Comprehensive Manzhi to listen to father's words

By bustle to listen to Dad's words Chapter 124

The only problem is that Yu is too, Fujiwara Xiangzi pays attention to today's Yi Chang often wants something.

The usual prostitute is not concentrated, but the words of the god are all the kind of god of the class.

Today's Yu is too, that is the kind of going to go for a while, and will recover from the kind of descent.

When you encounter problems, and it is definitely about women's problems, it is natural to go to horses!

Fujihara's Xiangzi did not take the initiative to find him too, and did not mention this. Now there is only to let himself find yourself to build and the relationship between the Tai Tai.

Fujihara's fragrant is very clear that you will never lack women, nor will it lack the beautiful woman.

Since the appearance and some aspects are unable to do the most perfect, then start from other aspects, first of all, you are your wisdom, you will soon realize that your wisdom can bring more help!

You is too really looking for a vine for help, but it is called by Nika.

"Yu Tai, after school, go to your home, Mei Yu shouted me to eat, cute children." Niki Raewe said, revealing intoxicated expressions.

You was too hearing here to pull back, "" Call you to eat in the past? "

I heard the inquiry of You Taixiang, and the woolen Lai fragrance looked at Wu Tai, lifting it in front of the Tai Chi, five fingers, in the eyes of the front, gently knocked on the head of the front A bit.

"You are too real people." Yidian Raixiang is rare with emotional tone and dialogue, but it is more complained, but it is more like a relative.

After you knocked on the Ya Lei Xiang, I realized that this is the euphemism of Mei Yu to go home.

These days have always been rarely returned to the Bird Tourists because of the busy comics and the house. It was originally intended to let everyone move in the past, and now it seems to be negligent a lot.

"I know, let's go together." You said that he agreed to this matter, and he also looked at Belodandi, "Belino Titi, are you with me, or go back first?"

"I also go together, my sister has called again." Belino did not need to choose at all, of course, it is to follow Yido.

Wasukian thinks about problems, sister? Bello Drady's sister?

What is the girl like Beiledanti? What will her sister?

The woolen-Raise is seriously imagined with the appearance of Belino, and it is also pulled away in this state.

When I took a bus, Belino was still sitting next to it, and the woolen Laixiang was sitting behind the mother, and his hands hugged your waist, the body was close to Gu.

When you walked out of the campus with two big women, nearby students and passers-by eyes looked too much. I can't wait to kick your tits. I replaced it!

Mrs. Mrs is all right along the way, there is no bumpy road.

"It's a bit early, and you haven't come back, and you still have some time from the Xiaochu. We are ready for dinner!"

After opening the door, after I felt the taste of the familiar home, You Taishi put down these days, re-immersed in a relaxed atmosphere.

"I went to buy vegetables." Yidian Laixiang will hold his hand to the front of the youna, "Yu Tai, toll."

Belino looked at it and said: "I will see what is in the refrigerator."

You was too looked at the woven, the woolen-Raisiang, helplessly took out the wallet from the pocket, "Thank you, Lai Xiang, please buy some rich dinner for us." ! "

Under the wallet, the wallet, knowing that You are so grateful to buy food, but thank you for conveying the mind of Mei Yu.

"You are so good, always call my name." Laofa Laixiang didn't like to add a sister behind his name, but he did not hate it.

If you can, WiUR still hopes that the other party calls his name directly, just like this.

You was todped with a smile and finally had a normal person.

"Well! Thank you, Lai Xiang!"

Nika Liangxiang nodded, "You are now laughing, because is happy, right?"

You is too helpless to look at the woven fish, "Yes, Lai Xiang, why don't you smile?"

"I am thinking, why don't I laugh. If I don't laugh, I don't know if I am happy." Yidian Lai Xiang seriously thought, and he was seriously asked.

Ok, this is not very normal. You are too smile and look at the woven fish. "I am laughing now, because I don't know what expression should express my current idea, I don't want to be like Lai Xiang. Express, so don't think about what I will laugh, or hurry to buy a food. "

Yidian Laixiang accepted this explanation. After each smile, there is a reason why I will laugh, this is why Yidian Laixiang can't laugh.

I want to think too much ...

Chapter 149, Women's Primary School X-human wife

"Mei Yu, your clothes are so beautiful!"

"Thank you."

"Mei Yu, go out after school after school?"

"Sorry, there is something in my family, change the day!"

When the ringtone of the school is ringing, the Mefei leaves after packing your own things ~ school.

The position of the school is not far from the home, while walking towards home, Mei Yu thinks - today's things.

Sister Xiaoxiao is currently in the second grade in junior high school, and then entered the community after promoting junior high school.

Most junior high school students will carry out social activities after school, and Xiaoxi is to practice chorus in the choir, so most of them are Mei Yu alone home.

Learning is quite general. At present, the biggest trouble is the problem in the family.

At the time of my parents, my family's life was very poor. The family crowded in a narrow room rest and activity, and there were big and small things in sleeping and taking a bath to go to the toilet.

Soon that time, I said to Mei Yu, I don't suffer.

Even Mei Yu has always thought that there is so fast that the days have passed.

Although I don't want to eat, I don't have to worry about the things of my school, but I always feel that there is a lack of life.

The arrival of Belinoi, letting a family feel that You is too might to leave them.

Although You Tai is letting everyone move together to the new house, but Mei Yu is very clear after Beli Dradie, and You is no longer only for them.

Especially this show, You have always lived with Belino, and the number of people in the family is less and less.

Perhaps this situation is the best situation in the rest of the person.

Now Shaxia is coming back, and the Birds 3 sisters can live with sandsum of women and mothers. Whether it is from which aspects, the sand summer of adults is more suitable for this home.

However, this is the view of the outsiders, and the Mefei is even acknowledged that Shaxia as their mother, but if you want to choose someone who is with you, you still hope that you can take care of them.

It is not good to say that sand summer is a very good woman, but ...

Mei Yu is also a woman!

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