Comprehensive Manzhi to listen to father's words

Book I want to listen to Dad's words Chapter 433

Now is a common interest and goal with Shaxia, naturally solve some obstacles.

"Why can't you do it, no matter what you are still a young, you can call Shaxia mother, and you can call Belot Drady mother. After all, we are all people who take care of you, call me, I can, I think this is more The feeling of family. "

Belino didn't know that this is two or two battles, but it is still a battle with the youth of the people.

"I feel that I can call the name directly." Belino is not needed to pay back in the name. "You and Wu Wei are called me like this, I think this is good."

"Just!" Xiaoxi stood at Berl Drady at this time. "Summer sister is ... in short ... I can't!"

Xiaoxia is originally desirable to say that Shaxia is a mother of Mei Yu, but I am worried that I will let the little bullie think about my own mother, I have not continued.

Fujiwara Xiangzi looked at a few people next to the table, whispered:

"That vote is good, now there is a bless, Belino, I, Shaxia, and you have three sisters, a total of seven people, so don't worry that there will be no difference in votes. I feel that the name of the bouting is not , Raise a traveler. "

You is too clear that this proposal is a trap everywhere. If you don't have this vote, Xiaoki will definitely speak Fujihara.

"Then, if it is called Belino Titi for the mother, call you the fragrant mother and Shaxax mother, is it that I am too father? I feel that this is very bad, you think you think. ? "

After you hear the words of the you, the young chick made a ghost face too, he said: "Don't!"

Fujiwara Xiangzi looked at it, seeing Guo too stopped, and did not continue to say.

Shaxia has some regrets, but did not say anything.

Small space and Mei feathers are relieved, but both think that the little chick shouts too much when Dad does not have problems.

"It is not a problem, and Euro sauce can be taking care of the little bullish!" Xiaoxi himself is not willing to take the bless to be Dad, but it thinks that the bull is too dad and there is no problem.

However, Xiao Xiao and Mei Yu did not take the bless to Dad. At this time, Xiao Xiao is not happy: "Don't!"

If you are a father, you can't spoiler like it.

You wanted to understand what these three children thought, since the little chicks called his father, why don't you recognize that Xiao Chicnium shouts Shaxia Mother?

"I think the young chick can shout Shaxia mother and Xiangzi mother, the fragrant and Shaxia are very painful, put the young chicks as a daughter, so that Belino is this, so the name is called, as for me , Continue to call it. "

You Taishi gave this matter to this matter, let the little chick shouted the fragrant and Shaxia as a mother, and did not harm.


Chapter 032, Poetry

Turning day, I went to the school after I got up in the morning.

After You Taishou, the people here also started a day.

Three children should go to school, respectively from Shaxia and Belotanti to different schools.

Two big children are going to take Shaxia's car, and the small church is transferred by Belino, and Fujihara is a partial problem for the new research institute at home.

Before you return to the three sisters, Shaxia will continue to be responsible for the company there, so I have to go on a few days.

After everyone left, the villa was only in the house.

Ubuds played games in the room, I have been used to this decadent life, and occasionally bored will go out to find sand.

On the way to the villa, a young girl is slowly walking towards the mountain.

The girl is a happy born in the New Year before the New Year, and it is a quiet girl who is not talking.

The villa is located on the mountain, and the Eight clouds have also surprised why there is also one of the same villas in the same villa in Chiba County.

Not only the same problem, even some things in the room are all the same as before.

However, these two places are very far apart, and how can moving with the house and the lawn trees in the house come together?

This kind of thing is not going to pass, so I don't want to think that the eight clouds are not the kind of people who are too wonderful, even a slower in this area.

After the year, I have to work hard, and the Ben Ben Yun took the luggage to the mountains and thought about this year.

The comics of the teacher in August this year will end, and the Eight Cloud stay here continues to act as a comic family assistant is mainly to deal with some surrounding work, such as drawing some role pictures of some original comics to the propaganda party.

These things are very small, in addition to this, I will exercise here, do some housework, and then think about what comics you want to paint in the future.

is very grateful, You is too do not urge job, and often ask yourself if you need help.

In terms of phantom, he is not clear, but every time you will let the eight clouds look at him, I will understand it.

Once you can't do it, you will take care of the eight clouds in this regard.

is still very cold in winter, after a cold blown, eight clouds tightly tight the coats, strive for a little temperature.

Breathing is white, and the snow is covered with snow on the roads on both sides. It is obvious that someone has cleaned here.

Eight clouds saw that they were still far away from the villa, they went to the wooden chair on the side.

The wood chair here is also pairing, mainly prepared for those "lost".

Eight clouds don't need to go to the villa, it is rare, and I want to take a break.

If you are spring, eight clouds may sit here.

She is a little lazy, very sleepy, very sleepy, it is easy to fall asleep.

Fortunately, now is winter, eight clouds have not slept, just want to take a break, drink some hot water.

I took out a cup from the luggage, this cup is slightly larger than the normal cup, which is roughly a bottle of mineral water, slightly wide.

The water cup is the cup of yourself, which can convert heat into electric energy to store, not only can heat cold water, but also cool hot water into ice, but also with only a bottle of beer. Weight.

It is the water that is equipped, and the capacity of the disposable paper cup is also.

Eight clouds pinched a few black tea leaves from the tea box with him, then cover the cover and waited.

After the temperature of the cup is almost almost, open the cover, waiting for tea, holding a warm tea cup while holding a warm tea cup while holding a warm tea cup.

It is very quiet here, it is a good place to sleep.

Eight clouds are quietly appreciated, and I have forgotten what I want to think.

Just when you want to drink tea, Eight clouds feel some of their teacups in their hands.

Eight clouds and doubtful look at the cup, although their hands are slightly shaking, but should not be an earthquake, but the problem of the cup.

"Is it a problem with the water cup?"

Eight clouds are somewhat surprised, they are all used to use, and this time should there be no problem?

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