This is also a matter of no choice, the rise of Wudang is already unstoppable, if Longhu Mountain wants to defend the position of the leader of the Daomen, it is bound to fight with Wudang.

And it's not that kind of ordinary fight, today you count me as a pawn, and tomorrow I will fall as a son.

In the battle of Taoism, the opponent must be subdued, disabled, and even beaten to the point that the opponent can no longer get up before he can stop.

Even if it is the destruction of the Tu Sect, he will not hesitate to do so.

After all, on the rivers and lakes, this kind of thing happens not a lot of times.

However, if you want Longhu Mountain to give away the position of the leader of the Dao Sect like this, there is no such possibility.

The two sides must have done a fight, but it will not be as tragic as the battle of Shaomu Mountain, directly losing half of the masters and disciples, so that it is impossible to turn over in the next few decades.

Longhu Mountain can't afford such a loss, after all, there is a Huishan Mountain next to him.

The middle-aged Heavenly Master said in a deep voice: "But I'm afraid those people in the back mountain won't be willing. "

Over the years, Longhu Mountain has been tied to the imperial court, although Wudang has been overwhelmed by the power of the imperial court.

But there must be something to give.

The tentacles of the imperial court have also reached into Longhu Mountain, and they are deeply rooted, and have begun to influence the decision-making of Longhu Mountain.

"Leave them alone. "

The white-haired old heavenly master shook his head: "This is our own family matter in Longhu Mountain, if they don't want to, then let them stop Lin Xuan." "

"Hehe, Uncle Shi, I'm afraid none of these guys dare to come forward now. "

The middle-aged Heavenly Master said in a disdainful tone: "Right now, Lin Xuan is at the time when his momentum is at its strongest, and under the Land Immortal Realm, I'm afraid there is no opponent."

Those people in the back mountain, although they are cultivators, they don't dare to risk their own cultivation and their lives. "

"In a word, the most important thing for us in Longhu Mountain this time is to preserve our strength. "

The Heavenly Master said.

At the foot of the mountain

The young Taoist priest was wrapped in a navy blue robe, and climbed with the beautiful woman, followed by a sturdy green ox

The sky is full of snow, the sky is vast, and in the vast snow and fog, there are hidden pavilions and halls.

"Is that the mountain gate of Dragon Tiger Mountain?"

Shan Meixian spoke, although she had not yet stepped into Longhu Mountain, Shan was greeted by a thick baptism of years.

There was a faint coercion in the air, and those looming pavilions and pavilions were antique.

The Longhu Mountain Sect has been established for thousands of years, and it is still above Wudang in terms of years, and the cultivation of each Heavenly Master is extremely powerful.

09 There are many masters, the strong are like clouds, standing tall in the rivers and lakes, and in the past few decades, with the support of the imperial court, they are thriving and leading the world.

Although Shan Meixian is the lady of Dongming, controls fifty percent of the world's waterways, and has a power all over the martial arts, it is still much worse than the thousand-year-old sect of Longhu Mountain, which has been inherited for thousands of years.

"Dominate the world. "

The young Taoist priest put his hands behind his back, raised his head, looked at the mountain gate of Longhu Mountain, and said softly, "Not soon." "

"Will Dragon Tiger Mountain choose to fight you to the death this time?"

Shan Meixian asked, "Presumably, at this time, they already know that you are under the mountain, and I am afraid that they are ready."

Dragon Tiger Mountain has been in charge of the Dao Sect for a long time, and it should not just give up such supreme authority. "

"There are lessons from Shaolin's past, and Longhu Mountain should not fight to the death. "

Lin Xuan shook his head: "If they are willing, I will definitely not be able to leave Longhu Mountain today." "

"Why do you insist on coming when you know this is the case?"

Shan Meixian was puzzled, according to her thoughts, Lin Xuan's best choice was to cultivate in a low-key manner, or temporarily avoid the giants of Shaolin and Longhu Mountain.

Wait for the future to cultivate enough, and then climb the mountain gate.

But Lin Xuan's approach was completely different from what she thought, just like a rookie who has just come out of the rivers and lakes, as the so-called newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.

But it was this kind of reckless behavior, but it forced Shaolin and Momen to bow their heads one after another.

"Why don't you come?"

The young Taoist priest pouted: "They don't dare to fight me to the death, because if they want to keep me, they need to pay the price they can't afford at all." "

"You're so confident?"

Shan Meixian's beautiful eyes widened.

"Naturally. "

During the conversation, the mountain gate of Longhu Mountain was getting closer and closer, and the sky above his head was covered with heavy snow, howling winds, and the stone stairs under his feet were covered with thick layers of snow and ice.

Leaving two lines of shallow footprints, half an hour later, Lin Xuan took Shan Meixian to Longhu Mountain, in front of the Demon Suppression Hall.

There were no imaginary sieges by many Dragon and Tiger Mountain masters, only three contemporary Heavenly Masters were waiting together.

