Comprehensive Manzhi to listen to father's words

Book to listen to Dad's words Chapter 465

Chapter 060 Is there a secretary

Lu Xun once said, the time is like the water in the sponge, as long as it is willing, it is still still there.

Lu Xun also said, I seem to be a cow, eat grass, squeezing is milk.

There is no cultivated field, only the exhausted cattle, this sentence is not Lu Xun.

Lu Xun also said that he did not die in silence, it broke out in silence.


In the scream of a woman under the body, You Taishi's outbreak of the old cultivated cattle in silence.

Under the continuous outbreak, You also hugged the body of a woman under his body, and the two were enjoying the remaining waves and hard work after the storm.

There is a secretary of the secretary, and there is no secretary.

After discovering that your own things are more and more, after it is completely busy, you will give up the squeeze time and take a more effective way to solve the problem.

You Taoyai slammed from the waist, and his hands lifted from the woman's body, and then slammed the woman's white buttock.

The crisp sound is particularly clear in the office, and the woman who is lazy in the work desk is not thinking on the desk. After being hit, I turned to a blanked spoiled expression.

You didn't pay attention to this woman's complaint, and it was a lesson. I


"It's almost working, and the rest time ends."

Although You Ta 740 is urging the other party, there is no free hand.

Women have to support the table, after putting down the sleeper on the waist, they start to organize their uniform uniforms and collars.

After the simple cleaned, the woman was in front of the mother, helping the mother of the trousers to finish, tidy, and rectified.

After two people, they have packed it, re-become the outstanding youth of the office girl and Wen Wenya, and the You also opened its own air purification unit, and cleared the excess tastes in the room.

Ultra high efficiency air purification unit will soon make the room full of fragrance, just like the air in nature, there is no noise in the whole process.

Technology, achieve a better life.

That is, you are too, there is something that needs to be in this place.

Come and tears will wipe the paper towel of the two people to lose in the sealed incinerator in the corner, destroy these garbage.

After you have dealive, you will sit in the opposite of your desk, elegant: "You let me come here, is it to do this?"

You shook his head, "Of course, in addition to this kind of thing, there is still a matter of work, you can see this as a reward, if you do work, then I have more time to accompany you. If you don't have this now. "

Listening to the words, I laughed and laughed to tears. "There is a lot of work, and you have helped us, and here I will help."

"Well, then trouble you, people here are very good, and big sister your ability is suitable for this matter." You are too trust in tears, the ability of the other party is much better than Shaosha, "Not only work ability Big sister, no matter what maturity is elegant, or the inclusive performance of the inclusiveness is unforgettable. "

I have to listen to the praise of You Tai, and the connotation of the words of adult color, said with a helpless tone: "What are you busy with recently? I have learned about this company, and I am responsible for something. So even more strange you why you want to be a teacher. "

When you come to tears, you are still a college student.

Now You is still a college student, but it is also a teacher.

While students, when teachers.

You Taoli said: "You can understand the personal volunteer, the company's things will be pleased, I will take a look, of course, big sister, if you feel necessary, you can contact me, no matter what Will come over to help your big sister, you solve. "

I have nodded in my tears. After I came back from Mi, I was convinced to convince it.

The little love in the three sisters is still going to college, Xiaoyi and tears sister because there is no other thing, come over to help.

It's a relationship with you to tears, Xiaoyi is under my sister's proposal, and there is no other thing to agree.

You is a good one, and the personal charm is getting higher and higher. Many girls are very easy to have a good feeling, willing to help Gu.

After picking up tears from the airport, You Taishi directly pressed the tears on the table, but also owed a while.

After letting tears, the things will naturally be solved naturally.

The man is also the same, after being comfortable by the woman, it is always easy to commit some stupid mistakes.

Workers have more profitable robots to make more time to make more time to make more professional robots, and push their own things to others.

Since you are not willing to graze, let others graze!

Feed those women in a few days, and then these people will play a more enthusiasm and powerful.

However, the average person really can't hold so many women's squeezes. It is so strong that the quality of You Tai is strong enough to cope with the goddess. Now it is to stand against A, and it can also be raised.

Of course, the premise is that Ubura does not use special means, such as the driving port, which belongs to the technical level.

When You was feeding, he was full of tears, and he was also on the other, and the two were also pushing, so why don't you find someone?

"Lai Xiang is also graduated, go to Lai Xiang!"

You first thought that it is the woman who is the woman who likes to be in the first thing, and whether it is the body or character, it is very exciting.

When you put such a sleeping big breast, when the secretary is in the office, I think it is very cool!

You said that I thought I did it, I quickly called the woven fish, and I said my meaning.

"Okay, I feel that I will be more convenient to come with you."

Nikalai is not a tension for the future, but it also understands the problems that should be known, such as the pressure of the work and society.

If you are with you, then this is not a problem.

These issues are not what is nothing on the woven field. She is a person who is indifferent, it is very clear, what is not suitable.

Because the offer is very suitable for you, Lai Xiang agreed.

After you find three sister-shaped secretary, You is too easy to find out.

"Why no longer work hard, find a few more? People have more powerful!"

You said that he had already been forgotten, forgot the serious facts that he had to feed the grass, I don't know how the sky is thick, and more than a greedy thing ...

Lu Xun said, dry and being dried, this is a problem.


Chapter 061 Office Office

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