Comprehensive Manzhi to listen to father's words

Book I want to listen to Dad's words Chapter 471

"This is of course, the girl's room is very clean." The clothes don't want to be considered to be the kind of girl.

You Too looked at this room, belonging to the normal girl's bedroom, can't see anything ~.

I saw that You was watching his bedroom, and there was a little nervous and quickly said: "Teacher, are you the first time to enter the girl's room?"

"No, my family has a girl in the middle of the high school girls to take care of it. It is the sister of Xiao Xiao, and when I go to explore the sick, I also chatted in the room for a while, and there are many experiences, this is very What is the usual thing? "

The girl's room has no mysterious feelings about You Tai, don't say it is a girl's room, that is, the girl's underwear is also a very common thing to Gu too.

Although You said that it is very good, it is still the kind of flower bureau, and suddenly hates: "Teacher's life is very problematic!"

You said: "This kind of words will not be in your way. Dye, deliberately threshing skirts, hair accessories and accessories, or the students of our school will be some people who are not looking for. If you strictly abide by the student meeting of the school system, you can walk into the school gate? "

By the buddy clothing, it is said: "Everyone is like this!"

You showerped, "Okay, take out your rest of your subjects to show me, I first understand your rest of the subject, have you carefully take notes."

From the side of the buddy, the results are really can't take.

You was too late to say that it was soft and whispered: "Don't be nervous, there is no need, your mother will not give you a teacher, so what you should think about how to improve your achievements, let me lose this job "

It feels much better than a slight tone that is slightly subjected to the sprinkle.

"The teacher said too serious, my achievements and snow did not ratio, the teacher taught the students, I ..."

You shook his head and smiled and said: "There are also many bias in my student. For example, what you know is better than the mathematics score, but you are also clear that it is very conscious than the Valley Bayi. So the recent achievements are very good, you have a better foundation than him, and you will not be too strong. "

The clothes are clear than the matter of the Valley, and after the arrival of the other party, he looked at Wu Tai.

"Teacher, the recent atmosphere of the community is very blame, snow is not very much, and there is no talk."

You didn't help but looked up. "You still manage yourself, just because you always think about others, your grades will be so much, and we only talk about learning, don't talk about the wind moon."

I feel very embarrassed, what is the windy moon, I can say that there is no windy day and the other side.

When You was roughly understanding of the situation than the coat, he went home from the talents, and went home to sort out a set of learning plans suitable for the clothes.

The semester here is divided into three semester. The first semester is summer vacation. The second semester is winter holiday, the third semester is spring holiday.

Spring leave is generally at the beginning of March, while high school and university graduation and enrollment are at this time.

It is in mid-January, that is, for another two months, students in the class are not guilty.

Considering the student's things, You are still still feeling too difficult to feel this hundred student quota.

Wasting time is not said, there are too many things to do.

"You! Is the material I want to do?"

You just didn't take a few o'clock, just gave a question on the dinner table.

The poetry is very natural, just like looking for it too much, it is a matter of course.

And in fact, this is true, and You himself feel that it is a matter of course for the poetry.

But knowing that it is a lazy or lazy.

"Ah, this, today I have a delay in an afternoon, I will help you tomorrow."

Listening to the little scorpion is for Beli Drady, and the things you have done now are also for Belino Titi.

The former is indirect to Beli Drady, the latter is directly for Beiledanti, Gu is too clear which priority is higher.

The poetry is not angry after hear it, and it is accustomed to this home atmosphere.

Of course, the temper is still the temper ...

"That's going to do it! I will use it tomorrow!" Poetry is now learning, saying that it is said to be said: "Sister ~ He promised my things to do Ah ~ "

Use the speaking calculation to force you to work too!

Bello Dhandi believes that the speech should be calculated, so I think that the poetry doesn't have a mistake, just look at Gu Tao: "Do you have time? If you are tired, I will help you."

Bello Dhandi is not only a family good at home, but also is basically a master level in other things, including mechanical aspects.

You is too speechless to look at the poetry who is playing with himself, so I have to agree.

"Nothing, I don't have much thing tomorrow, I can be busy for a while." You said that after I promised, I looked at the other side of the other side: "Stating that we haven't worn for a long time, last time I still go to the beach. "

The rest of the people looked at Wu Tai, Meimei said: "Ou Ni sauce is to take us to the seaside?"

"No!" The opponents' poetry quickly pressed on the table, vigilant, "You must want to see your sister's swimwear! I won't let you succeed!"

"Then don't you go?" Xiaoxi has some opinions on the poetry of the blessing, and the other party is always blessing, and Gu is too long to take care of it. What people feel like being taken away.

You was quickly said: "Don't argue, don't noisy, this time is not going to the beach, talking about our family and the little bird tourist is not a rich man, I want to wait for the spring holiday, take you to the Hokkaido."

"Hokkaido? Is it skiing?" Sand summer was born in Russia, the cold and frozen Russia, which would drink Russia for skiing, so it is very good at skiing.

"Hokkaido, I heard that there are many bear, and they will practice the hand." Urud is rare.

You Yu frowned, "Is it not a crime?"

"Don't break the law." Belino Titi.

"Don't break the law." Fujihara.

"I have never heard of the hound is punished?" Shaxia.

You thought about it, and finally said: "Well, it is my lonely."


Chapter 067, sensible, small scorpion (5)

After dinner, You Tire will start to prepare materials to the poetry in the studio.

This time, the poetry is to do is a robot that helps Bello Drady do housework, and in order to show its own technology, the poetry uses the most advanced technology to make.

Although it is forced to do things, You is too nor angry. After seeing the poetry of the sister and a person who wrote the program in the room, You was not angry.

Of course, it is very touched by people, but I think of this property in the final program of this thing. You are too moving.

In the end, all efforts will become black, representing fireworks with faults and sparks.

Know the results, but go hard, this feeling is really unhappy!

Even so, Gu Tai is concentrated in the studio to perform high-precision welding, seamlessly weld the outer skeleton armor of the robot.

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