Comprehensive Manzhi to listen to father's words

By bustling to listen to Dad's words Chapter 322

The city is patrolled, and I am very expected. "When it's right, the cultural sacrifice, will your girlfriend come to visit?"


Chapter 047, the vote of the master!

"Do you have your girlfriend to visit?"

You Too to look at the city, this girl is not a belly, it is natural, it is not clear.

If it is changed to be someone else, You Tai will definitely say that people who say this is to engage in things.

The city is not the kind of girl who is more heart, the opposite is a relatively simple girl.

You wanted to think, say: "She doesn't really like this kind of thing, it is estimated that I can't."

After the city is in the city, it feels unfortunately. Many people don't want to see what kind of woman who wants to see you too this good man.

You feel that the city's patrol is a little difficult, and the other personality is not suitable as this position.

However, the student will not have much thing to do, and the most is to help the teacher to complete some trivial things. This person's president is a good thing for the teacher.

The selection of the student will selection, but there is a teacher, not all from the students yourself.

After the meeting time is here, You Taishi sitting in the place of the conference room, sitting down by the window, serving as a witness.

The main thing for the meeting is also a student meeting and the implementation of members of all classes. Unless it is a key thing, he will not intervene the decision of these students.

When the rest of the rest of the class, he saw the princes sitting there.

You is too famous in this school, and the prestige in the hearts of the students is higher than the peace!

At this point, it doesn't pay attention to itself, but the fact is true.

Obviously, an internship teacher, but in this short three months, You is too much to become a "middle school" in the high school.

It is the meaning of ridge, "hidden principal", hiding the principal in the dark.

This person is very powerful, obviously just a mathematics teacher, but takes up physical education class, occupying the rest of the class, even from other teachers, or directly communicate directly.

Last days, it's ok!

If you dare not write your homework, you can catch you back!

Everyone saw that he didn't sit too there, and he didn't sit down.

In addition to the South Octag, the snow is also in these people.

As a representative of the J class, the snow under the snow is also elected by the teacher and classmates, this is normal.

However, Gu is very clear that the snow is selected, and it is estimated that this person is not inciting, so it is directly kicked out ~

You was waiting, etc. After seeing people, he sat in the chair and said: "Does the sports teacher come?"

In addition to You Tai, this time, there should be another teacher to listen.

Like a cultural sacrifice for two or three days of activities, certainly less physical education teachers.

After the arrival of the city, he said, he said with a smile: "Thick Wood teachers can't have something, and there is a vine teacher you can."

Sports teacher and Yu Too together, the difference is too big.

The most harm between people and people is comparison.

Basically no boy likes to sit by you.

You nodded, "This, then you start."

"Well!" The city is nod, and the two students start to initiate documents to each person.

After confirming that it has been sent to everyone's hand, the city is standing up.

"So, now the cultural sacrifice will implement the committee."

After saying a word, this time it officially introduced himself to the rest.

"Hey, I am a student leader. I will work hard by doing peace of mind this year. I am very happy ... Oh ... big, let's take the oil! Oh!"

At the end of the city's patrol, the student members immediately drumped up.

Applause this kind of thing is to drive the effect. After some people applaud, the conference room also sounded the applause of the applause.

Head of the mood of this city, "Thank you ~~, then we will go to the selection of the committee."

After this, the representatives sitting together have some turmoil.

"Seniors, this kind of thing is not responsible for the president of the student?" Some students asked.

I heard this person's inquiry, the city is told: "I thought many people know, calendar, the cultural sacrifice of the Committee is born by the second grade. My words, I have been three grades."

You also realized this, the three-grade people must graduate. In order to enroll in the event, there is time to be responsible for this kind of thing.

Seeing the rest of the people accepted this statement, the city's patrol saw you, asked: "Who wants to be a candidate?"

There is no one to respond to the expectation of the city, everyone is not interested in cultural sacrifices, nor does it work hard.

It's better to be better with people in your own class, just if you have any activities in Chiba City, You are more willing to participate in the family, rather than those who are responsible for those officials.

"No one -?" The city's patrol looked at the rest, but no one responded to her expectations, the meeting room was still silent.

After seeing this, the city is struggling to think hard, then smile and say: "Well - right. There are many benefits to the committee. For example, to pay the application. It is very helpful to recommend people. "

This is said that this kind of share, this time, I said, "I am coming", it will definitely be can't bear it, and it is said to be the benefit of the chairman by others.

See the atmosphere in the conference room is too dead, and You is too direct: "Snow is snow, how is your committee?"

What did the city are also thinking about the snow, and the snow is happy: "Ah, it is the sister of Yang Xue Sheng! Yang Jie is also the implementation of the Chair, and that time is a famous history. Cultural sacrifices! How? Since it is a sister of Yangji, then as the chairman? "

You said that the city is patrolling, this child is really a powerful ability.

If you don't mention Yany, the snow can still agree, but so, it seems that she is sitting in this position because it is a sister of Yang Nai.

Even if it is successful, people will also say: It is a sister of Yang Nai.

"I will work hard to do a good job." Snow is very simple, and it can feel her unfortunate.

Snow is itself is an iceberg average girl. The gas field is very strong, and the city is patrolling the gentle girl, it is easy to reject.

The conference hall is once again caught in a dead and average atmosphere, and the city is patrolling to the you, the poor eyes make it too can't continue to keep silent.

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