Comprehensive Manzhi to listen to father's words

Book I want to listen to Dad's words Chapter 360

"Teacher, do you find someone?" Snow is that Gu is looking for someone, asked, and standing on the opposite of the bouting, and looked at the children who slept.

You nodded and said: "You have the phone call to the teacher, help me contact the teacher, I want to please she takes the baby."

Since there is a woman in the family, it has not been done.

Although it is said that the young is four years old, there is no relationship, but the you pay attention to this kind of thing.

After the rest of the girls have been happy, I am happy, "Teacher, let's take a bath!"

"Who will take a shower for your brother sister?" You didn't want to find a flat, and asked about the experienced people in these girls.

In the past, more than 20 girls should always take three or four people who will take care of people.

But there is no kind of person in this class, everyone looked at each other, smiles awkward.

It is not all the children, but everyone is very small to take a shower with your brother sister, let alone your brother sister taking a shower.

"That's today, wait for a young and woke up again, you will pay attention to it, you will pay attention, take a shower is six o'clock, don't delay."

You also didn't care about this, holding a small chick.

After eating after eating, it is not intended to take a bath with the rest, she does not adapt a lot of people gathered together.

And it is not meaningful to compare each other, it is not meaningful?

The snow is in front of his hands, exposes the serious expression of thinking, and the result is that she belongs to the middle and lower level.


However, the snow is ultimately by the same class, and the occasion that must take off her clothes to enter.

You Taishi handedate the next child to Kawasaki Shahi care, let Kawasaki take a small bull.

The four groups of Kawasaki Shahi is a three-pu gel, the old name of the sea, from the buddh, three people have three people who will take care of people, and one is the kind of personality.

There are Kawasaki Saxi and Sanpo beautiful to help, You can also save a lot.

The young boutique is not the kind of sticky child. It is used to sleeping alone, and it will not cry like a child.

After taking a shower, You Taisai sat in the sofa of the hall.

When I was resting on the sofa, I saw a specialty store seting in the hotel.

You was too late, not only there were some eating, but also some panda dolls defined by Kyoto.

The second yuan panda is difficult to compete for three yuan panda. You are too love for the second yuan panda. However, the little chick collects a lot of different dolls. You are too close to the panda wingup, still take it down. One.

"Teacher, bullion?"

When You was too hearing the voice, he saw the past, and saw the hair in the snow, wearing the snow.

It should have been taken out, after all, the girls who have just taken a shower often differ, that is the state of a female breath.

Snow is watching the dolls in the hands, it feels that the feet can't move.

"The young bullish is given to Kawasaki, and the Kawasaki classmates have younger brother sisters, and you will take care of people. I am picking gifts, ready to give a well-behaved little chick tomorrow morning."

You said that he said, and then said to the snow: "Thank you for your care of the little bouting, this is given to you."

Snow is looking at the panda doll before himself, but did not pick up, but sigh: "When taking a shower, the topic of the classmates of the same class talks to me. Why do you like the topic? "

Topics in that area?

You is too nor God, not what can be understood, and the doubt: "Health or fortune?"

"Fortune." Snow is unnatural, holding his hands, is it unaffected? Is it unhealthy?

You was so embarrassed: "Sorry, let you take care of the bullies today, and the result is misunderstood."

"Not just today's things, there is a matter of school sacrifice, and ... a lot of things." Snow did not say something to detect, anyway, not a matter to make everyone misunderstand.

Yu Taishi: "Girls like that topic is not normal, but you are still not used to it, and everyone is not malicious, know if you don't like it, will not mention it again in the future."

Snow is also clear about this, after reading the surrounding, I will sit down on the sofa.

You was too late, holding two dolls sitting next to Snow.

"Is there any arrangement after the day?"


Tomorrow is the next day, in-team group activities, the third day is free activities.

"There is a delegation, the male boy is going to watch ..." Snow is said to half aware of the problem, you are the teacher of the F class!

You bought two bottles of drinks. After giving the snow, he said casually: "Tell the house, saying that the old name like me is like this, nor does it destroy the relationship between their groups."

Xue is sighing, this person is obvious to say that he is doing, but it is not to face it ...

"You really have to be better than the household, but this does not cover the confession of the house, and once the confession will destroy the current relationship."

Snow is not recognized by Gu Tai, veto this decision.


Chapter 086 is a boys who like to play?

"I don't know what the situation is you."

You was too relying on the sofa, and he looked up in his hands. He stood up and said: "Go back to rest early, I see those girls who have worshiking you, and special is not entirely bad."

The impression of Snow Nime is to strong, and the school is very poor, but it is not the same as those who are not waiting for others, and snow is actually the kind of popular type.

Not only is a well-known celebrity in the school, but also the strongest character and the serious character of the unity, and the superior ability and good face, so that snow is easy to become a leader.

If it is in the F class, because the relationship between the attribute is very easy to be against the beautifulness of Shuipu.

However, J class is a relatively moderate class, and the class is a gentle little girl, and the girl is a very handsome person for these .

Snow is in the class. In fact, there are some little fascia, this invitation of snow is the kind of girl who is awesome to the snow.

Snow is somewhat surprised to look at Gu, "You don't care about the discussion of others?"


"Do you think those are tutors? I think those are very normal things, girls chat with cosmetics, talk to buy clothes to go shopping, draw nails, talk about boy, this is not normal,?" Do you think your classmates write a homework with you at this time, ask your homework, is it normal? "

Snow is a smile, "This is very strange from your mouth, you are not asking us to study hard?"

"Yes, but some things are correct, there is no need to do it, I think this study is time to relax."

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