Comprehensive Manzhi to listen to father's words

Book I want to listen to Dad's words Chapter 425

"Shaxia and Xiangzi have helped me at work. I will always pay this in the future. The things in my family are basically Beiler Drady. After some days, I can help take care of the little Christ. So, you will come to the school to help me? "

The first vine is very helpless, and it is clear that he is basically a person who has a jacket at home.

"Okay, let me go ..." Shouno lamented his tone, facing his care, he was really no way.

You was too hearing that the head is cool, and also smiled and said: "This is a good thing for you to everyone!"


Chapter 023 Dinner

At dinner, a family sits around the round table at the center of the table.

Now that the basic cooking is handed over to Belino's responsibility, what to eat every day is decided by Beli Dhandi, so Belucanti is very busy in cooking.

I am busy having a meal every day, thinking about making every meal that is in line with everyone.

You Too to eat, while thinking about the next thing.

When eating, Shaxia and Fujihara Square sat together, and these two people basically did not contact us.

In addition to educating children's issues, the relationship between Shaxia and Fujihara, the relationship between the polite friends, can't say more familiar.

Now that the two are speaking, even if they eat, they are clearly related to the relationship.

Several adults are clear why, but small emblems and Mei Yu feel a little strange.

Fortunately, these two children will not ask such a direct inquiry. After all, the vine is still the family teacher teacher, and the two are respectful in their hearts.

Yu Tiao looked at the little chicks that was eating, said: "Xiaoji, tomorrow is going to school, what is the topic of the school and children?"

"Yes!" The little diet said, "I did a big bamboo tree when I did a new year, and I received a lot of gifts from everyone!"

You feel that these are not enough, continue: "Oh, what else is there?" Is there any good thing this year? "

I thought about it, I quickly said: "I also learned to cook, help my meal, help the Sister, sister, and learn together with Xiaoyu!"

You Hao looked at the cold, and the head is holding a smile. In this kind of child, everyone is actually the same.

Just Chang You eat a snack, you have to let the child!

The more you say, the more you say, the more you are happy, I am proud to say: "I also learned to play small stars in the piano class, and I will sing Chinese little stars, flashing a flashing crystal ~ full of small stars ~"

You was too smiling and looking at the little chick, listening to the Chinese version of the Chinese version of the young, it felt very interesting.

"Well, the young bullion is really powerful, I am like a small chicks, but there is no smart and powerful."

The young boulder raised his head. When the procurement of others, the bouting will be embarrassed, but if the proud of the prince is, it is proud of it.

When You was seeing that the young chopsticks had to use the chopsticks, I took the initiative to give a small chick.

When winter, it is still more comfortable to eat some hot things.

"Small space and Mei Yu are also in the middle of this year, it will be in the middle and high school. Is it necessary to work with you?"

You is too concerned about Xiaoyan's little empty and Mei Yu, which is more important than a small chick.

Now, it is a key period of two children.

Although You Tai is giving two suitable schools, it is still some unfinished.

The small empty nodded, some is difficult to say: "There is no relationship, but Ou Ni sauce, why don't you let me go to the high school?"

Xiaoxi will enter high school this spring, and the high school choice is not the high school of the Tai Shi.

You Taishi said: "Total Taoism is not the best school, and I don't have confidence to treat you and the rest of the students, and I don't want to be special treatment for you, so I feel that you are more appropriate."

On the problem of choosing schools in Xiaochang, after the cautious choice, he was still discussed with Fujihara, and finally determined that Xiaoxi entered the female school.

The female school is only a school student's school, this explanation is very clear.

Not only is a female school, but you will send a small air to enter or famous female schools, and the tube is better than usual schools.

Xiaoxi heard this explanation, or said: "Ou Ni sauce, you don't want me to take things ..."

You didn't know how to answer this, maybe it is this reason.

You is too kind to yourself, it is not good, usually, it is still possible to educate small empty spaces, but it is a bit troublesome.

Even if teachers, usually don't be the class teacher and teacher of your child, this kind of thing is still more appropriate.

Fujihara is talking to the sand summer, and after hearing the blame of Xiaoying, he looked at the empty space.

"Small space, I can educate you how to study hard, but I can't let you know what is a real good girl. If you go to the female school, you are the kind of thousands of Miss, with them, you will quickly integrate into the environment. Also pay attention to some shortcomings. "

Fujihara's Xiangzi said it is very reasonable, it is a person who teaches teaches!

Xiaoxiwei Zhimoni said so, I feel that I misunderstood it, but I am still unwilling to say: "Teacher, what is the shortcomings I have?"

The vine is seriously looked at the small air. "You have a lot of shortcomings because it is the relationship between the family, but we don't care about these things, but it doesn't mean that you don't exist. You are going out, you know some of your own body, or you I have been in our wings, I will always be a child that is not long, and it is necessary for others to move. "

After that, the vine is not polite, "You are a few years old, but it is not as good as the US Yu, as a sister, you need to upgrade yourself as soon as possible!"

In this home, it is suitable for playing a murderer. It seems that there is only Fujihara.

Small space has always been very respectful for Fujihara, and now I have said that I really use it, I feel that I really use it. There is almost no advantage.

"I know, but enter that kind of good school, I feel some ..."

Small space is still not adapted for a new school.

You is too smiling and said: "Nothing, slowly adapted, the little chick is also very nervous when you start the stage, now I love it."

"There is not nervous!" The young chicks can be not nervous, and the bullings have always liked to perform.

The beauty of the side is also smiling and said with my sister: "Sister, don't worry, if you encounter things, let Oki sauce to help? At that time, Girlsmen gave the school to the school, There are a lot of beautiful girls who will call you. "

Listening to the joke of Mei Yu, Xiaoying said: "If you don't want to tell others, I will tell others!"

"Then I don't tell, anyway, our last name is different." Mei Yu also said this thing.

On the small bull, there is a sip of a piece with chopsticks, while standing at Belodandi.

"Beli Dudanti sister, why are you not the same as Urude sister?"

The bulliance is very strange to this matter, and if you don't understand, you don't understand.

Beiler Drady heard the inquiry of the young bullish, smiling and said: "We didn't have the difference between the name, only the difference between the name."

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