Comprehensive Manzhi to listen to father's words

Book to listen to Dad's words Chapter 350

A slam, the snow with an angry and ashamed anger expression, then said to the voice of Guo too used: "Come in!"

You said that he went in and said after the door: "I thought you heard me sing, I was so good, I was sorry, I was invited by a strange woman when you reply. I certainly won't do this, but I am very troublesome. "

It is obsessed with apology, but there is no sincerity.

Snow didn't want to be seen in front of him, singing a small star in his door, can't afford the person.

"I really admire your psychological quality, is this the god of adults?"

You didn't think about it, just said: "Don't say this, snow is almost 18 years old, not a child."

Snow doesn't want to argue with you, this person belongs to people that are very psychological, and always say some discourse.

"What are you doing?" Xue didn't welcome you, and he didn't think about the other party.

You Too looked at the snow standing on the side. Today's snow is very different from the school.

The upper body wears a large needle thread sweater, sweater is relaxed, can see the clavicle from the vicinity of the collar, the sleeves are more than the usual sweater sleeves, and the fingers can be hidden in the sleeves.

Under the body, the bare skirt, and a black hair is placed from the shoulders in front of the chest.

This is a slightly random dress, so that you will feel the taste of a home wife.

Snow did not dress himself, mainly Gu is too fast, and today I have never thought of someone to find myself.

After seeing yourself, the snow is facing the scenery of the living room and looks at the scenery outside the window.

"If you are fine, please leave it quickly."

You too saw that snow is okay, so I also saw this place.

It is a big 3LDK.

"LDK" refers to the living room (English: living-room), a restaurant (English: dining-room) and kitchen (English: kitchen).

The restaurant and kitchen are integrated as "DK". There are 3 living rooms and plus "LDK" housing types called "3 LDK".

It may not be expected to have a visitor, the room is placed, and there is only the same low- and simple functionality like the business hotel.

"I have never been a chance to talk well. In addition to the disease, there is still something to talk to you."

You said that his own intentions were awaited.

Snow is turned to look at Gu too, and now You is not a joke that I just entered, but serious.

After you are too serious, the snow shook his head and quietly said: "I am not feeling well today, I want to take a break, I will think about those things in the evening, I will give teachers to your teacher tomorrow."

"I want to answer, I want to know that the snow is your thoughts." You are too late, "You sit down, we may have to talk about it."

Snow shook his head and looked at the you who left the sofa. The other party obviously wants to sit down and rest, but snow does not need this kind of care.

You didn't continue to force. After you keep a safe distance, you will look at the snow is said: "Snow, you know what shortcomings and advantages do you have?"

"I don't know what to know about your thigge, please ask the teacher to restrain some." Snow is holding his arm, and the words are slightly lower.

You was too shrug. "You have no attack on your recently. I am not that kind of person who is not uncomfortable, just standing in a distance from you, looking at you outside, finding you is not as good as The surface is resistant to the side of others. "

Snow is slowly looked at Wu Tai, the expression is indifferent: "Teacher Do you think that I let you come in, is my mistake? I admit that this is my mistake, can you ask you now?"

You is too old, I really don't know how to talk to the snow, the other person doesn't realize her own problems.

Snow has always sent a promisice to the outside world. I hope to have an object of relying on it, but the prostitute is really near the past, I am afraid that I will be opened by the opponent.

"Snow, we are now calm, please try to use a stranger's mentality to judge my behavior, don't add the first judgment, just like the department, you treat me as a rescue One party, what I want to think, what I want to do. "

Snow is a thoughts, soon, I will understand the meaning of Yu Tai.

"Teacher, I don't know how you look at my family problem, but these things don't need you help."

Snow is after clearing the intention of the you, "Thank you for your kindness, I didn't think about my mother."

You too saw that Snow is still there. I haven't got there. I have to say anything now. I don't know what she wants.

"In this case, then I will not bother you to rest. There is still a little need to apologize, the sports offer is not intended because I don't pay attention to me, I have added a lot of trouble to you, after I am looking for you again. I can reject it. "

Snow came over and prepared to send guests. At this time, I also said: "It is what I promised, I think it is possible to help the city of classmates, and have nothing to do with the teacher."

"This time, what you are sick is my mistake. If I can pay more attention to you, I can find out your body's problem. I will pay more attention to you in the future, because according to your character, I am afraid it is very It is difficult to take the initiative to find me for help, so I can only have more hard work. "

Snow is shaking his head, "Just is sick, the teacher, you are too exaggerated ... I ..."

When I finished, I feel a little exhausted.

Since the morning, the body is uncomfortable, and I just woke up when I didn't have a while, I stood here, and I was somewhat halo.

The body of Snow is slowly poured down, and finally, I feel that I have been hugged, and after another thing, I can't remember.


Chapter 075

Snow opened his eyes, in your head.

Today is still peaceful, never woke up, every day, even in sleep, it is still thinking about it.

Learning, work, family, the future, is always a lot of things.

After waking up, I started to have forgotten my own troublesome trouble. Snow is slowly sitting and should be ready to go to school.

What time?

Snow looked at the time, the alarm clock showed a clear time for snow.


Soon the snow, I recalled what I was sleeping.

I seem to have fainted ...

After realizing this, the snow is suddenly surprised. Subsequently, I quickly looked at my clothes and skirt. After determining the clothes we worn before, the snow was loose.

Following the snow, it quickly looked at his long hair, and sure that there was dirty on the face.

"Hey, open the nest to see clothes, I can also understand, but you see the hair and touch the move, do you know too much?"

When I was in the house, I saw this scene of Snow, I couldn't help but spit it.

Snow is looking forward to You, seeing a bowl with a hot soup with a hot soup, sitting on the stool next to him, and in the bowl is like a facade of food.

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