A white-haired old Heavenly Master, two middle-aged Heavenly Masters, although Lin Xuan hadn't seen these three people, he recognized them.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable. "

The old Taoist priest was kind and said, "The three poor Daoists have been waiting for Lin Dao for a long time. "

"Don't frame people, don't bully me with poor eyesight, I didn't see anyone in front of the demon subjugation hall at the bottom of the mountain. "

The young Taoist priest didn't appreciate it, and said bluntly: "You obviously just came out. "

The two middle-aged Taoist priests looked slightly embarrassed, but the old Taoist priest was extremely calm, and said softly: "The heavy snow is splashing, I think it is covering the vision of Lin Daochang." "

"Lao Dao, you are saying that my vision is low. "

Lin Xuan's expression was unhappy.

Who would have thought that the dignified Heavenly Master of Longhu Mountain, the only remaining old real master in the Daomen, would be deflated continuously.

Moreover, Lin Xuan didn't give him face at all, even Shan Meixian raised his heart to his throat at this time, for fear that those Heavenly Masters of Dragon and Tiger Mountain would make a violent move at this time.

The two middle-aged Heavenly Masters were also a little angry in their hearts, but they didn't show it.

"No, no, no. "

The old heavenly master shook his head: "It's cold, it's better for Lin Daochang and Shan Gang Master to go to the hall first and drink a cup of hot tea."

After all, Wudang and Longhu Mountain are both Daomen holy places, both have a long history, and many things should not be shown on the bright side. "

"Let's go. "

Lin Xuan nodded slightly, took Shan Meixian past a few people, and walked towards the Demon Suppression Hall.

Two cups of hot tea were served, a raging flame burned in the copper furnace, and outside the main hall, the green ox lay on its stomach under the eaves.

The two Heavenly Masters of Dragon and Tiger Mountain looked at the young Taoist priest who was drinking tea slowly, and they couldn't make up their minds in their hearts, and they all looked at the white-haired old Heavenly Master.

"This is a native tea from Houshan, although it can't be put on the table, but it tastes good, so the disciples of Longhu Mountain love it more.

I don't know if Lin Dao Chang and Sect Master Shan can get used to drinking. "

"Naturally, I am used to drinking. "

He put down the teacup and played with the taste with his expression: "Longhu Mountain is the holy land of Daomen, the Daomen who dominates the world, if this is soil tea, then my Wudang's tea is even more unproductive." "

"It's all spread by good people on the rivers and lakes. "

The Heavenly Master shook his head: "Don't believe it. "

"By generation, you're twice as big as I am. "

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes: "It's not interesting to talk like this, and you don't need to continue to play dumb riddles, the purpose of this trip to Longhu Mountain is poor." "

His gaze swept over the white-haired old Taoist priest and the other two middle-aged Heavenly Masters, and raised his eyebrows: "Presumably the three of them are already clear." "

"New hatred and old hatred are settled together today. "

"The trend of the times is not a personal vendetta. "

The Celestial Master shook his head.

"Then you say, how to solve it?"

Lin Xuan said lightly: "In the past few decades, your Dragon and Tiger Mountain has overwhelmed my Wudang, and Zhao Tianshi even wanted to go down the mountain back then and personally attack the poor road.

If it weren't for the fact that my master stayed at the foot of Longhu Mountain for a few days and nights, I'm afraid that the poor road would have turned into a pile of dry bones by this time. "

"Don't be too rampant, boy. "

Zhao Tianshi snorted coldly: "Although your strength is strong, you are not invincible in the world, my Dragon and Tiger Mountain Dao has been inherited for thousands of years, even the old monster of the East China Sea King, who claims to be the second in the world, does not dare to come to the mountain gate."

You are just a second-generation disciple of Wudang, if it weren't for the face of your master Wang Zhenren, today An can let you enter the Demon Suppression Palace. "

"Good. "

The corners of the young Taoist's mouth raised slightly: "Poor Dao likes Zhao Tianshi's unruly appearance." "



In the void, a formless and phaseless murderous aura suddenly appeared, the flames in the copper furnace swayed, the temperature in the main hall instantly dropped, and the billowing cold air was permeated.

Let the mood of several heavenly masters of Longhu Mountain sink to the bottom.

"It's so murderous. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The old heavenly master said secretly, his pale hair moved with the wind, and the pair of faint old eyes that seemed to be muddy fell on the young Taoist priest's body, as if he wanted to peek at Lin Xuan's cultivation.

But no matter how he used it, the young Taoist priest's body seemed to be shrouded in a lingering fog, and he couldn't see through it at all.

"What a terrible cultivation. "

The two middle-aged Heavenly Masters were even more surprised, although the second-generation disciples of Wudang in front of them had never made a move, but this move was clearly a demonstration.

is also provoking, just using a wisp of murderous aura to make the hearts of the three heavenly masters tremble, you can imagine how terrifying his cultivation is.

"This kind of demon, why isn't it my disciple of Dragon Tiger Mountain. "

Zhao Tianshi sighed secretly, Lin Xuan's talent and roots were too terrifying, almost perfect to the extreme, and it was not an exaggeration to say that it was another Li Jianshen.

