Comprehensive Manzhi to listen to father's words

Church to listen to Dad's words Chapter 422

"I also had a yang with the sun in December last year." You said that it should be this matter. After it comes out, I have a bottom gas. "I have not done anything, it is to buy some gifts for me. I am still coming to my little chick, everyone can help me testify. "

Can Fujiwai, don't care about it, I have a relationship with others. It is very dissatisfied: "It is not in December last year! It should be the beginning of the month! Do you forget?"

The previous December, ...

You's brain is not bad, but now I can't think of it.

"In December of the first year ..." The thinking of Yu Too hard, "Is that Christmas? I have done it with Beli Dradan, but this kind of thing is not related to you?"

"No, it is the end of the month. At that time, I just thought about it. What did you do when you and Sha Xia?" Fujihara's strong reminder reminded, "For a while, Sha Xia's mood is very good, Also like to wear clothes that expose your body, should you still have an impression? "

When You was Tan Turns, I realized that it was the thing I said.

"Well, I understand." You didn't cover up, but it was still very strange, "How long have you been, how do you think of this now?"

Fujiwara Xiangzi heard this, and suddenly squatted, and it really had something!

"You, we went to my room."

After determining something is existing, the rest is good.

Uruid is very difficult to deal with, Belino is more difficult than Uruid, but these two people listen to Yu too.

Fujiwara Xiangzi is clear how to let Yu Tai help, as long as You is Tanken to help, even if Uruid is dissatisfied, Beli Dudanti will help.

You Taiyuan is intended to talk to Urujord to Beludant's sister, but now it is not good at this time, just nodded.

When I went out with Fujihara, You was also explained: "Urud, I have something to say to you at night."

"Free, I don't have time, you have this thing to let Belottie hand help you." Urude is on the table, looking at the face, saying that he said: "Hey, you have to have the ability to make Bei Ludanti help, it is awkward! "

You didn't respond yet, but soon, I realized that Uruid is the cosmetics.

If it is a name for this cosmetics, the most appropriate is "the goddess of the goddess".

Urud is the same as the bubble of You Taishi, and then after being bathed with the Sand Summer and Mei Yu, it is a bathing water with the goddess water.

After that, Urid is not good after paying attention, it is very uncomfortable, and he has not used his own things to others.

Journey Ji Ji Sun Wukong will find Xiaobai Long to include a hundred diseases of the Maotto Bell. At that time, Xiao Bailong said: I sailed to pee, the water in the water, the mountain pee, the mountains were created, change Working in Ganodermaia, the fairy child is taking longevity. How can I be lighter in this dust?

It turns out that whether a man is still a woman, it is still very concerned about some of the things.

It is very difficult to use the juice from Urd to give others.

You is too self-use, but it is not borrowed!

As for finding Belodandi, this kind of thing is absolutely not done.

Too much!

"Not a cosmetics, it is a matter, then say it."

You is too bad to say this in front of Fujihara, and it is also worried, how to solve this cosmetics event.


Chapter 021, Detective - Fujihara

You and Fujiwai Zizi returned to the room. After the door, Fujihara is holding his hands in front of his hands and blocked the door.

"Let's talk, are you studying what you can keep youth?"

You is too speechless to watch Fujihara, "I mainly attack physics, not biopharmaceutical, are you misunderstanding for my industry? I have no pharmaceutical company in my hand ..."

Fujiwara is not so thinking, "I still don't know you? You will always make some unexpected things."

Fujiwara Xiangzi said, smiling and walked to the front of Yu Tai, the body was also posted on the blessing. When the giant, the giant who used it, his hands were also hugged ~ lived in the neck.

"Come ~ Let's talk, do you sneak out the exciting products? The last time sand summer is the right to test medicine? Since it is no problem, then I will give us these side. People use one, I am really anxious - ""

Under the temptation of the beauty and youth, Fujihara, the initiative to perform, and the peaceful attitude is completely different from the feelings of peace and indistinguishes.

You is really like this posture and atmosphere, but there is suffering!

"You think more, I really don't have the kind of thing, I usually have more busy, you are clear, our family has no pharmaceutical factory."

Fujiwara Xiangzi hugged the neck of the Tai Chi, and smiled at the head and smiled. "How can I? Although I don't know, I don't know if you must have a way?"

You can determine that this woman is definitely investigated in advance, go to the so-called pharmaceutical factory.

It is because there is no short clue, so now it is like a small three like an obedience.

You didn't have a way. Even if you lie, you can't help you, the woman is more concerned about her body than men.

"I am telling you, the last time sand summer skin can be so good, because of my **."

You said that the big rhurner directly, in front of the beautiful mature woman in Fujihara, saying extremely unhappy **.

"**?" Fujiwara Square launched his hand, said that he was angry after he was too separate from one meter away: "If you are talking, you should change some smart excuses? ** is useful, this home does not have makeup People ... "

Said, Fujihara's Xiangzi revealed the expression of meditation, obviously serious.

This home doesn't have to make makeup ... If you think about it, it is a lot.

The first is Beiler Drady and Urud, this is a blind man, and it can also see the relationship between these two women and the Tai Tai.

And just now the meaning of Urud, it seems that it is unwilling to cooperate, if you think about it, the possibility is really not low!

There is also the cold, although I usually use some cosmetics, but what cosmetics can keep her a sixteen or oldest look?

As for the rest, because it is still very young, the effect of cosmetics is not shown.

If you think about it, you will feel more and more reliable.

"If you are telling the true words, then why don't I do? Don't say less, I don't know how many times, do you have an effect on your face ...?!"

Fujiwara Xiangzi is a non-faithful tone, but says, let himself believe it.

You are too very troubles, how do you explain this?

If you really have an effect, you can't doubt it, these women can use themselves as buckets, and they must be squeerated every day.

Even if the physique is better, it will not hold these women to be crazy to with * Faches!

You quickly think quickly.

Soon, You said that I thought of a very reliable excuse.

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