Comprehensive Manzhi to listen to father's words

Book I want to listen to Dad's words Chapter 414

The phone has been silent for a while, and the snow is a slightly exhausted voice again.

"Do you have time now?"

You said that the voice is getting clearer. "Now just get up, can you be a half an hour? There are still many things to do at my house."

"Well, can you meet last time?" Snow said a place.

The last time I met, that is, Yesterday, the place where Beli Dhandi has worried, the place where everyone eats.

You didn't want to discuss the political thing and the other father did not talk about the father.

"Snow, your family is not busy ..."

Although You is too clear, it is very clear, but the snow is perhaps because of the reasons you have, or you can't give up this hope.

"That is here, I will talk to my father." After finishing, Xue is careful, "Can you?"

At this time, You is no longer able to refuse.

"I will wait for the past, meet in the cafe near your residence."

You didn't directly put the place where the location was placed directly in Snow, which would give a very bad feeling.


Snow is tone, she doesn't realize what I have explained in my own place.

You was sighing after hanging up the phone, and this kind of thing is really difficult.

Choose a dress in the wardrobe, basically the clothes are very suitable for Guo too, these are the choice of Beiler Drady and sand summer.

Breakfast must be eaten, Belino is preparing for today's breakfast.

You was taking a good fortune after wearing clothes.

"Good morning, I am preparing to call you to eat, great! Please wait a moment."

After seeing You Taishou after seeing You Tai, I opened a chair to let Yu Taido, I have to go to a meal.

You was sitting on the seat. Looking at the sand summer and the head of the Sahumi, he said to the head of the Saito: "Heluzi, help me call a sunflower, I will wait until you have, and send her back."

"Okay, but the sun is packed up, don't you take a moment, don't you be tight?" The Yito is cold and knows that the Tongshankabi is more sleepy, asked.

You shook his head, "Let's take it as soon as possible, the building in the urban fault in the urban area is the industry responsible for the company's family. I have no way to this kind of thing. When I am comfortable."

Shade also looked at today's news. After hearing, he said: "Tai, some of our industries are responsible for the Sundice members, will there be a problem?"

You is too bad to explain this matter, say: "Nothing, don't think more, this matter is just an accident."

After finishing the meal, Tongshan came downstairs.

I was very tired last night, and I got the time to rest when I was on.

Tongshanki is going to sleep more for a while today, I didn't expect this to be called.

"What?" Tongshan's attitude is very bad, both because of the sudden wakes, and because of seeing the care of Beiledanti.

Tongshan Mei has always been good, and it has always been very indifferent to the things of the child and the rest.

The reason why it is just because You is too, and there is no relationship with the rest.

The children have always been residual for the cold Tongshan soone, although Tongshan is a good person, but it is still afraid of Tongshan.

"I said on the road." You didn't have an attitude of the Yanshan, although the iceberg looks cold, but as long as hug, it will be quickly softened.

Bello Dhandi sent you too until the door, I asked when You was going to change his shoes. "You Tai, what do you want to eat at night?"

"There is still a bit cold recently, eat hot pot, beef and vegetables, and taste is light."

You said that his request, Beli Drady is a nod, "I know!"

Tongshan looked at Belutanti. After turning between and Yu Tan, he said when he was ready to drive, "I am so checkered." What is the 800 parents of Beiler Dradanti education. "

"Why do you say this? What are you curious?" You said the car, all the way to open the villa area.

Tongshan is cold, and it is disdainful. "All the day is busy with some family class, and there is a smile, it feels very uncomfortable."

"It is of course uncomfortable below. I saw that others are busy than they themselves. Or is it to find their own reasons, or they are the reasons for others, I hope that others will be the same as they are, it is normal."

You will not stand in Tongshan Kwai, very directly, why did Tongshan will feel uncomfortable.

Because Beli Duldanti is doing things she don't want to do more than her more excellent, the Tongshankabi itself believes that women should do this, but they don't like to do this trouble, so If you want to make yourself feel that Beli Dudanti is a problem.

Tongshan sunflower frowned, "Is it normal?"

"Of course, it's normal, not normal is you, you are not only a problem, now it is spreading, there is time I have time to govern it."

You is too easy to say, it is entirely standing on the side of Belino.

Tongshankabi has some unbelieved, it is doubtful, "What do you call me? I don't go home today?"

"Sprinkle ~ Who knows ~" You said that he is very irresponsible.


Chapter 014, the predicament of the home of the snow

Snow was separated from his parents since yesterday. The father was busy with others, and the mother was a full-minded, and the snow was going back.

Snow is not big in the beginning, and it is not known that the specific situation is not known as the habit of reading the news.

When I was half-night, Snow received my father's phone and let myself find a way to contact Yu.

Soon, snow is roughly understanding of the family.

Many things are not very clear. I only know that others are not willing to help the snow, and my father wants to help it under the road.

Under the request of the father, the snow is still pleading to the mother.

Anxious waiting for a long time, Snow looked at the time, and it was a few minutes from the distance.

Maybe the other party will not come from so on, then when will you wait?

Snow is the first time, and it is still a bit nervous.

Snow is unclear, etc., how to say hello to You Tai, and don't know how you should ask you.

Obviously, the other party said that there is no way, and I still have trouble to give him this way.

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