This is the one-armed old man's strongest sword, and it is also the last sword.

Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect VS One Sword Open the Gate of Heaven

Then you have to decide the winner and the loser

In the end, it is the one-armed old sword god, who was invincible in the world before Jiazi, and the older generation of powerhouses who reached the peak of kendo is even more powerful.

Or Lin Xuan, a rising star, is even better.

The clash between the strongest kendo of the two eras is about to be decided, and at this moment, several seniors in the entire Wudang are so big-eyed that they don't even dare to breathe, for fear of missing some details.

In the Lotus Peak, the middle-aged Taoist priest was calm, and Mu Huanhuan beside him was the same, and his heart hung up.

Above the sky, the one-armed old man slashed out a sword, urging the strongest sword move, opening the gate of heaven with a sword, and slashing towards the young Taoist.

The wind and snow roared, and the heavens and the earth were separated from the middle by this sword, and the vast night, and the heavy snow that was splashed and sprinkled were also separated from the middle.

In everyone's eyes, there is only that sword, that snow-white sword light, even Wang Chonglou, the real person in charge of Wudang.

"What a terrible sword move. "

He muttered to himself.

That sword light, as if it had indescribable magical power, attracted people's minds, and they couldn't help but look at it.

"Be careful. "

Wang Chonglou opened his mouth violently, attracting his true qi and waking up the two Taoist priests beside him, who had a look of fear on his face.

"I was almost injured by Li Jianshen's sword intent. "

The white-haired old Taoist priest came back to his senses, his eyes were full of fear, and he didn't dare to look at the sword again.



Heaven and earth are bright and dark, and that sword light, like a line, divides the whole world into two.


The wind and snow surged, between heaven and earth, a huge moat appeared, or a huge crack connecting the sky and the earth, the white wind and snow surged towards both sides of the crack, and where the sword qi went, the crack could not be healed for a long time.

What a terrible sword light this is?

It can be called the supreme sword way, and it has almost reached the extreme of the sword way in the world, and everyone sweats for the young Taoist.

Ask yourself, if they were to deal with this sword themselves, they would never be able to take it.



In the wind and snow, the young Taoist priest was wrapped in a cyan robe, surrounded by the wind and snow, and stepped on the void.

His face was solemn, and only by really facing this sword and opening the gate of heaven could he experience the horror in it.

Before the sword qi was slashed on the body, the extremely sharp edge was already coming towards him and blowing on the body.

Even with Lin Xuan's King Kong, which was not bad, under this terrifying edge, he felt extremely stinging.

"What a domineering sword aura. "

Lin Xuan said secretly, this is the power of the great master of the sword path, this sword, he doesn't dare to use the Vajra incorruptible body to hard-connect.

That's simply self-defeating, the sword of the one-armed old man, even if it is the existence of those who have cultivated their ascetic bodies for decades in Buddhism, I am afraid they will not dare to take it.

Whoever picks up dies.

The sword qi and the vajra of Buddhism 723 are a spear and a shield, if the spear is sharp, the shield is broken, and if the shield is tipped, the spear is broken.

"A sword opens the gate of heaven. "

Lin Xuan's chest agitated, and with a thought, the internal force that had been urged to the extreme skyrocketed again.

The Pure Yang Wuji Gong and the Qinglian Sword Sutra operated to the extreme, and a massive amount of sword qi shuttled through the meridians of the body.

The cyan robe agitated, and the terrifying aura rose to the sky, swaying upward, watching the snow-bright sword light get closer and closer.

The young Taoist priest's expression was not moved, but his right hand reached out, pinched the sword finger, and in an instant, above the sky, hundreds of sword weapons vibrate, emitting a high-pitched sword sound.

Each sword weapon is wrapped in a sharp and domineering Qinglian sword qi, which can be called the sharpest divine weapon in the world.

The void shook, the heavens and the earth trembled, and one after another sword qi erupted, tearing through the night wind and snow, and the young Taoist priest's sword finger pointed at the one-armed old man.



In all directions, countless sword weapons roared.

"Chop. "

After a moment, Lin Xuan opened his mouth lightly and spit out a word, like a spell, and all the power exploded.




