Comprehensive Manzhi to listen to father's words

Book I want to listen to Dad's words Chapter 194

"Spring, you have arrived at the university, do you want to think about reading, while working?"

You are still waiting for the reporter, while the Spring is coming.

Spring is bright, and I am sorry to say: "I am also self-studying high school knowledge, I can graduate soon, but I am going to work in college, I am afraid that I am not enough!"

"It doesn't matter! I believe in spring, you must help you introduce some jobs. When I encounter this physical activity, I will help you!"

You Too considered that Spring is a girl who blessed home stress, and I want to help Spring, introduce some high-salary work to spring.

Spring sighed, I thought I would say that he will give yourself a tuition fee ...

I want to mind, Spring Ji also know that my relationship with you is not very good, just a general friend relationship, the other party is already very good.

"You Taibo, you are so famous now, but also owe so much money, have you considering hiring a bodyguard?" Spring Ji refers to himself, smiling and saying: "Don't see that I am a woman, I am very The strength, the fight is also very powerful! "

You Yu frowned and quickly reacted, the other party did not want to look at her!

It turns out that!

You wanted to understand, because he took the initiative to give the other party's introduction, then by Spring to understand her home poor, think he is to give her, so it will show a power to converge!

After I want to understand, You said: "Sorry, I will talk to the reporter two sentences, I will go home directly after you work, or you can pick it up tomorrow."

You said that he left, and Spring Ji is helpless, starting to pack things.

The wages on the site are not less, and the wages given by You are more, but this kind of work is not every day.

Spring also thought about the things of school, and thought about normal life as normal girls, but the home could not wait 977.

The light is relying on one person, and it will not live so many younger sister.

On the side of work, think about reading things.

It's too much to say that Spring is really an idea of ​​college.

So many young men and women outside, and some uncle's places are some uncle, and they will be found in the future.

Things to find an object, Spring Jinci remembers people who have known before.

Before Spring, I didn't think about it, she didn't like men.

"What is the relationship between the head of the head and her, what is the relationship?"

Spring is very doubt, I always feel that the relationship between the two is not general.

When You was an interview with the media, the school's principal said two words together.

As the organizers that provide venues and personnel, the school is naturally to be revealed.

At the same time, under various mobile phones and equipment recording records, the photos and singing sounds quickly spread online.

Have a good thing, send you a photo of the Pustom to the personal homepage of the rest of the writer, especially the personal photos of those writers, but also a photo of Yu's photo, two compared, high-end!

Delete post!

Decisive deletion!

However, even if you delete the posts of the photos, you can't cover your handsome face and smile!


Chapter 010 Relanding God

After the concert of Ziyun University, it quickly pushed the influence of the Tai Tan to a new height.

Not only is boys, but also a lot of girls start to express their idols.

"Sisters are watching! Big handsome guys!"

"Wow! Hao Hao! How can I be so handsome?"

"Hey ~ A look is fake! What this photo is cheated? But it is still a decisive collection!"

"Even if I practice, there should be a real person. Which star is this? And it seems to be a concert, who is, say!"

"Repairing the whole family! This is my husband! Yu Yu sauce ~"

"Who is You Taoyi? Don't know it ~"

"Hey! I found it! There is a photo on the Internet! I rub, it is really a big handsome guy!"

"Ah, I have to change my husband! You are my husband later! My husband is so young ~"

"I am dizzy! How is a light novel writer? Those who are nausea ..."

"Ah! I really want to be disgusting by you ..."

"You will not grass powder? Some small worry ..."

"Surprise yourself! Three yuan! You Taishi belongs to us second yuan!"

"You a little pool! See if I don't tear your fall!"

"You Taigang Guard was established! I officially announced that our sister group, change his husband!"

Because of handsome, love.

Compared to the collective rose powder here, the boys have lost some fans.

"Hey, my girlfriend since the end of the concert, I always said that I said the topic of the teacher in August, you said that I am a novel, where is the author?"

"Yeah, I didn't dare to say that I was watching the light novel. As a result, the girls just called and I asked me about the teacher's teacher. Asked me that my novelist is all single ... I can't say What is my mood now? "

"I think it should take the August teacher to remove the ranks of the light novel writer, he ... is too bright."

"I think that the light novel writers should be careful when they gather, I just went to remind a few light novel writers. I suggested that they gathered not to take a wife, otherwise it was great."

"Well, doing it, people should help each other, and have more concern."

"Yeah, the few teachers have deleted my message."

"You have to understand the feelings of teachers, they are not easy, they will touch their bald head works when they want to take the mirror."

"Why is this ... I first participated in the concert of like the author. I went out for the first time and made my heart-moving girl. Two happy things were coincident together. And these two happiness, give me more Happy. I got, this should be a happy time in the dream ... But, why, will turn this ... "- Small wooden sizzling" White Album 2 "

"It's me, I am first, I am clear, I am here ... I know it, help, or like that guy! - Winter horse and yarn" White Album 2 ""

"I have betrayed it, next, just leave you - Beiben Chunxi" White Album 2 ""

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