Comprehensive Manzhi to listen to father's words

Church to listen to Dad's words Chapter 162

"Give you, can you?"

You wanted to laugh, but at this time she still said, continued to say: "No, I want a boutique to sit by me, accompany me to eat together, or if you eat, the stomach will hurt."

You said that his hands were placed on your stomach.

I feel very interesting to lie to the child.

Before You Tai, I was brave with the primary school students, and the children of the kindergarten were also made up.

There is no way to make the nature, it can only be handed over the past, saying that I am not happy: "Hold, I will give you one more."

You didn't have a nod, and then took the ice cream. After watching the young chick, I bily bitten the ice cream in my hand.

The young chicks quickly ran back, and did not eat the ice cream that he had eaten. After jumping into the sofa after lifting his legs, the young boulder sway two little short legs, and also eat Get up.

Under the situation where the living standard is significantly improved, the life of the small bulliance has become more and better, and the ice cream in the hand is also a high-grade ice cream that I have eaten before.

Children have no obvious concepts for money, and You will not instill this concept on the small bull.

Among the understanding of the small bull, after coming to the home of Beli Dradant, there is a good life every day, and the rest will not think too much.

Children will not like the adults like an adult, it is a very optimistic and forgotten stage.

The little child during this period is always imitating the behavior of adults. When you see the young people, you will always expose a smile.

You and Xiao and the boutique sat together to eat ice cream, in the three children in the family, you can save yourself.

This kind of worry is a psychological issue in growth, and now the small bulls have not yet.

You is too eyely with the ice cream, and you have forgotten what you play with the rabbit toy, you will talk to a small text.

"Xiaoji, do you think who is the best for you?"

This question is a problem with many children. It is a bad answer, and a little child is a little bit, know how to answer.

"Both is good!" The young chick gave a smart answer.

You smiled and continued: "Well, everyone is the same care of the bull, such as Xiaoxi, I don't think is Xiaoyu?"

The little bulls thought about it. I couldn't think about it between a moment. I said that I said: "Where is Xiaoyu, it is good ~"

At this time, smile is right, Xiaoyu likes the smile of the boutique!

You Taishi to eat the ice cream, and touched the first hand, "Thank you for the praise of the boutique, but Xiaoyu is not as good as you say ~"

The little clarity is read, and then she said: "Xiaochi is not so good ~ Xiaoyu is not discouraged!"

Chapter 191, choose the wrong opponent

The bouting has also eaten the ice cream. At this time, I took a shot on the shoulders of You Tai, so that You didn't want to be unhappy because it is not perfect.

You Taishi's little hand holding the little child, stood up and put the young boutique, "the young bullion is so good, in order to thank the little chick, Xiaoyu will learn together with the little bull!"

"Don't ..." The little chick thinks of bunny to be lost by yourself, she has not played enough, I don't want to learn.

You may not be able to move in this kind of thing.

"The rest time has passed, and the child should develop a good habit of studying on time from small!"

The young chicks can not agree, struggle while struggling, saying, said: "I just stayed with Xiao Yan, I can't do it ~"

You was holding a bull, and smiled and said: "Just now the bouton is concerned about Xiaoyu, sacrifice his time to talk to Xiaoxi, the small chick can not be rewarded because of helping the little , this is wrong."

"But the young bull is a good child!" The young birds looked at Gu, everyone will give the small bullings, which will make the children.

You Taishi put the bullish on the ground and took the small chick to the second floor of the room.

"Small chick, if you help Xiaoyu, don't reward, small 370 is not concerned about Xiaoyu?"

"Of course not!" The young chick is not the kind of bad child, see Xiaoyu, saying it quickly: "The little bout looks like a small!"

You Taishou smiled, nodded and said: "Well, the child will not lie, the small church really likes me."

You said that this is said, but it is completely the words of the little bullies as a little child's lie.

Say that the child will not lie, think about the performance of your childhood.

When You is too small, although it is not a bad person, lying things are often often, such as:

Did you steal?



Both bones are different from girls, You have always got a small chick.

The young boutique said that he said this, Xiao Yan still has to learn from himself, and then there is no fine.

You Tan took a small bullion to the room, and now the small bulls already have their own room, and the room is still helping the small bullion.

You was a kindergarten textbook for Xiao Xiao, and began to give the small reading story. The homework of the small chicks clearly did not have a primary school level.

It is a matter of learning, in fact, and it's almost the same. Now the young bulls still don't understand the horror of the book.

The young chicks even if you want to learn, but also resist the attack of sleep, just just a nine o'clock, you will don't sleep, you can't stop it.

You just thought about it, I came in this time.

"You too, I don't know if you are here." Eight clouds said that they saw that Yu Taidai, said whispered: "I have a lot of time, just come and take a small bull."

I nodded, everyone knows that the child will take a break every day.

"sorry to bother you."

Eight clouds came over and hugged the young texture and then went out.

You also followed it, but did not go to the bathroom with Eight Clouds, but went back to your room.

Eight clouds are a very quiet girl, usually talking, and the character cannot be said to be introvert, that is, it will not take the initiative when it is not necessary.

Compared to eight clouds, the rest is the kind of trouble.

After a woman, especially when four women gathered in a room, they turned over the sky.

You is too interested in seeing those women in mahjong table, but in order to prevent it, I still have to look at it.

The chess room is located on the third floor, because it has long been expected to have a pair of automatic mahjong table in the chess room.

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