One after another, the sword weapons vibrated and gathered together, turning into four long rivers of sword weapons, crossing the void and killing the one-armed old man.



The dragon roared and shook the sky, the four dragons were entangled, the scales and armor were complete, and the blood basin opened its mouth, swallowing immeasurable sword qi.


The first sword weapon, Jiaolong, took the lead, and opened the gate of heaven towards the one-armed old man's sword, and the divine dragon took off, opened its bloody mouth, and bit on the snowy sword light.



Two extremely powerful sword qi collided, the void shook, and the rolling sword qi storm raged in all directions.

A sword weapon couldn't withstand this force, and it shattered in the blink of an eye, directly annihilated, and turned into powder.

Immediately after that, the second sword weapon shattered, then the third, the fourth, and the fifth, and more and more sword weapons shattered.

The first sword qi dragon was directly separated from the middle by the one-armed old man's sword to open the heavenly gate, and the rolling sword qi crossed the void and continued to slash towards the young Taoist.

The top of Wudang Mountain

The seniors watched this scene silently, their expressions solemn, the wind and snow were torn, and the night was shaking.

It's as if two fierce beasts from ancient times are clashing.

"Kendo is worthy of being the way to kill. "

Wang Chonglou spoke: "If you talk about killing power, whether it is the way of heaven or the way of martial arts, it is inferior to the way of the sword. "

"Chop. "

Lin Xuan's expression remained unchanged, his sword finger pressed, and the second sword qi dragon roared, soaring into the air, heading towards that sword qi.



In the void (bdda), sparks splashed, sword qi shattered, and wailed, but no one, whether it was a one-armed old man or a young Taoist priest, no one moved.

The second sword weapon, Jiaolong, shattered, but the power of that sword light was also much weakened.


The young Taoist sword guide moved, and in an instant, the third sword weapon, Jiaolong, opened its teeth and claws, and headed towards the sword qi.


The earth-shattering collision, a circle of sword qi ripples spread, destroying it.


At the top of Wudang Mountain, a mountain peak was directly cut off from the middle, the incision was smooth, and half of the top of the mountain fell under the cliff.

It can be seen that the aftermath of the fight is terrifying.


The third sword weapon Jiaolong was annihilated, Lin Xuan snorted coldly, the sword pointed out, and the fourth sword weapon Jiaolong took off.


The hundred-zhang-long sword weapon divine dragon slammed headlong towards the sword qi, and the storm raged, which can be called devastating.

The whole Wudang is trembling, the pavilions and pavilions are shaking, and many thick snows are falling directly on the mountains and ancient trees.

The sword light slashed by the sword weapon Jiaolong and the one-armed old man shattered at the same time, and the terrifying sword qi storm was overwhelming.

It's like the legendary Nine Heavens Gang Wind, which razes everything to the ground wherever it goes.

However, in the midst of this storm, a long sword tore through the void and turned into a streamer of light towards the one-armed old man.

The two figures confronted each other above the sky, even though there was a raging storm of sword qi in all directions, but neither Lin Xuan nor the one-armed old man moved.

The cold sword was like a meteor, tearing through the snow and the night, and it was like a bamboo, heading towards the one-armed old man.

Lin Xuan's sword pointed out, and the long sword was devastating, like thunder and lightning, and the one-armed old man did not dodge or dodge.

However, when the sword weapon entered within ten feet of his body, its speed slowed down, like a mud ox entering the sea.

After a few breaths, he froze completely, and just suspended in front of the one-armed old man.

The sword body buzzed, urging a fierce sword qi, wanting to break through the one-armed old man's protective true qi.

However, no matter how Lin Xuan urged the true qi, the long sword never moved, and the young Taoist priest looked unwilling.

His face was pale, and he took half a step forward, and at this moment, it was as if the sky had collapsed and the world was turned upside down.

The immeasurable coercion was overwhelming, and even the air seemed to be frozen, and the vast wind and snow poured down mountains and seas, surging towards the one-armed old man.

The latter stepped on the void, wrapped in coarse linen clothes, and remained motionless like a mountain.



The long sword shook, and the sword qi above it was like the water of a mountain torrent, venting out and rising.


