Comprehensive Manzhi to listen to father's words

Church to listen to Dad's words Chapter 171

On the car, everyone does not speak, and the atmosphere between the four people is very cold.

You said that I thought about it, or said: "How do you feel like life?"

Sand night snorted, don't say anything.

Niki Liangxiang nodded, "Okay, this should be very happy ... But I also want to have a separate space and you are too loci, I am very satisfied last night, but I don't like it."

"You are two people! I still play a brother, now you do this, don't you feel ashamed ?!" Sand Night hate the woven field, hate this, no matter how it is not angry. character!

Wiki Laixiang looked at the sand night, "Sand Night is a very angry person."

"Ha?! I am easy to get angry? Hehehe! How can I have a person with you? Do you think I am in a jealous of you? Laughing dead!" The sand night dress smile.

However, there is no human care in the car ...

This is awkward.

Sand Night is a person who doesn't feel embarrassed. After discovering that three people ignore themselves, they don't care about smiling: "Yu Tai, tomorrow, I wore a swimwear in the sea villa in my home, remember not to bring others, This way, you don't know anything ~ "

Niki scorpion nodded, and said to the next to him: "Yu Tai, I sent my swimwear photo at night, you should like it, I know you like giant."

"Yes? It turned out that Yu Yu likes the giant!" Tongshankabi drove, while it seems to know the general, with a little surprised voice, the lingering meat said.

When You is Tan Turns, he feels big, which is simply a compulsive area. Can you say it? How do you look like this?

You Too looked at his mission reward, it is indeed [say later] reward.

In the future, I said: Nothing is [Japan] can't fall, if there is, then [Japan] twice.

Lying in the trough!

Lying in the trough!

It is necessary to finish twice! ! !

Yu Taihou led the task reward, this task reward, it is true after [Japan], but does not guarantee [Japan] to solve the problem once, you must have more [days] a few times, [Japan] service !

There is no way, it can only be found in tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I will come again. Anyway, now I can only go forward now, I can't retreat.

Just when You said that Tongshan has already driven the car home.

Put the car directly at the door of the house, Tongshan chi said to the three people on the latter: "You can go home, I will go back to take the car."

You's motorcycle is still here, this time Tongshan Meaning is obvious to let Yu Toy go in sitting.

"Ha ha ha! You will not be what I still say before Lai Xiang?" Sand night smiled and looked at Tongshankabi, focusing on the Tongshan soaken, after determining his big, It is even more proud to say: "It doesn't matter, you can grow longer."

This is simply humiliating, not only laughing at Tongshan's instrument, but also taunting the age of Tongshan.

Tongshan ganya glanced at the three-way sand night, did not be angry with this woman, but looked at Wu Tai.

"You Taishi, I heard that you like the shackles of the fragrant, I also sucked, I am sorry, I am too small."

The tone in this, is simply a three-nine-day cold wind and cold.

"What! You are a professor of You and Fujihara?! Good luck, I am actually the last one !!"

Sanshu Sand Nights' attention is obviously in other places. She feels that You have had a relationship with the rest of the people. I have been can't be seen in my eyes, even if it is yesterday, it is also drinking.

I feel like an attached product. If there is any words around us, I am afraid that I am still a clear body, this is too irforrent!

You is too embarrassing, but it is very clear that if he is a low three under the four times, it will only make the sand nights and Tongshan sole, even more angry.

Tongshan is the kind of person who likes tough attitude. You are too good to her, she doesn't have a bad, but let her like it.

You Taishi's position in the rear seat in the Tongshan Kwat on the driving position, and it is not the eyes of two women.

After grabbing only a large millet seed with a B-cover, You Taishi said in Tongshan Kwai slight pain and the expression that cannot be resistant to: "I am with the sun, and the sun is hope that I can use a stronger gesture. To conquer her, such as when my assets exceed her father, or I directly defeated his father's company, let him go bankrupt, I think the sun in the time will be more happiness when I will carry out the last step. "

The eyes of Tongshankabi have a brilliance. This kind of thing is thinking, and it feels particularly exciting, there is a strong back.

"Dad ..." In this state, Tongshan Kwai is unconsciously called, and the hands are holding the hand in front of himself, and push up.

Wasfita Laixiang and sand night looked at this scene and shocked!

Didn't think of it, usually the indifference and the Tongshankabi of the Iceberg Royal Sister, the secret is in this way ... state ...

What is even more unexpected is that You is too actually this kind of person!

You didn't have to feel the feelings of Tongshankabi, and quickly took it back, and then he opened the two girls next to them.

"Kwai, that kind of thing is still waiting for the celebration, you will look forward to the arrival of the day, right?"

Tongshanki couldn't calm down, couldn't help but twist, and looked at Gu Too for the eyes with brilliance.

"Hurry up, I can't wait ..."

The sandy night was shocked. At this time, he looked at Tongshan, and suddenly found that this woman is already the kind of woman who is not face.

Isolated on Yidian Laixiang also found this, this woman has reached something.

"Miss Tongshan, is too strange, I am too afraid." The Nika Raidan used a calm discourse, said that it is not as scared, it seems very happy.

You was holding two beautiful women, smiling and said: "Don't be afraid, I will protect you!"


Chapter 201 uses you to practice technology

After returning home, the children in the villa have been going to school.

You said that the vines sitting in the living room and the head of the sea, and went to the sofa opposite the sofa opposite the vine.

"Hey, is it what you did last night?"

You have accepted the things of Yajiang, but the light is thinking about it, and it is not a woman who is always adding to himself.

The vine is cozy, on the sofa, put on the armrest on the side of the sofa, and the other end of the sofa is sitting in the hoses of the cooking book.

The two people have a distance from one meter, and this distance is already a bit far away. The relationship between these two is as good as this distance.

For the Queen's Question, Fujihara is not satisfied, "How, even aunt is not called? If you are talking to me, call me a aunt, isn't it?"

You said that he stood up and said softly to the vine scent: "Xiangzi aunt."

Fujiwara Xiangzi revealed a smile, it is planning to continue to squeeze the two sentences, but suddenly find that You have already come to himself!

Under the gaze of Fujihara, Yu Tan grabbed her collar, directly put the vines who were originally sitting on the sofa.

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