But even so, a small part of his forehead was penetrated by the bullet, which made him completely incapacitated.

  "Damn, I didn't expect that I would be plotted against this kind of bullshit."

  After a few seconds, Accelerator struggled to raise his head and looked at the last work lying in the car.

  Without the infestation of the virus, the face of the last work became ruddy, and the breathing gradually became stable, and it was out of danger.

  "At least... I didn't let this kid die."

  Accelerator was staring at the last work until he lost consciousness.

  Then, he tried his best to hold the little hand of the last work,

  "Hey hey hey! What if he is the strongest in Academy City! In the end, he didn't kneel before me like a dead dog!"

  At this time, Tianjing Yaxiong stepped forward and kicked Accelerator's abdomen with a kick.


  Accelerator spewed acid water from his stomach and was forced to let go of the last work.

  "You never thought you would die at my hands, hehe! Goodbye, number one."

  Tianjing Yaxiong raised his pistol again, ready to kill Accelerator under his feet.

  Due to the confusion of consciousness, Accelerator could not activate his ability at all, and he could only still shoot from the other side.

  However, just when Accelerator thought he was going to die, Mikoto and Kuroko suddenly appeared in the distance.


  Looking at the scene in front of her, Mikoto spurted an electric current directly from her palm, hitting Tian Jing Yaxiong instantly.

· · 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??


  Electricity quickly covered Tianjing Yaxiong's body, causing him to foam at the mouth and fall to the ground.

  "Hello? Are you all right?"

  Mikoto hurried over to observe Accelerator's situation.

  When Mikoto saw Accelerator's face clearly, her pupils shrank.

  "How could it be him?"

  Mikoto covered her mouth and stared at Accelerator in disbelief.

  At this time, Accelerator also found Mikoto beside him.

  But his vision was blurred, and he couldn't recognize who Mikoto was.

  "Save... save that kid and bring her to a safe... place."

.. 0

  In the end, Accelerator said this sentence desperately, almost in a pleading tone, and then closed his eyes and fell into a coma.

  "Sir, he is going to die."

  Kuroko crouched down and started to check Accelerator's injuries, finding that he was dying.

  After Kuroko's reminder, Mikoto finally reacted and turned to look at the last work lying in the car.

  At this time, next to the last work, there is also a computer.

  According to the information on the computer, Mikoto learns the identity of the last work, and it turns out that this little girl is also her clone.

  If she guessed correctly, Accelerator asked her to save the person she made was the last one.

  But how is this possible?Didn't Accelerator kill nearly [-] Misaka sisters?

  Such a murderous madman will protect Misaka sister?

  "Sister, it is estimated that in a few minutes, he will be dead, what should we do?"

  Just when Mikoto was shocked, Kuroko reminded Mikoto again.

  So, Mikoto glanced at Accelerator on the ground with a complicated look.

  She is now faced with two choices, is it to save Accelerator?Still not helping?

  After a few seconds, Mikoto gritted her teeth and made a decision, she really couldn't watch Accelerator die.

  "Heizi, take him to the boss. If it's the boss, there might be a way to save him."


  (Ask for flowers!!!) Enter.

Chapter 98


  In the Dimension Restaurant, Guo Huang was cooking in the kitchen with a cigarette in his mouth.

  The extra person stood beside him holding a towel, and from time to time he stepped forward to wipe Guo Huang's sweat.

  By the way, help Guo Huang to get some seasonings and cut some dishes.

  With the assistance of Fanwai individuals, Guo Huang's stir-fry process is more effective than usual.

  "The sweat is dripping, wipe me again."

  Guo Huang flicked the soot and gave another order.

  "Cut, I see."

  The extra person reluctantly raised the towel and gently wiped the sweat from Guo Huang's forehead.

  Guo Huang felt very satisfied when he saw the other party's obedience.

  Even such a disobedient individual is so obedient and obedient to his training, which is really a sense of accomplishment.

  However, just as Guo Huang was cooking at [-], the walkie-talkie on his waist suddenly rang.

  "Boss, elder sister and Miss Kuroko brought Accelerator to the first floor of the restaurant just now. They said they wanted to see you, and they have already taken the elevator to the [-]th floor. Du, Misaka is reporting the truth."

  After the sound of Misaka No. 8700 ended, Guo Huang immediately stopped stirring.

  Mikoto and Kuroko brought Accelerator to the restaurant?what happened?

  At the same time, the extra individual was also stunned.

  Hearing the name of Accelerator, the pupils of Fanwai's individual shrank suddenly, and his eyes suddenly filled with anger and resentment.

  Since she absorbed the hatred of all her sisters, her hatred for Accelerator was unimaginable for ordinary people.

  "That bastard! How dare you come here!"

  I saw a loud roar from the outsider, turned around and walked out of the kitchen to the elevator door.

  She will wait here for Accelerator's arrival, and then kill him with her own hands.

  "Oh, it's really troublesome, the last two days have been very uneven."

  Guo Huang sighed helplessly after seeing this.

  Before long, the elevator door was opened.

  Mikoto stepped onto the twentieth floor with her final work, while Kuroko followed behind with Accelerator on her back.

  "Finally see you! Accelerator!!!"

  After seeing Accelerator, the individual of Fanwai was surrounded by thunder and lightning, and he had to fight with each other desperately when he rushed up.


  Mikoto and Kuroko were taken aback by the actions of the extras, and subconsciously took two steps back.

  The current Accelerator has fallen into a coma and is completely unable to resist, and it is easy for an extra person to kill him.

  However, just at the critical moment, the system's voice suddenly sounded.

  [Detected the strong killing intention of the extra individual to the guest, ask the host to stop her from such extreme behavior.Since Accelerator came to this restaurant, it is a guest of this restaurant, and the host is obliged to protect the personal safety of the guests]

  "Huh? Since the system has spoken, there is no way to do it."

  After the system beep ended, Guo Huang snapped his fingers lightly.

  Afterwards, the extra individual disappeared instantly, appeared beside Guo Huang, and was carried by him on his shoulders.

  "Hey! Don't stop me! This is a personal grudge between Misaka and that bastard, don't mind your own business!"

  The fanboy who was resisted by Guo Huang on his shoulder roared furiously, twisting his body desperately to break free of Guo Huang.

  "Let's be honest, it's forbidden to make trouble in the restaurant. If you want to take revenge, you can only talk about it after he leaves the restaurant."

  Guo Huang exhaled his cigarette and patted the individual's head like a kitten, then turned to look at Mikoto and Kuroko.

  At this time, Kuroko had already put Accelerator on the ground and walked to Mikoto's side.

  Looking at Accelerator who was covered in blood, and his last work in a coma, Guo Huang suddenly understood everything.

  It seems that Accelerator should have just experienced the Tianjing Yaxiong incident, and received serious brain trauma.

  In a nutshell, it's a brain-dead.

  At this time, Mikoto's last work in her arms suddenly woke up and began to look around.

  "Ah! How could this be!"

  When the last work saw Accelerator who was bleeding profusely, she instantly broke free from Mikoto's embrace and ran to Accelerator's side.

  "Don't...don't...you don't want to die!"

  The last act tightly held Accelerator's collar and shook his body vigorously, but the other party showed no sign of waking up at all.. 0

  Seeing this scene, both Mikoto and Kuroko's eyes widened.

  Unexpectedly, in the eyes of the last work, Accelerator is so important.

  "System, how long can he live?"

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