The width of the chair has one meter six seven, it can be used as a soft collapse and looks very comfortable.

"No, it is too small this place." Ying pure love was explained in a quiet explanation, and he did not sell himself is a rich mind. It is just a statement.

When You was too hearing, he looked at his house, saying speechless: "It's really too small, I always feel that you can't stand it."

The pureric thing wrinkled and then smiled and said: "Is this a joke?"

"Yes, you can see the child's self-caught the child's child." You nodded.

After knowing is a joke, the pureric thing is not mindful, very interesting: "I thought you like to adapt to my life, so I didn't move, it seems to be my mistake."

"Amount ... is not your fault, I am just a little interest in the life of rich people, but there is no too much idea, it is already very good now."

You Yi knows that the pureric thing is not malicious, so it is not a sense of this girl.

Po p p p pirandence is grateful to Gu, then the courtesy looks at Belino.

"Beile Drady, if you don't worry, you can put the tears of the Queen in me. I will protect this thing. If you lose things, you don't have to worry. If this thing is lost from my hands, I will accompany you. a hundred."

The pureric thing is very confident, talking with a touch of tone and Belotanti.

For p p p punctivism, the Queen's tears may be the artwork of hundreds of yen in the eyes of others, but for her, it is almost a glass beads, how much is it?

Belino shakes his head and smiled and said: "Thank you, I will not let others grab the gift to me too much."

The pureric thing thought, "Is this a gift of Valentine's Day?"

"Yes, it is a gift that represents me and You Tianshi." Bello Dhandi looked at the gem pendant hanging before, his face was filled with happiness.

The pureric thing suddenly didn't want to protect this thing, looked at the bless: "Is the time yet?"

"For five minutes, if you don't come, let's sleep, you will go to the school tomorrow." You Too looked at the time, the cat is talking about 12 o'clock.

The pureric thing also looked down and said: "If you agree that I am arranged here, I can catch those people now."

"Sorry, I don't like to set various cameras in my home, and I don't like outsiders."

The pureric thing will put forward the defense level here, but the prostitute is too refused, do not like that.

You said that the words are paste, but the English pureric thing is coming, it is the man who recognizes himself. It didn't think of himself as a foreigner, so I was very satisfied.

Three people in the living room, the signals between each other will not be able to indulge in their own memory, one is to maintain the atmosphere in the living room, one is to bring close relationships with the purpose.

Three people waited and waited, after waiting until a bit of clocks, I was lying on the legs of Beiledanti.

Belino does not need to sleep, and I am very happy that I can rely on myself, and I will not feel tired.

Ying pureric thing doesn't know when you are asleep. When you wake up, you will find that yourself batch a blanket, and You is still in the legs of Beli Duldanti. .

In front of Belino, there is a sapphire, and the pureric thing looks at the two, and it is already a pointer that is already four or five o'clock, and stands up and returns to the upstairs.

Miss English is very bad, and the face is cold.

"Available cat! Let me wait for one night!"


Chapter 076 is close to

In the morning, the mother's backache took school with vine.

"Xiangzi, my waist is tired." You said that the time is still rich, and I chatted with the fragrant.

Fujiwara Xiangzi did not want to take care of the words of the poor, and said: "It seems that the young girl is good, let you have back pain, I have seen you and Shouno, I haven't seen it. "

"Not Spring Jinci, I didn't do that kind of thing, I fell asleep when I was waiting for the thief yesterday, and Belino gave me a night's knepin."

You said that he was helpless, "the pad is so high, not only the waist, the neck is too acid."

"Well, that is, it is not against the girl and your business? It seems that you really grow a lot, grow up is not only age."

Fujihara's incense is placed on the abdomen. After reading a look, then said: "I am very interested in your things now, I want to know how you will handle this family, now it is not ancient."

"Is there a difference?" You said that the meaning of the vine incense is the meaning of the vine, and I don't think there is too much difference between men and women, now I am here. "

Fujihara is a bit surprised, asking: "You will not be a person who is going to leave Beli Duldanti? Do you have anything else, Do you easily?"

In the view of Fujihara, if you are too real, you can't stop it.

From now on the relationship between Gu Tai and Belodant, no one can hinder these two people.

The woven field can not, and the three-day sand night is not.

Yitian Laixiang is clear this, so it is not planning to fight, this is also the character of Niki, she is not the girl who likes to compete.

You was too looked at the vine, and I saw that I vine in the shackles looked at myself with a serious eye. I said: "No, I don't want to have any kind, I don't feel perfect."

Fujiwara Xiangzi first was surprised, then showed a touch of smile, looked at the scenery outside the window: "Even me is also there? That is really much thanking you. I don't hate a far-hearted boys to pursue me, more Boys who don't hate already have a good sense of featured words. "

Although the two often do not be self, it is really very good.

Fujihara's fragrant can discover all the advantages of the Tai Chi, and You can also find various advantages of fragrant.

Both people also know the shortcomings and deficiencies of each other, but they can accept this.

You heard that the vines said that there was a good sense of himself, and it was easy to say: "Is the original Xiangzi also have a feeling?"

Fujihara's fragrant smashed, "Just have a good feeling, you don't mind in my body, I don't mind."

You smiled and didn't speak.

The struggles and contests between the two are not quarreled with ordinary men and women, belonging to a more dangerous contest.

If You is not in the strong, you have to be Fujihara, then Fujiwai will have an inch to get the feet, give you too much trouble.

Fujihara's Scene is still a regular teacher, part-time family teacher.

"According to our previous gambling, from influence, you have long been more than me, when do you fulfill your gambling, let me listen to you?"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Fujihara's Xiangzi filed a gambling approximation of two people last year.

According to the agreement, You Tai is already the body of Fujihara.

But that is a gambling, it's not counting, so I have already forgotten it.

I heard the vine in the shackles and mentioned this. You said that I thought it was the spring of myself, I said: "Waiting for you to learn from Ying Miss."

"Miss Ying ..." Fujiwara Xiangzi thought of the pureric thing, first of all, I thought that the pureric thing was in the luxury throne of their living room, said: "I will go to visit this time, I will come back to us. The family has been transformed, although there is no past, but I will definitely accept our mediocrity layout when I come back. "

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