Comprehensive Manzhi to listen to father's words

Book I want to listen to Dad's words Chapter 330

Black Rose Breast with the hair bunch of chests is also very much like gorgeous, and the flash of the pearl dress is decorated. The flash has further enhanced her shining.

Miss Yang Nai lifted the skirt, gave a gift for the audience below the audience.

Yang is responsible for the command, leading the core!

On the high podium, picked up a command.

When the melody sounded, the copper tube instrument and the wood tube instrument rang.

Yang Nai's baton, such as the sword, generally dividing the time, let the violin and other musical instruments follow her, play gorgeous and exciting stress.

With the rhythm of classical music, the powerful preface is rich. And breaking the routine gorgeous and fierce action.

You is too unclear that this is a song, but the Qingyang has a moving ability. This song is more shocking to those audiences present.

Snow is watching his sister's performance, as well as driving the atmosphere and the result of being produced, whispered: "It is a sister."

"Yeah! The predecessors have been very powerful!" The patrol patrol is very worship to Yang Nai, heard that snow is so happy. "

You was too unexpected to look at the snow, and then he looked at the commander on the stage and said softly: "Some accidents will say this."

You is too thinking about the relationship between Xue Nai and Yang Nai. It didn't have much care about this problem. But from the attitude of snow, Snow is not as strong as it is imagined.

Snow is not known that he is thinking about his own problems, heard the relationship between Gu Tai's own and his sister, it is clear what is going on.

Snow is looking at the stage, said calm: "My evaluation of my sister has always been very high, and I also want to be a sister."

The person on the stage, being covered by the spotlight, or the spotlights and audiences' sight are concentrated on her, she is the center of the stage.

This, completely exposes the weakness of the snow.

The average person says that there is no problem, but the snow is a long-standing indifference and a strong image, and in this sentence, it will collapse.

You is too understanding that the Yang is why it is treating snow, and it's troublesome to find the snow.

Really accident, the snow is actually a soft and gentle girl ...

You Too looked at the special deep girl around this camouflage. "I think you still love this now, it is not cute."

Snow was heard who said with a joke. It is going to be angry. As a result, when he turned to look forward, I found a bit sluggish, but very delicate woman is going here.

You said that the expression of Snow is also looking at the other side.

"Hey ~" Take a lovely words with a calm tone, and the woolen lady has greeted his shallow smile and hello, "Yu Tai."

The snow is not surprised, and the eyes look down from this beautiful woman's beauty, and after seeing the average size of the school, it feels the gap between people and people ... ...

The woman's Ou Pai is too big, don't say yourself, just a sister is more than!

"Lai Xiang!" You said that Lai Xiang was very happy, smiling and said: "Welcome!"

The Niki Liangxiang stood in front of the Yi, and looked at the snow and patrol. He said to the two people: "Hello, I am a friend of Yu, Yajiang."

"You, hello! I am a city patrol, Miss Yawa!" When the patrol is a female college student in the face of this expression, I feel tense.

"Hello, I am snowing under the snow." Snow is also recovered calm, playing a greeting.

The woolen-Raidiang looked at the snow, so I nodded soon, "Hello."

After the three people greeted, he said to Lai Xiang: "Lai Xiang, do you look at the stage on the stage, how do you think?"

The woolen-Raisiang heard the words, and a lot of women under the spotlight.

After careful observing, I didn't take care of the feelings of others, and I said my opinion.

"Don't know, but don't like it."

The attitude of the Niki Laixiang makes the patrol are very embarrassed, and the snow is to look at Wu Tai, some dissatisfaction.

You said that the performance on the stage is about to end. After faceting the eyes of the snow, he smiled and said: "Lai Xiang is a quiet girl, just like snow, but I thought Lai Xiang also likes Yang. It's a gorgeous dress on your body. I look like this kind of skirt that can put women's waist and body. "

"Teacher, please don't expose you in front of women." The snow is cold, and this statement is very disappeared for the poor. "

If the woolen Raisiang is nod, he said seriously: "I learned a sex of the youna, it is very important, and then record it after going back."

Trying and like, two attitudes different people's performance in front of the patrol, let the patrol feel uncomfortable here.

It is also a college student, and the feeling of Lai Xiang is a quiet girl, and I don't know why, watching some terrible ...

Soon the performance of the Yang Nai is over, letting Yang Nai wearing a short-fitting dress to the background, first, it is to pay attention to the big eutafian women around you.

Lai Xiang and Yang Nai are very fast, one is a smile, one is a calm observer.

When a person laughs, if it is a person who is not laughing, then many times will laugh.

This is like this, she encounters a true singleer, a woman who is absolutely sensible, not to know the joke.

Confirmed the eyes, under the contrast of the gas field and the Ou Pai, the Yang Nai came to the smile when he walked to the front.

"You too, who is this? Is it your girlfriend?"

Sorry words are told with jokes. As for it, it is not a joke, what does it mean to hide, just have a few people to listen.

I said: "I am a friend of You, I.

"Oh! So do you know your girlfriend? It is the skin color like a white hair of the Indian country!" Yang is a smile, you want to test the relationship between Gu Tai and Yidian Laixiang.

The Niki Liangxiang ignored those tests, I would like to know what I told her.

"You should say that Wu Wei, Wu Yande is the sister of Bello Drady, Belucanti is the girlfriend of You Taishi, which is a perfect woman who exceeded me."

When You was too hearing, he looked at everyone: "Lai Xiang is my girlfriend! There is also patrol and snow, and Yang is also! You are my wings, let me fly freely!"

Snow is frowned, and the expression is not good. "Teacher, please yourself!"


Chapter 055 is a girlfriend

"Teacher, please yourself!"

After being said by the students, You said that he said helplessly said to Laixiang: "Lai Xiang, how do you find here?"

Lai Xiang said simple: "Many people are running here, and You should be a place in people."

You nodded. At this time, the member of an Executive department ran quickly. After seeing the women around you, he stunned, but soon, he went to the snow.

"Chairman, the door has come to a very very very powerful girl, the principal and the teachers greeted at the door, let you go."

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