Comprehensive Manzhi to listen to father's words

Book I want to listen to Dad's words Chapter 133

And You is also a good person, I don't have to talk to You too, how can I believe this woman?

"I am also joking, this weather is really hot." Namatai Yuanzi has a embarrassing smile in Urd, and the heart thinks is: This woman is really not good, is really a sister of Beilerie? ?

Belino Tid's good woman, how can there be a sister of this character.

Not only is the difference in character, but also dress up.

If Belino is a dress that is the neighbor girl, this woman with sunglasses, and wearing exaggerated black tight leather is the kind of motorcycle girl.

"Are you not hot?"

"It's not hot, but the gas is good." Uruid said, pulling the 673 chain in front of him down and revealed the bamboo house at the chest.

The woman is shocked by this woman, and there is no wear in the other side, don't you feel ashamed?

Although I think that I can talk to many people, the Nami Timain is still silent in the car, and there is no continuing to talk to Urude.

The road in two or three minutes is very fast, and Urude will directly enter the car directly into the hospital.

"Get off, I will go to park, you will go in." Urud and Nishi Tima Yuanzi are not familiar, and I don't want to talk to the other side, let Mikata Yuanyuan will go.

"Thank you, then I will go in."

Urud did not speak, driving directly into the garage.

Miyamari Garden will lose this mansion after Urude leave.

With more than two meters high, the area of ​​the yard is very large. It seems like a small park, which is better than a football court.

The building is the type combined with a variety of styles. It has a modern glass window, which is located on the high level, and is a model of radians, very beautiful and clean.

From the location of the Namatai Garden, you can see the sunshine, this is the Japanese architecture, the halls between the rooms and backyards seen by the weekday animation are this.

This villa is not a single-family building, nor the same big building, and a layer of location is more, and the position of the half is surrounded by green pool water.

Just look at it, Namatai believes that this level of mansion, no billion yen is not.

People who can live in this place, billion yen is countless!

Whether it is the cleaning of the pool, or the flowers in the yard, and the maintenance of lawns and buildings is a huge cost.

I may not be enough for this house for one year!

Mikatai is a person who has seen world, but the luxury home in front of him is still outside the cognition of Mikimachi Yuanzi, even if the country is the head of the country, it will not be much higher than here?

At this time, You also came out from the door of the villa. After seeing the Namatai Yuanzi, I went over, "I am going to call you, it is not easy to find here."

You was waiting for the living room. After seeing Urud, he learned from Uruid to the Mikata Yuanzi, so he came out of the guest.

Namata Timati saw You Taishi, said something unnaturally said: "The teacher in August is your home?"

Namatai Yuanzi can't accept it, and you will have such a top luxury home before moving bricks.

You was smiling and explained: "No, here is Beli Dradist, because only Bendani and Uruid live here, Belot Drady invited me to live with my family, here can you Calculated as my house. "

Namatai Garden knew that the relationship between Belodandi and Yu Tai is not usually, it is a pity that it is also a pity for Dongcheng, now there is no idea.

Bello Dhandi is not a general personality, whether from all aspects.

However, Mikimachiyuan still wants, why there is money and comfortable Belodandi will like Yu Tai.

The light will draw comics and write novels, can I really want to marry Beli Dradanti?

Although it is thinking in the heart, but the Namatai Yuanzi still knows what he is doing.

"August teacher, it seems that you have a very good life recently, so I am relieved, have you always plan to continue to create?"

You Tan took the housing in Mikatai Garden. After entering the house, you can feel cold, thoroughly and external temperatures, from the summer!

"The air conditioner here, it looks very powerful, the effect is too strong." Nami Tima Yuan felt the temperature that had been adapted, lifting his head around the position of the air conditioner, but no matter how could not be found.

You Higher's home is not air conditioned, this is the temperature riser set by Belino.

"What is created is preparing, but it is not sure which form is used, and there are some things to do recently, and time is not abundant."

Nami Tianyuan did not find any equipment who provided air-conditioning, and thought: this may be the life of rich people.

"The creation doesn't need to worry, we all believe that the teacher in the August is calm and can create interesting works." Namata Tamari believes that if you have money, you will definitely write novels.

Yu Tam-machi Tian Yuanzi sat down, at this time, eight clouds also walked over tea.

In the younger house, the most hammer is still living in the eight clouds.

Although Belinoi likes to do housework, but because of the relationship with you to go to school, it is also responsible for the eight clouds.

"Miss Tamatai, is you here?" After the blessing came over, he asked the intention of the Namatai Yuanzi.

Namata Timati looked at You too, nodded: "Yes, because recently, some targeted words have emerged. Many people have appointed your work unfavorable to ignore the evaluation, so the Editorial Department let me communicate with you, I hope you Don't care about these words. "

You so too small to pay attention to your work, so I don't care after I heard it.

"Oh? It's really interesting. What people say that I said? I will not be some giving gay?" You didn't mind, but it was a group of keyboard, so it was very calm.

Namata Timati is too uncomfortable, just loose, and smiles and said: "Those people say that you are a lovedaughter plot, so I wrote" ordinary attack is a whole attack and can two attacks, you like ?"."

"This is definitely there is no habitual malicious speculation !!"

You is too very angry, I dare to say myself, I've been running with the network cable, I can't!

Chapter 159 Task: Opening a Game Company

Looking at the Yi Taoyi, who is angry on online attacks, Mikatai Guanzi also believes that Gu Tai is innocent, explained:

"Mainly because of the" second attack "this book is very high, and the teacher in August attracted some readers who like this type of work to a certain extent."

"It is because it is very good, it has also caused a lot of evaluation, which is proved that your work is very popular."

As a woman, Miyimachi Yuan did not like the work of this mother, this work can be said to be close to the existence of Ran, which is very difficult to passively.

However, as an editor, the Miki Timain Garden is very clear that this work is able to fire and can fire!

"Ordinary attack is a mother who attacks and can you like a second attack? "The story tells the high school students who wish to take a risk with the mother to be transferred to the world, but I don't know why my mother who loves the real person has come to this world, and the mother is adventurous - things start.

Other novels are the protagonist to find a female teammate, and this novel is that the mother helped to open the hood, and the benefits can be said to be very serious.

That is, in this magical country, replacing it is a ratio country, this type of novel is absolutely banned.

You also clear this, so I used another pen name to express this novel.

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