Comprehensive Manzhi to listen to father's words

By bustle, listen to Dad, Chapter 401

From the high-speed road of not how many people, I opened it to the vicinity of the Chiba Station. After the car is parked, I will walk into the world with Beli Dradanti.

It is actually very suitable with this in the world.

The surroundings are all people who come to worship and activities in the New Year, and the bustling is very lively.

You said that there were many girls wearing a lot of clothes today. They were more than those who were wearing a coat, and Belodandy, who had a popular dress, like a foreigner. ......

Although Beitani is indeed a foreigner, it is still a strange feel.

Belino is not always in dress, and many times will change their clothes, it is a very fashionable, trend.

It is not followed by fashion, which is itself representing fashion.

When Urude chooses clothes, you will often ask Belotanti's opinions. In terms of clothing design and selection, Belino is even more than sand summer.

The focus of sand summer moves from the clothing to the company, there may also be the reason for this.

You and Beile Dradie stand together, the feeling of people to others is that Bello Dhandi is big, whether it is temperament or dressing, it is true.

You is too like a college student, and Berl Drady is a young woman who graduated from ivory towers.

However, Beile Dradanti is not so powerful in the Queen's question, no matter whether it is a clothes or a meal, it is difficult to decide.

"Where to go?"

You Tai Look to Beli Drady, today's Beli Dhandi is not only wearing a brown windbreaker who can make a long body, not under the windbreaker near the knee, is not a general woman wearing the stockings, but a simple trousers. .

3.2 The hat on the head is a small leaf that presses long hair.

It is not a girl who gave people to a girl, but a sympathy young woman who comes from Ying Country.

This dress is completely don't work with the new year, but the beautiful woman is always with anything, this different style is very good, it makes it very much.

Belino didn't say where it was, but I took a nod to say: "Let's go to the restaurant to see what you usually eat outside? I also want to taste."

It is important to make it!

You didn't think so much, I said: "Okay, then we look down and talk about it."

You Too today is to accompany the Belodanti, can be with Beli Dradi, whether it is shopping or doing anything else, is very happy.


Chapter 003

You and Beli Duldanti walked around and chose a relatively quiet café.

Today is a lively holiday, so I want to find a small cafe, really a very lucky thing.

This café is probably the relationship between the location, although it is not much, but there is basically no vacancy.

After the number of people who told the clerk, they were brought to the four-person place for the window.

The two people in the café are already occupied, while the four seats and the two are still similar.

Basically, drinking coffee, in seeing someone on the four people, basically will not make the kind of thing, here is not a restaurant, very few people exist.

The four-person seat is two seats in the middle, there is a coffee table in the middle, and the place where the fast food restaurant is almost.

After sitting, You Taishi said to the clerk: "Let's come two cups of black tea, thank you."

"Well, please wait." The clerk retired after a note, and today the store is very busy.

You was preparing to talk to Belino. At this time, I found that I seem to be obliquely. Some people were watching themselves.

After the slightly transferred to the side, You was very happy ...

"Ah, it is Yu Too!"

The woman and You have greeted him, and the whole person also stood up. The hands were put on the table, and the body was in front of you smiled.

Today's nail is wearing a white-tone-tone-tone shirt, the chest is holding a golden lock pendant.

Obviously the appearance is like a bright light, but her happy smile is more dark than the night sky, which will cover this intermediate comparison 17 impression of fresh red shawl, under the snow The eyes of Yang Nai have also been transferred to the opposite of You.

Because of the angle relationship, Yang Nai can't see who is too opposite. The person seems to have not turned back.

You was too looked at Yang Nai, and there was a person who knew too much in front of Yang Nai.

A male in a gray jacket, a black jacket is sitting there, and the eyes under the light golden brown seems to be a bit surprised, but still keeping a smile, is Ye Mountain.

When You said that two people think of the words of Hua Palace, it seems that Snow is the relationship between the two, and it is necessary to maintain the relationship between the family, which is to maintain the relationship between the two.

It should be that Snow is to do this, but the snow is obviously going to get rid of this kind of fate, and the snow is free, this responsibility must be a long.

"Let's talk about it, it is the person I know." You said that he apologized to Belino apologies, it is clear that it should accompany her.

Belino shakes his head and said softly: "It doesn't matter, because You Ta is a good person, so I can accompany you."

Beiler Dradi supports any decisions of the Tai Tan, giving the Trust God.

Although I love vinegar, I will believe that Beli Dynasty will believe, and it is 100% trust, will not have any doubts!

"Thank you."

You and Belot Drady stood up, the two came together to the sun.

At this time, the first time I saw Belodandi, after seeing this woman next to You Tai, I would like to think about the name.

"Are you Beli Drady?" Yang is standing on the seat, curious about the Beli Duldanti asked.

Belino Titi nodded, "Hello, I am Beiledanti, I am very glad to meet you."

"Gay? I am really embarrassed, is I bother you dating?" Yang Nai said that it sounded like an embarrassment.

Whether it is a gentle sigh, Ye Mountain, is too clear, it is clear that the other party can do not mean anything.

Belino is a little strange to look at Yang Nai, which is naturally said: "I just came out with You Taishou, not a date."

In Beile Dradi, he and You have already set a marriage contract, so it is nothing to think now, and it is not going to think about things.

"Ah, then!" Yang Nai smiled, very natural showed a good attitude, just like Beiledanti is very familiar, cold is not close, said: "Then you know Guo Tai Who is the girlfriend? "

This is nothing to find, whether it is WiURI Raewe or the rest, I have said that when I last academic sacrifice, I'm a girlfriend is Belino.

Yang is not a face, or it is dedicated to those who have faced face.

When the average person is in such a relaxed question, can you always face a beautiful girl who is smiling by himself?

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