"Oh, oh, Anadawa (you) is really daring."

  Friisapi stared at Dio with a smile, and his forehead suddenly burst into blue veins.

  Unexpectedly, Dior threatened to take away the crumb boss. Isn't this TM grabbing a woman from him?

  How could his dignified cosmic emperor swallow this breath?He must teach Dior a deep lesson!

  Thinking of this, Frieza activated the energy in his body and prepared to attack Dio.

  However, before he could make a move, Madame Madara came to Dior in an instant, and a big foot kicked it violently.


  Dior couldn't keep up with Madara's speed at all, and was kicked in the face, spurting a few drops of blood.

  "Remember, this is the end of daring to make trouble in the restaurant."

  Madara stared at Dior coldly, showing no mercy at all, and planned to continue the attack.

  "WRYYYYY! Don't get carried away! I was just unprepared just now! Do you think you can still hit me now?"

  Dio quickly reacted. He raised his fist and threw a dozen punches at Madara.

  But Mr. Ban opened the Sharinyan instantly, perfectly avoiding every punch from Dior.


  Faced with this situation, Dior suddenly widened his eyes, a little unbelievable.

  But he didn't have time to be surprised, because Madara's big feet soon attacked him again, kicking him in the face again.

  "Eight...Eight Cards! My Dior turned out to be..."

  Dior vomited blood again, and the whole face was almost kicked crooked by Madame Ban.

  He really didn't expect that he would be hung up and hammered by others, and he was powerless to fight back.

  When he beat Seti before, Dio thought everyone was a hot chicken like Seti.

  But now he realizes how stupid his idea is.

  It seems that this time he encountered a tough stubble.

  Even Grandpa Ban can hammer him, not to mention that there are more people around who have not yet shot.

  Dior's only thought now is to find an opportunity to retreat.

  Because he is not yet completely familiar with Da Qiao's body, and even his stand-in messenger can't perfectly control the ability to stop.

  In this case, he has no possibility of victory at all, and only retreating is the safest way.

  "Damn, I can only retreat temporarily."

  Dio wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and glanced back at the front desk.

  He came to the restaurant only after stepping into the dimension passage. As long as he entered the dimension passage again, he should be able to return to his own world.

  So Dior showed a playful smile and began to madly ridicule Madam Madam in front of him.

· · 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

  "Boxer pants! Boxer pants! (Poor, poor, weak) Is this the only level of your attack? I can't even feel the pain, I'm so weak!"

  Dior pointed to Banye and deliberately used the aggressive method.

  "Weak? Hmph."

  As soon as these words came out, Madam Ban frowned, and he was really provoked.

  Because in his eyes, Dior is just a spicy chicken who can only pretend to be a batch.

  Being ridiculed by such a spicy chicken, can Master Ban not be angry?

  "Since that's the case, then I'll satisfy you and make a little effort."

  Madara stared at Dior indifferently, and finally got serious.

  He cut off Gundam without saying a word, and a Susanoo arm immediately appeared from behind him.

  "This...is this his stand-in ambassador?"

  Dio stared at Susanoo's arm and swallowed subconsciously.

  The next second, Madara's Susanoo's arm began to extend rapidly, and a slap slapped Dio hard.

...... 0 0


  Dio was smashed by Susanoo's arm on the spot, and flew towards the front desk quickly.

  After receiving this slap, Dio immediately let out a miserable wailing, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

  Because, he was deliberately hit by Banye.

  "Hahaha! You've been fooled! This is my escape route! Although your strength is very good, you are still inferior to my Dior in terms of IQ!"

  Dior laughed arrogantly and directly released his stand-in messenger, that is, the world.

  The world took Dior, running faster than a dog, instantly ran behind the front desk, and got into the dimension passage.

  Before leaving, he deliberately glanced at Gui Wu Ying Wu miserable, a little reluctant to part with it.

  Dio swears that when he has complete control over Da Qiao's body and can use the stand-in proficiently, he will definitely come back and take Gui Wuyue away.


  After Dior left, everyone froze in place.

  Listening to the speech like a mental retardation, everyone felt speechless for a while.

  Especially Madara and Frieza, they even felt insulted.

  What about IQ?Just like your bear, you still talk to Lao Tzu about IQ?

  When Lao Tzu was playing with conspiracy theories, you were still a little white tadpole!

  I really don't know how many pounds and how many taels I have!Don't pee and take pictures of yourself, what a thing!

  "Just... If I read it right just now, it should be Susanoh?"

  At this moment, An Yilun also looked at Madam Ban in disbelief, trembling with excitement.

  Not only An Yilun, but also the surrounding students were full of confusion.


  (Congratulations to Gui Wu y Wu Mian for adding another licking dog, oh no, suitor) Enter.

Chapter 431


  In the dimension restaurant, after Madara beat Dior violently, all the high school students in the hall were shocked.

  Because of the Susanoo used by Madara just now, they were all excited and incoherent!

  As loyal Naruto fans, how could they not know Susanoo!

  Especially An Yilun, he was so excited.

  "Just... that was Susanoh just now!"

  "How is this possible? Am I dazzled?"

  "What's all the fuss about, it must be a projection effect, it's not real."

  "Yes, Susaneng will not appear in the third dimension, it should just be the effect of the show."

  "That's right, look at how you haven't seen the world, are you so surprised?"

  "But the special effect just now is really realistic, this after-dinner show is really exciting!"

  It didn't take long for the students to have a heated discussion and applauded again.

  Obviously, they didn't take Susanoo seriously at all, and still thought Madame Madara was a cosplay.

  This is also understandable. After all, according to common sense, it is indeed impossible for the animation characters of [-] to appear in real life.

  Because this kind of thing is so outrageous that no one wants to believe it.

  Not to mention these ordinary students, even the super dead house An Yilun doesn't believe in such a thing.

  Only Eiri was shocked, her body trembling uncontrollably.

  "How... how is it possible?"

  Eiri stared at Madam in disbelief and muttered in a low voice.

  She originally had doubts about the Dimension Restaurant, thinking that the employees might be real.

  After seeing Madara's Susanoo, she was more certain of her judgment.

  It turned out that her guess was right.

  The staff in the lobby are all real anime characters!

  "Sawamura-san is really slow to respond, have you finally discovered everyone's true identity?"

  Kasumigaoka couldn't help but smile when she saw Ying Riri's skeptical reaction to life.

  Since the relationship between the two has improved, she often teases Ying Lili like this.

  "Xiaxiaxia...Xiazhiqiu Shiyu! You really know what the inside story is! I need you to give me a reasonable explanation!"

  Eri Li hurriedly pointed at Kasumigaoka, with a particularly panicked expression.

  It is normal that everyone will be panicked when encountering unbelievable things.

  "Don't worry, I'll tell you slowly."

  Kasumigaoka deliberately sold a pass to whet the appetite of Ying Lili.

  On the other hand, Ying Li Li was anxiously overwhelmed, and all her curiosity had been ticked off.

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