Comprehensive Manzhi to listen to father's words

By the time to listen to Dad, Chapter 239

The purer is a noble male, unlike the general rich, her home can be said to be a super rich, and listen to the head of the vine, the other party is only one of the kind of super-consortium heirs.

The prior to the Buddha in Fujiwai said that when he had the life of the rich man, he was first thought that it was a pureric thing.

These days, and the head of the head, there were some ideas about this, and when you read it, this time was because of the reasons for the first vine.

The three-person horses are not fast, which is roughly more than the normal person walking.

Through some staff and some of the leading servants, the three have entered a spacious and bright, with very good luxury villas.

"Please sit, I started to investigate you from the first time, I think you have a very good mind and behave."

After the three sitting down, the pureric thing said something bad.

"That, thank you for your praise, but I still hope that you should not investigate, I am better, give me some privacy."

As a normal person, You can not want to be investigated by himself.

The p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p punction has nodded, and politely said: "Before Hirito said with me about you, saying that you want to do things around me."

"Not right!" You was quickly corrected, "Not me, a female friend of the temper wants to experience the life of the rich people, so I want to arrange her by your maid, not me."

You said that he didn't think about it in the pureric thing. It is intended to arrange the vine in the shanghai to arrange it here. Let the woman experience what is the life of the upper person.

The pureric thing stunned, and after realizing that it is to understand the mistake, keep calm to hide his mistakes.

"It seems that I have a mistake, but I think you have a good financial investment ability. If you like, I can handle my part of the industry to you, at least 100 billion yen money, you need you to manage "

You didn't want to say, directly said: "No, I don't want to do so, I think I am already very good now."

"I hope that you can consider it carefully. I am very impressed by you. If you promise, you can use some of my resources, my family 2.0 is a hidden forces covering the world, secretly controlling a lot Wealth, almost no thing can't do. "

The pureric thing does not want to manage those things, so this time is a person who looks at the eye and helps you manage those trivial things.

You was still shaking his head, standing up: "I have to buy something with Belino, say."

Belino is also standing up, and after farewell to the purericity, he will follow.

Po p p p piry sits on the chair and looks at the two people who leave the brow.

I don't know why, I always feel that the woman is very dangerous.


Chapter 059 Art Museum

After you leaving the horse with Beli Dynasty, I feel that today I should do some memorable things!

"I have surveyed the recent situation before, today I seem to have an art exhibition, let's take a look?"

You did a meticulous survey before coming, so I quickly found another place.

Invite a girl to go to the art museum to see the exhibition, should it be a good proposal?

Belino is very happy to nod, "Okay!"

You is too little disappointment, because Beli Duldanti has always been very happy, which makes you don't know what you can do to make Beli Dradie is more happy.

"Beile Dradanti, do you have anything special? Or think of a very happy thing?"

Belino is seriously thought about it, then said gentle: "No, I think it is very good now, and you can stay with you."

You didn't think so, I can't say this, Belino didn't lie, so it's really a heart.

"That Beile Drady, what do you hate? Or what is going on to make you angry."

You have always had a feeling, thinking that it is very terrible to be very terrible.

At this point, Wu Wei also appreciates deeply, and it is also very strong when it is considered to be angry.

Although Beiledanti will not be angry with Gu is too angry, Gu Tai still wants to know what is going to make Beli Drady angry.

Bello Drady is a very good goddess, which is more wide and gentle than a lot of women.

"Nasty things are not, there is a lot of things that don't want to happen, such as don't want to hurt some lovely things, don't want some things to delay what to give you too cooking, there is still people who want to hurt You."

You's mood suddenly a lot, after a few things, the two entered the art gallery.

People in the art gallerry are not a lot, and you will see it, and there are young men and women.

Or, come to this art gallery to see the exhibition, but it is the young man.

"I feel ... Many people are all don't care about me, just as a walk here, although it still spends money."

After you walked to someone else, I spit my young people and myself.

Belino didn't recognize what you said, because You Taishi said himself.

"I know, You have always been in trying to create a beautiful work, is not not concerned."

After the prince was praised, he revealed a smile, "said it is right, or do we buy some home to install it?"

Originally, I said that I said that after I said, I thought of my own definiteness.

"Cultivate the art level of the family! I think it is necessary!"

Fujiwara Xiangzi has always been around you too much, and he is too low to give it back although you will give it back every time.

Sell ​​some artworks back, then slowly render some art atmosphere.

It is then that the family is so big, don't happen, I always feel less.

Belino is unconditionally agreed with the proposal of You Tai, and nodded: "Let's find it!"

"Well, I don't understand this, Beli Duldanti, you can help me recommend some." You can also, identify abstract art of a bunch of colors, that is not.

As a high-level mechanical master, You Tid's color painting is forced to paint, you can't wait to tear those things!

Fortunately, this art galler is not only painted, there are many gems and some art.

Before Belidandi and You Taoyeded to a picture, this painting is a woman, and it is not a beautiful woman in accordance with the feelings of You Tai, but here is a famous name.

"How is this?"

Bello's artistic vision is high, and it is recommended to be more advanced in these paintings.

You was so embarrassed: "I am not used to hanging out the portrait of others ..."

"Well, then we will find it again." Beile Dradanti saw this, and then he continued to go forward. It is also a happy thing to find, picking a selection.

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