Comprehensive Manzhi to listen to father's words

Book I want to listen to Dad's words Chapter 420

Tongshankabi needs to be a father's love, it is a man who can taught her, and You is too perfect to meet this demand.

"I have to go home at night, I have to take a special time today! I remember to eat more rice, so that I am so strong ~" Tongshankabi strokes on the back of the mother, reminds you to you with gentle tone.

You Too looked at the sky outside, and it was an end.

"Day night, day night, night!"


Chapter 019 Task

On the 5th, the atmosphere of the New Year has begun to end, and many people have also begun to officially go to work, and they begin to work in the new year.

You came from home from home in the morning, and the scenery seen here was obviously different from the scenery seen in the summer.

When You was sent to the snow yesterday, he didn't look carefully. Now it is also a thoughtful mind.

Just walked to the door, I saw the snow that standed at the door and waiting for her own.

"Good morning, are you okay?" You was too uncertain in the situation, unclear the lady under the snow, did not tell Snow.

Xue didn't know the mother's things. After hearing the arrival of Yu Tai, I said: "I am fine, from yesterday, I can always hear some bad news, the family of the father company is yesterday When the door is blocked, the mother will come back when he arrived. "

Out of such a big thing, the government is defined as the building is a sharp reduction, and only this everyone believes in the conclusions, in order to let the people believe this. This is the case.

And the builder is in this kind of thing, everyone has some unwritten rules.

If you don't have any things, if you have something, these hidden rules are referred to.

Therefore, several major person in charge go in and become a culprit.

After all, a good 20-storey building suddenly has a huge crack, and there is no status of the earthquake.

This kind of thing, will normal people feel that it is a building business?

Many people including Snow is the father, think that the design and building materials have exposed a problem, so they all pleaded.

This kind of thing is like an official to report an official corruption. If you don't check it, it is really checked, and there are minimal nine in the ten.

Although the parties are pleasant, the family cannot find the government, find the hassle of the snow of the person in charge.

After all, the man at home goes in, no money, how to live in the future?

At this time, discuss it, it is to resettle the fee.

"I know this thing, I will let Spring Ji, there is still some words that she is in."

You didn't think of this kind of thing. Although the lady under the snow is solved, Gu is too unassured, soon, I will call the cold river Jiangchun Ji, let the spring come over for a few days.

Although Spring is a female college student, there is a strong means in self-defense. If necessary, it will easily kill the enemy, and will not be soft.

Snow is quiet standing while looking at Gu too, it is like a kitten like a kitten.

You told the address of the cold river Jiang Spring Jun, and then he was right with Snow naked when he looked up.

"I will help the family of the snow, you have to go to school tomorrow, don't be learned by this thing."

You said that he also walked in the door.

Snow is coming in with You Taishou, said: "I know, thank you."

"Nothing, is your mother?" You said, according to the reason, it should be that the lady under the Yang Naihe snow will meet himself, how only will snow is waiting for himself?

Snow is a sigh: "Mother is very embarrassed because of these two days, after coming back yesterday, I am tired, dinner is sent in, my sister said that my mother is sick, but now I can't go down."

You said that it was really sick at the beginning, but after carefully recalling it, he was embarrassed to see another place.

It may be that I have played an afternoon yesterday, I am tired.

"Don't worry, there is no matter two days." You was comforted.

Snow nodded and trustworthy to You too.

After entering the house, Yang is coming out.

Yang Nai, I looked too, then smiled and said to the snow: "You are too coming, Snow is you go back to study, I will talk to my mother with my mother."

Although the snow is smile, but in this time, there is a more cold and majestic sense, so that the snow is unable to define.

Snow is looking forward to the you, and retreats after the arrival of the prince.

"It's really cruel."

The sun is looking at the direction of the snow, saying that he speaks for himself.

You didn't have a call.

The Yang is to look at Wu Tai. At this time, the expression took advantage of disdain and self-deprecating.

"I thought you wouldn't provide assistance, and it won't fall the stone, so when you mention the matter, I think you will not do it."

Under normal circumstances, it does not do it, but it will not be done this time.

"Then do you think I should do it? It is the danger of standing out to fight, and the family wealth will help you have a house. If you don't care, I am in danger."

Yang Nai, a pile of pilots, looked at Gu, said: "I hate ~ I am just joking, you said that I am obviously a half-step, how can I not understand these things? You are doing these things? excellent!"

In the face of the ridicule of Yang Nai, You will choose another place.

"Let's find your mother, I want to know the problem you encounter now, and I will go to school tomorrow."

Yang Nai smiled and said: "It's so good, I really envy your mind, I have your ability, how good ~"

"You have no chance in this life." You said a word, very don't like the nymph of this tone.

Yang Nai thought, nodded: "I have no chance, don't mean that my son has no chance, in the future, I have to have a brain!"

"Who is born?"

"Of course, it is a life that is easy to use with your brain! When you come, my son, I am raising!" Yang is already aware of the responsibility you have to bear now, and you have to make the home of the snow.

The pressure of this home can't be borne, and I have to take this heavy one from my mother as soon as possible.

You smiled, "I only have a daughter."

Now the eight characters have not yet been!

When You was again, it worked in the child. It seems that this time is over, it is going to discuss with Urude.

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