On the Light Condensing Sword, a slight crack appeared, followed by a second crack, and then a third crack.

This divine weapon could no longer withstand Lin Xuan's terrifying power, and the sword body was collapsing.


After a few breaths, the long sword completely collapsed, turning into powder, and above the sky, two figures confronted each other.

"It's a tie. "

Half a day

The one-armed old man spoke.

"The future is terrifying, boy, your move of Ten Thousand Swords is very brilliant. "

"That's a good trick for heavy snow. "


The young Taoist priest muttered to himself, even if he was unwilling to accept this result, he could only give up.

With this Jiazi before, the invincible Li Jianshen in the world was there, plus hundreds of thousands of iron horsemen in Beiliang, Lin Xuan really did not have the capital to lose both with Xu Cripple.

If you continue to fight, the best result is nothing more than the end of the game.

"Practice your sword well, you are the first in the world. "

Leaving these words, the one-armed old man turned around, stepped on the void, rose against the wind, and walked into the distance.

In the blink of an eye, there was no trace.

Lin Xuan's palm pressed, and above the sky, the originally violent sword qi storm instantly calmed down, and he also turned around and headed towards the Wudang Mountain Gate.

"Master. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Under the gaze of several Wudang juniors, the young Taoist priest floated to the ground, revealing a wry smile.

The disciple failed to overcome him. "

"Enough, enough. "

Wudang Sect Leader Wang Chonglou's face bloomed with a smile, and he couldn't see the slightest sadness and sadness, only relief.

"If you have this heart as a teacher, you are already satisfied. "

Wang Chonglou stroked his beard and grinned: "The proudest thing in my life as a teacher is to teach you such a disciple." "

"Master. "

Lin Xuan rubbed his eyebrows.

"Xuan'er, I didn't expect you to be able to force Li Jianshen to return to the Heavenly Phenomena Realm, and you fought without a victory. "

The white-haired old Taoist priest smiled: "The last move is to return to the sect with ten thousand swords, looking at the rivers and lakes, it can be called Jiazi, the strongest sword move." "

These Wudang seniors looked at the young Taoist priest in front of them more and more satisfied.

"But in the end, I didn't win. "

Lin Xuan smiled bitterly.

"Enough, enough. "

Wang Chonglou said: "Go back and rest, don't put your mind on killing Xu's lame son in the future."

From tomorrow onwards, you will take over as the division to handle the affairs of Wudang. "

"Master, there are still many things that the disciple has not done. "

Lin Xuan shook his head: "After some time, the disciple is going to go down the mountain." "

"What are you going to do?"

Wang Chonglou was curious.

"Go to Shaolin first, and then go to Longhu Mountain. "

The young Taoist priest said: "The enmity that was made back then, the disciple has not forgotten. "

"Well, you can go if you want. "

Wang Chonglou did not stop it, with the cultivation of his apprentices, the world is so big that there is nowhere to go.

Taking advantage of the fact that he can still last for two years, let Lin Xuan live a happy life in the rivers and lakes for another two years, and wait to take over as the head of Wudang.

You can't do things as recklessly as you do now.

"Go down and rest. "

Leaving in front of the mountain gate, back to the small courtyard, the night was dark, the snow was splashing, and I took a hot bath.

Lin Xuan lay on the bed and couldn't sleep for a long time.

"It's not enough. "


He muttered to himself, "Give yourself another five years, even if three years is enough." "

It's a pity that there is no if in this world, since Xu Cripple came to Wudang for a showdown, things have become a foregone conclusion.

"A sword opens the gate of heaven. "

Lin Xuan thought back to the sword that the one-armed old man had slashed out before, if he hadn't cultivated the Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect.

With the skill of drawing a sword, I am afraid that I will not be able to catch it, at most I can only guarantee that I will not be injured, but I will be defeated.

"It's really the most domineering swordsmanship in the world. "

He muttered.

Put away all your thoughts, empty your mind, and fall into a deep sleep, and soon there was a slight snoring in the room.

A few days later

Beiliang Palace

The heavy snow was splashing, covering the sky and the sun, the clouds were thick, and in the depths of the palace, Xu Cripple was turning around with his hands behind his back.

