Comprehensive Manzhi to listen to father's words

Book to listen to Dad's words Chapter 446

"Eight cloud? Are you not going to pick a young?"

You Ji Ji just went to the eight clouds to pick a young, and now the eight clouds come upstairs, obviously did not pick a few children.

Eight clouds nodded and explained: "When I was prepared, I called with Miss Sha Xia, Miss Sha Xia said that she would pick up the young, sorry, let you worry. ..."

"Nothing, there is sand summer really don't worry, I will call and ask Shadia."

You was taking out the phone to Shanda, and the phone just showed a busy voice, he heard the voice of the little girl in the direction of the door.

"I am back!"

The small atrial ran came in and was very happy after seeing the eight clouds in the living room, and then saw a little girl who didn't know, it was curious to come over.

You was too tone after seeing the young chick.

Sand summer is also coming in with the other two little birds, and it is also noticed that strangers in the living room.

The bulliance came to the front of the poetry, and the friendly said: "Hello, my name is a bird's bullion, five years old this year, let's play together?"

Poetry is educated by my sister, now my temper is very bad, and the tunnel bottle with these three prostitutes is very dissatisfied.

"Who wants to play with you!"

After the bulliance was fiercely felt by the poetry, it was very very very grievable.

"... ..." never treated the little chicks that have been treated this, at this time, you will look at Gu Too, very sad.

You said that he looked at these two children helplessly, and the hand of the hand is meat!

It is clear that there is no marriage.

"Don't cry, poetry is also a good child. You have to get along with her. Now the poetry , don't believe you, ask your smaller sister and Meiyu sister, so Xiao Xiao I have to work hard 1.1! "

Bello Dradi was originally designed to stop the poetry, but after seeing the comfort of the you gentle, he said to the poetry:

"The poetry is also a good boy, you have to get along with you, so it is a child."

I don't like it. There is no mistake, and the poetry doesn't like the young bullion because Beli Dudanti, so Beli Dudanti also blames the poetry.

Belino does not blame the poetry , but still hopes that the poetry can get along with you.

The two comforts, while Sha Xia came to eight clouds.

"Yun, who is this little girl?"

Eight clouds explained: "It is Belino Titi and Urudde Sister. This time is to find Belodandi."

Xiaoxi and Mei Yu looked at each other, and some understand the poetry attitude. After all, no one would like to have a distressed relatives like a person with drag.


Chapter 043 grasping the happiness in the hands

The poetry and the child are still not playing together, and these two ages are far away.

A little child of the thirteen or older is hate the child.

It's better to take care of your own big sister than the child who needs to take care of yourself.

You Ni also knows how much the poetry is, but the age of psychological age should be the level of children.

After a relatively active dinner, the young chick is roughly learned to have a little sister who doesn't like his own family.

"Xiaoyu, the very fierce little sister is really a sister of Belino?" The young chick came to the Hai's room after dinner, and the careful and Guo Wei asked about the things of poetry.

You said that Xiao Chick and said to the little chilled: "The little nature said that it can't be oh, I can't think that others don't like the bullings, the young chicks think that others are very fierce, not everyone can understand the love of the young The place. "

The little bullish looks at Gu, "But she is indeed very fierce ..."

The words of poetry are not too much, mainly the usual small texture is some of the types of very good speech.

The most important thing is that Tongshan Kwai is not willing to take care of her type. This kind of person can just talk, and will not deliberately say anything to a child.

And the poetry itself is a child, plus the same, it is unscrupulous, and it is not necessary to consider the feelings of You Tai, of course, what is it?

"Just like a person who likes to like her, the poem is because of hate Xiao Yan, so it is not willing to play with the young bullion. This is not a relationship."

You is too soft to comfort, this thing is really a bad experience for the little chock.

But this kind of thing, experience is also experienced, Gu Tai still hopes that the child can be more sensible than the same age, otherwise, it is easy to be affected by the rest of this home.

The young boutique looks at Gu Too, curious: "Why hate a little ?"

"Why? If this is to explain, you will have more trouble." You said that he smiled and said: "The words roughly said, because I am with Beli Drady, poetry Happy, I think I will take the Belottani.

"What does it mean to win the Belodandy sister?" The young chicks can't understand the words of the you.

You wanted to think about it.

"It's, if I am married with Beli Dradanti, Belino will be with me, and you look at you, I live with Belino, this time poetry Dess is not with Beiledanti, so poetry will hate me. "

The bull seems to understand what it is, it is nervous: "I can't get together with the poetry sister."

"This, it should be." You didn't sure this thing, if you are getting married, it is estimated that this home has to change.

I heard this answer and continued to say: "When you get married, will you have a few children?"

"This, it should be, you have to take care of the little bull, then you can rest assured." You was comforted by the young, "Don't think about it, the poetry doesn't like the bullion is not because of the small bullion, Therefore, the child has no mistakes, continue to live, if it is poetry , then tell Xiao Yan or Belotanti. "

The little gratiance nodded, and then shook his head quickly. "The little boutique will not say the bad words of the poetry!"

The smile laughed, said to the little chick: "Well, this is a good child, now a good child will go to the sister to take a shower, do a clean good child."

Shortly after the small chicks, maybe I know from the little bull, two little girls have entered the Hai's room.

"Ou Ni ..." Xiaoxi and Mei Yu were also careful and greeted.

You didn't turn off the door. When I heard the voice of the two, I said gentle: "I come in, I will bring some special products when I come back this time, but I have been eaten by the poetry in the half road. I mean. "

Small space and Mei Yu are not in the specialty. At this time, Xiaoxiao went to the side of the you.

"Ou Ni sauce, the things of poetry ?"

You was too small, unconsciously, the little girl was also growing up, and it was also high school students from junior high school students.

Although the one is not very long, the body is still so poor, but it is really mature.

"It doesn't matter, you should be able to understand the current mood of the poetry, waiting for it to get familiar with it, I think the poetry will accept the current situation."

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