened their eyes, their eyes shining.

  "Ah? What a difficult dance move!"

  Goku stared intently at the TV screen, trying to keep these actions in mind.

  Obviously, the simple Wukong did not find anything wrong.

  "Huh? This is?"

  Beerus showed a stunned look, and his tone trembled a little.

  "Woo ... Woo???? (Just kidding) I want to make me so shameful?"

  Vegeta stared at the screen in disbelief, stunned in place.

  But they don't like it, it doesn't mean others don't like it.

  "Oh! Die! I give the lady on TV full marks!"

  After watching for a few seconds, Jiraiya shouted in disregard of his image, showing a wretched expression.

  "Ahhh! What a beautiful lady!"

  Sanji also howled, his eyes filled with pity.

  Fortunately, Tony was explaining the rules to Mikoto, and he didn't notice the situation here, otherwise he would have to scream.

  "Idiot stuff!"

  At this time, Tsunade and Nami ran over at the same time.

  They punched one by one, hitting Jiraiya and Sanji on the forehead respectively.

  After the heavy hammer, the two LSPs were honest.


  (Ask for flowers!!! Ask for a ticket!!!) Enter.

Chapter 407


  In the Dimension Restaurant, there is a group of blond waves on the TV screen, and they are dancing pole dancing.

  Seeing such an enchanting dance, all the women present were dumbfounded.

  "Actually...to make me do such a shameful act?"

  Vegeta stared at the enchanting dance on the screen, and the expression on her face was as ugly as eating shit.

  He is a dignified Prince Saiyan, how can he dance like this!

  If he really jumped, wouldn't his cold and macho image collapse completely!

  If others see this, he will be embarrassed in the future!

  Not only Vegeta, but Beerus is also reluctant.

  But in the end, Beerus lost to his appetite.

  In order to eat sweet and sour fish, he decided to go out of his way!

  "Well, it looks easy. Hey Vegeta, let's practice now."

  Wukong carefully observes the dance in the [-] scenes, and has already begun to imitate and practice.

  Obviously, the simple Wukong did not find anything wrong with pole dancing.

  "Husa ki Luna! (What a joke) I will never dance such an immoral dance! Dance yourself!"

  Vegeta roared furiously, regretting participating in this match.

  Want him to pole dance?nonexistent!It would be better to let him die!

  Isn't it just a bad meal?The big deal is that he won't eat it!

  But now, how could Beerus agree to Vegeta's withdrawal?

  "No, you have to jump today. If I can't eat sweet and sour fish today, then I'll go back and destroy the earth."

  Beerus frowned and started threatening Vegeta directly.

  As the God of Destruction, even he decided to dance.

  You little prince Saiyan still want to do something special?You want to fart!

  Facing the threat of Beerus Chigogo, Vegeta was completely speechless.

  Even Beerus has spoken, which means that he has no way out and can only bite the bullet.

  "Next, you should practice slowly. I should go and shake the roulette for other teams."

  Guo Huang snapped his fingers and created two isolation rooms out of thin air in the hall.

  The area of ​​these two isolation rooms is large, and many people can enter, enough for Vegeta and Hinata to practice.

  After doing this, Guo Huang picked up the roulette, turned around and walked towards Mikoto.

  "How's your discussion going?"

  Guo Huang came to Mikoto and asked.

  During this time, Tony and Kasumigaoka have explained the rules of the game.

  After Tony's explanation, Kobayashi and Mikoto also understood everything.

  "As long as you win the game, you can use your points to buy sweet and sour fish."

  Mikoto clenched her fists and showed a firm gaze.

  In any case, she must eat sweet and sour fish today and change her washboard fate.

  Not only Mikoto, but also Kobayashi thought the same, both of them were full of energy.

  "Why spend points, don't worry dear. If you win the game, I'll pay for you."

  Tony patted his chest and signaled for a treat.

  "Forget it, I can take care of it myself."

  Hearing Tony's name, Xiaolin's mouth twitched, and he chose to refuse decisively.

  Because she is not used to Tony's familiarity, and Tony's affectionate address.

  For her, this foreigner with a mustache is too open.

  "The price of sweet and sour fish is three million, are you sure you can afford it?"

  Kasumigaoka glanced at Kobayashi and asked uncertainly.

  After all, Xiaolin's outfit looks like an ordinary office worker no matter what.

  I am afraid that the humble income of the working class cannot afford [-] million yen at all, right?

  "Hey? Three... three million?"

  Sure enough, when Xiao Lin heard the price, she was stunned.

  After reacting, Xiao Lin immediately shut up and stopped talking.

  Think about it too, the effect of sweet and sour fish is so magical, it is inevitable that the price is expensive.

  "Since you have completed the formation of the team, then I will give you a roulette wheel."

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