Wudang's information has not yet been sent, which makes Xu Cripple extremely worried, although he is ninety percent sure in his heart.

I'm not afraid of 10,000, I'm afraid of what happens, if Lin Xuan has been hiding clumsy, maybe there will be an accident.

"It's back. "

A familiar voice appeared, and a one-armed old man wrapped in coarse linen clothes stepped on the snow and fell from the sky and landed in the courtyard.

"How's it going?"

Xu Cripple hurriedly greeted him and asked.


The one-armed old man asked in surprise with his nostrils clasped his nostrils.

"Old man Li, you are still pretending to be garlic with me, let's talk about the result of the sword fight, who wins and who loses?"

Xu lame spoke.

"But Lin Xuan lost?"

"He didn't lose. "

The one-armed old man shook his head.

Xu lame stumbled and exclaimed, "No, even you are not that kid's opponent." "

"Definitely. "

The one-armed old man still shook his head: "That kid is indeed a genius, I first pointed at Xuan, but was suppressed by that kid, and I had no choice but to break through the realm and return to the heavens, and then I had a few swords with him." "

"You just tell me who won. "

Xu was dissatisfied.

"No one won. "

The one-armed old man grinned: "In the last move, I used a sword to open the gate of heaven and return to the sect with ten thousand swords created by him, and I made a draw." "

"Tie. "

Xu Cripple's hanging heart finally fell back into his belly, sat on the chair, and drank the tea with a clatter.

"Old man Xu, the old man ran all the way back and forth, and you didn't even give you a cup of tea because of a fight with someone for your son?"

The one-armed old man snorted coldly.

"Tea. "

Xu Cripple shouted, and then said, "Hurry up and listen to the situation of the sword fight, and talk carefully." "

This King of Northern Liang, the Earth Emperor of Liangzhou, was full of curiosity in his heart, and Lin Xuan was able to tie with the one-armed old man who had returned to the Heavenly Phenomena Realm.

And the one-armed old man even used a sword at the bottom of the box to open the gate of heaven, but he couldn't suppress that guy.

It wasn't until the one-armed old man carefully finished talking about the battle boy in the snowy night that Xu was silent.

"I heard that kid has a lot to do with your second daughter. "

The one-armed old man grinned and quipped: "Speaking of which, this kid is still your son-in-law, with his help, Beiliang will be as stable as Mount Tai in the future." "

"Is that boy's sword broken?"

In the middle of the night, Xu Cripple asked.

"Hmm. "

The one-armed old man nodded: "Shattered by his own sword qi." "

"That kid's kendo cultivation, I'm afraid that today, he can rank in the top three. "

"Top three. "

Xu lame sighed: "What a demon." "

Then he beat his chest and paused: "Why is it cheap, Wang Chonglou, this bull-nosed Taoist." "

shouted towards the outside of the hall: "Go to the treasury, take a peerless sword, and send it to Wudang." "

The only contradiction was also resolved, with Xu Cripple's understanding of Lin Xuan, although this guy is sometimes stubborn, he knows that he can't do anything, but he won't forcibly burn the jade.

"Thank you so much for this trip. "

Xu lame spoke.

"Small meaning. "

The one-armed old man shook his head: "This trip is not in vain, at least I have seen that kid's Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect, and this one is enough." "

Half a month later

Xu Cripple's people arrived in Wudang, and in the Zhenwu Palace, Lin Xuan looked at the quaint long sword lying quietly in the wooden box, crying and laughing.

"Try it, this is what the lame man heard that your saber was broken, so he sent someone to send it. "

Wang Chonglou chuckled.

The young Taoist priest took out the sheathed long sword from the wooden box, and the true qi urged, the long sword was automatically unsheathed, and a cold cold light came into view.

The sword was more than three feet long, longer than the Condensing Light Sword, and the long sword was glowing with the color of black ice, and the whole body was snow-white.

The shape is extremely simple, and on the blade of the sword, there is a faint breath of invisible edge, which is extremely sharp.

"Frost. "

Lin Xuan said, the true qi was injected into the long sword, and a strong cold aura erupted in an instant, and the temperature in the main hall plummeted.

"Barely enough. "

He pursed his lips and put away his sword.

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