Comprehensive Manzhi to listen to father's words

Book to listen to Dad's words Chapter 119

You also saw the dog, and he also saw the dog as a strong reflection, so there was no use of force, but it is planning to see it.

"Ah !!" Sand Nights After seeing the evil dog, the decisive screamed, and quickly hiding behind the blessing, "I am afraid ~"

You didn't look back, you can guess the expression of the sand night after yourself, I see that you are not as scared.

Dogs did not attack Yu Tai, after discovering that woman hiding behind the temple, quickly pulling the past, then biting the skirt of the sandy night, then torn it hard ...

This color!

You Yu fly his foot and went. The reason was just a simple scared scare over the night, so there was no intervention, but now it is too much.

After the evil dog was flying, the screamed was escaped.

At this point, the Belodanti whispered in the side.

"I am sorry."

"Nothing 403, not your fault, this makes there are fewer people, there are some attackers." You heard the words of Beli Drady, comforted, and then looked at the sand night, "sand night, room There is a clothes, let Bello Dradie have a dress with you. "

The sandy night looks down at his skirt, just a piece of rotten, and some hood can't live.

"No, I will go back today, I will come again next time!"

Sand nights feel some shameful, and don't want to wear Belodandi's clothes.

In addition, there is no face to continue here, just say a word, drive away, and leave here.

"It's really a farce, but I have done today and have a problem. Is there a problem that the force is the kind of resistance, the stronger attack?"

You have never had the idea of ​​mandatory to do with the idea of ​​mandatory, mainly because of this, and have always been responsible for those who will fight against force majeure.

I don't know why today, I have a little weak.

"Mangang belongs to the support system, will not attack Yu Tai, but when the people who have been attacked, they will be attacked. Today's mandatory force seems to have a problem, I will call a phone call."

Belino is the same thing that is doubtful today, and the force is to protect the protection between himself and Gu. If there is no such protection, there will be a lot in the future.

"Call? Yes! You can still talk to Tianjie now?" You Yuan was still worried about his own business, and now I found someone to ignore a problem.

That is the phone!

I don't touch myself and the heavens, as long as you call, you can communicate those people in the heavens, from the situation of Beiler Dradi, the people of the heavens should not be the kind of people who don't speak.

Belino nodded, then said: "Then I went to call."

"Can I follow?" You said, "If you don't work, even if you don't work."

Belino shake his head smile, "Well, ok, we have passed."

You was too loose, and Belotanti has been talking like this.

"Belinoi, if I call the heavens, can you continue to find the goddess wish?" You are ready to write down the phone number of the heavens. When you call the call, it is the phone number of Belino.

Now Belino is left, the number naturally does not exist.

When I heard the words, I walked in the front of the Beli Drady, and the spring breeze smile looked too. "No, the rest of the goddess will not accept your wishes, the contract between us has been recorded. There is no repetition contract. "

"This way, then I can call me, can they chat with me?" You also said that as a human, isn't a very normal thing for the goddess?

Belino nodded, "Yes, but everyone is very busy, I don't want to chat, I can't?"


You is too actually not how many words, but what you said, what you said, and you can't say anything too casual in front of Beli Duldanti, there is a bit plain between the two. Such as water, the feeling of respecting the guest.

Belino found the phone and dialed the phone number of the heaven.

"Hey, I am Belino, someone is there?"

"Oh, this way."

Bello Drady quickly ended the call, and he looked at Wu Tai after hanging up the phone. "The role of mandatory is stopped."

"Stop? Just still do it still have an effect? ​​And there is no powerful force, have you going back?" You was too nervous to watch Belino, this is to separate ...

Belino is also very nervous, "There is no matter," there is no matter to support the support system, which will not have an impact on I itself, unless you don't need me, otherwise I will never leave you. "

"I certainly hope that Beiler Drady has been around me. That is to say, it is now the cancellation of the power. It is not bad for us." You also put down the heart, the cancellation of the power, for the Tanshan Not a bad thing.

Belino is not thinking that this is a good thing. "It is not to say that there is no impact, the previously compulsory cracking thing, there may be some rebound effects, such as Miss Sha Nights, there is no powerful interference, will be more ... "

Yu Too nodded, very clear about what Bello Dhandi didn't say.

"This is not a problem, I will deal with it, but what is the dog just?"

Just now, the dog who only attacks the sandy night is definitely not a coincidence. This point is too clear.

Belino is low, soon, I will be careful to look at Wu Tai. "You Ta, just I didn't control my own power, I originally want to let the Sand Nights left, I don't know how to let those children I misunderstood my thoughts. "

Belino is able to talk to animals. The animals can also clear the emotions of Beli Dradanti. Just now I plan to summon the wind like it last time, the result happened.

"?" You said that Beile Drady is watching Beli Drady. After seeing the poor look of Beile Dradanti, he quickly said: "Don't be nervous, I am not angry, I don't hate Beli Duldanti you, just think you like this. I am very unexpected, more like a woman than before! "

The previous Beli Dynasty didn't eat, don't go to the toilet, temper temperature and family all-round, anyway, her goddess should have, so that You have always thought that Bello Drady is a perfect woman.

And now this will be angry, goddess, which will jeally, but it is a more perfect than before!

Chapter 144 Uruid

Looking at Beli Dradan Titzoi, Gu is too discovered that the other party is still the goddess.

The other party is Goddess and is also a pure goddess.

Maybe after you have the idea, the goddess will leave ~

I don't know if I don't know if I don't know if I should go to Belino.

"You are too, are you still angry?" Belino is a little different when he looks at him, and it is a little different from the past, and asks if he looks at his own expression.

You shook his head, "No, Beli Duldanti you went to cook, I am hungry."

"Well! I will go!" Belino agreed, walked toward the kitchen, and did not want to be too wrong.

You is too sigh, "Hey ... go to the film ..."

If you are not good, you will look at the film. You are ready to get a little inspiration from the beautiful driver on the curry car. See what you can find back.

At present, Gu is really able to have ideas and interests to the curry beauty, so the thoughts and the rest of the blessing film are different, and it is noble, it is from the low-level fun.

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