Comprehensive Manzhi to listen to father's words

Chapter 237, chapter 237, to listen to Dad

"And usually please novelist, my industry is not the kind of virtual funds, nor does not consume."

"There are various factories under my hand, and there are also the ability to quickly form and relocate the factory, and you can provide a variety of employment posts and resettlement of social idle population, which maintains public security from a kind of benign."

"More posts will drive more industries. Comparison of some taxpayers, although there are not many taxes, but more people like."

"But this is also where, in Tokyo, I am an ordinary rich person, there is no more preferential treatment, but in small places, I can enjoy more convenience provided by the local government."

Qikaki looked at the eyes, I feel very clear, but I don't quite understand, I feel that you are too and more powerful.

You is too smile, "It seems that I said too much, then it is more simple to say, it is the official business collision, you understand it? The more small places, I will pay more attention."

Qi Shixi quickly understood the words before, when I was too, I got some nodded, and I said: "You can really want what you want ..."

You smile, "There is money, this is much more than the proportion of taxation is much more than normal, and I have a lot of taxes every year."

You didn't say how much it was, and he didn't like money contrast.

"Okay, the tax is not worried, thank you for your reminder, I should think about it recently, and what should I settle."

You have never worried about this matter. After being reminded, you will start to consider the future place.

However, this kind of thing requires cautious thinking, and you are careful now to travel on weekends.

Because only two days of relationships, You Taicheng chose to stay in Shenchuan County and Chiba Prefecture from the pool bag.

Today, because of some things, update is too late, but it will be finished.

Chapter 056 has a lot of women

February 14th.

On this day, I don't know when to rise. You have entered a car together with Beli Dradanti, and then waved goodbye.

"You Taishi, why don't you bring your sister?" Belino asked some strange.

Before, it is good to say it, we must go outside to play with Uruid. I don't know how to keep Urd today.

When you drive, he said casually: "The things in the Urude Room are too dangerous. I don't feel relieved to keep Uruid with us. If you have anyone in your family, if you have a curious thing, you will go in. That's too late."

"But we can go back soon?" Belino found a response method, she and Urude have the ability to transfer, and she will return home soon.

You said: "After I just said with Urud, Uruid said that today is given to our holiday, let us go with peace of mind. Usually you are doing housework at home, I will relax today."

Belinoi also likes this time that only two people, so the mood is very good. 210

Compared to waiting for the landscape, Belino still likes to stay in the car for two days.

However, Gu is too obviously impossible to open a two-day car, this choice is because the place is not too far a relationship.

If the journey is too far, You will not drive.

"Belinoi, we can wait, you said how are you going today?"

You are not familiar with what is playing with girls, and it is originally desirable to watch movies.

But the film is a bit unsuitable, or some things that can be done outdoors is better.

Belino said with a smile: "You can, I can be very happy with you!"

You said that he said: "This is not to mean, then find something I will not, so Beile Dradanti can teach me."

"Okay! What do you want to learn?" Beile Dradie is more interested in helping the Tai Tiao, and wants to achieve many of the wishes.

When You was seriously thought about it, and by the way, he saw the fields in front of him, and he had an idea.

"Horse riding and fishing, I will not, just I remember that there are several counties below Shenchuan, there is a horse and fishing beaches, what are our first to fish, or go to the horse first? Yes, you should ride and fish ? "

Wonderful things, but there is more things.

Belino is a little bit, I am very happy to say: "Will! I have examined the certificate, it is a professional equestrian grade certificate! The results are excellent! Fishing will also have a professional fishing grade certificate!"

You is a lot of dogs, "Horse ridicpeting?"

Bello Dhandi explained: "If you don't need, if you have a professional, you can take the certificate. I have taken a lot of certificates in the Tianjie, and the national general."

You is too speechless, and the national general is not specially referred to as this country is universal.

"Is the Tianjie very idle? I listened to Urud, how many certificates do you have to fight?"

You will not have the point of the test.

Learning a car is just need, there is no way, if you don't want to make it convenient, you don't want to test.

Like a driver's license and diploma, it is something that must be used, and Belino is a lot of certificates who don't know what to do.

The light is a variety of driving certificates, and Belino is taking a bunch of passenger cars, cars, trucks, trains, all have, and a mess.

"There are many days in the sky, but I still like the life here." Belucantie thought about it, "the certificate of fighting," The sister said that the female Wu Shen Qualification certificate, but that certificate is not used, I usually won't do it. "

Generally don't do it ...

You Wei ignored this sentence, Belino is not using this threat, it is a statement.

According to the personality of Beli Dradie, as long as it is not serious, it is too serious, it is indeed violent.

"That is riding today, I still want to learn riding than fishing."

You Taoyou opened the car to a road. I am looking forward to saying: "When is fishing, the horse riding is to be special, so if it is right, we stay here for these two days? Have a good hotel, the illusion is very good! "

Although You is not fishing, he also seen others fishing, but riding this kind of thing only has seen on TV, so it is more concerned about riding.

"Well, ok." There is no such thing as Beile Dradie, and it is also very happy to be a teacher who can act in the teacher.

You is too excited about the riding of the horse, and some don't worry, I said to Beiledanti: "Belino Titi, can you talk to animals? When you help me talk about good words ... If you don't want to say it, don't Say, I want to learn to ride myself, or it is meaningless! "

You Taiyuan is what I want to let Belotanti talk about good words, but I will give up soon.

Belino nodded, "Ok, can I help you find a child, first slowly exercise?"

"Well, I am also afraid to be fell ..." You are too embarrassed to agree, did not continue to be strong.


Chapter 057 Valentine's Day

When You was handed over the horse, he went to the rack after handling the procedure. There were not many people here.

In the refusal of a few Mao, I want to give myself a coach. It is the fact that after I am interested in the rich, I will take the horse to a slightly a little bit.

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