But the biggest drawback is that such a demon is not a disciple of Longhu Mountain, even if he is still an apprentice of his old rival Wudang.

No matter how much exclamation there is, it can only be useless, how to balance Lin Xuan at the most critical time.

It is war and peace.

"Three Heavenly Masters. "

Shan Meixian suddenly spoke, her pretty face was not shocked, her red lips opened slightly, and she said: "As the so-called injustice has a head, and the debt has a master, Lin Lang is not an unreasonable person, as long as Longhu Mountain hands over Zhao Tianshi, then it will be written off, how about it?"

Hand over Zhao Tianshi

That's one of the contemporary heavenly masters of Longhu Mountain, not a cabbage on the street, and not a small role.

Each generation of Heavenly Masters must be the most powerful person in Dragon and Tiger Mountain, and this generation is no exception.

There are only four Heavenly Masters in Dragon and Tiger Mountain, and now, Shan Meixian wants the life of one of the Heavenly Masters with just one sentence.

This is clearly whimsical.

"Hmph. "

Zhao Tianshi's expression was indifferent: "This Heavenly Master is here, but I don't know if Daoist Lin has the strength to take the life of Poor Dao." "

"Is this what Chief Lin meant?"

The Old Celestial Master frowned.

"Dragon Tiger Mountain is too strong. "

The young Taoist priest chuckled: "Sitting on the four heavenly masters, leading the world's Daomen, with their backs to the imperial court, I secretly don't know how many masters there are." "

"Such a strong Dragon and Tiger Mountain is still there, wouldn't my Wudang have to tremble, and wouldn't the poor Dao also have to stay awake at night. "

Cutting off a Heavenly Master, even if these people had already been mentally prepared before, Lin Xuan would definitely open his mouth and take the opportunity to make a big request.

But I never thought that this young Taoist priest's appetite was so big, and as soon as he came up, he would cut off the right arm of Longhu Mountain and dig its foundation.

"No, I can't. "

The white-haired old Heavenly Master shook his head: "I also ask Daoist Lin to put forward other conditions." "

"Whether it is war or peace, please decide. "

After saying that, Lin Xuan stopped speaking, picked up the teacup, and continued to taste the camellia that could not be on the table in Longhu Mountain.

Shan Meixian was also calm, and it seemed that no matter what kind of shocking things the young man next to her said or did such ridiculous things, he would not be surprised.

Not only the old Heavenly Master, but even the two middle-aged Heavenly Masters were all pale, and there was endless anger in their hearts.

It's so rampant

Lin Xuan's actions clearly did not take Longhu Mountain in his eyes.

"It's so lively. "

At this time, an inopportune voice sounded, followed by the sound of neat footsteps from the foot of Longhu Mountain.



One by one, elite soldiers covered in black iron armor rushed up to Longhu Mountain, about thousands, those in front of them held large shields, long knives across their waists, some held spears, and those behind were dense crossbowmen.

Thousands of soldiers lined up in the open space in front of the demon subduing hall, with the big shield in front, the spear in the center, and the bow and crossbow in the back, waiting for the battle.

The heavy snow is splashing, overwhelming, the cold wind is cold, and the hawthorn trees on Longhu Mountain are blowing.

The snow and mist were filled, obscuring the view, and a thick evil aura lingered, filling every corner of this world.

"I heard that a demon came to Longhu Mountain to make trouble today, and Ben will deliberately lead five thousand elites to come and see who is so bold. "

The joking voice echoed, and a burly figure stepped into the demon subjugation hall, and behind him were elite guards with steel knives.

The person who came was a tiger with a bear's waist, a leopard's head and eyes, and a murderous aura, and his eyes fell directly on the young Taoist priest in the hall.

His face was gloomy, and he shouted: "Who are you, when you see that General Ben still doesn't get up and kneel, you can have the law of the court in your eyes." "

The three Heavenly Masters of Dragon and Tiger Mountain all kept silent and retreated to the side.

Surrounded by thousands of troops from 040, Lin Xuan was still calm, and he didn't even pay attention to the people who came, but said to the old heavenly master: "The dispute over the Taoist system involves the imperial court, and you are a little unauthentic. "

"Under the whole world, it is not the king's land, and the shore of the land is not the king's minister. "

Zhao Tianshi said lightly: "What you say is clearly a rebellion. "

"That's right. "

The general showed a bloodthirsty smile: "A mere thief, he dares to be presumptuous in Longhu Mountain, he really doesn't know the height of the sky." "

"What's your name?"

The young Taoist priest asked the general.

"Jianzhou Terracotta Division General Yuwentai. "

The person who came proudly: "There is no way to go to the sky, there is no door to the earth, if you are interested, you will be captured, and the general can also leave you a whole corpse." "

Longhu Mountain is the state religion, and these heavenly masters have their names in the imperial court, and each of them is not low-grade, and the chief officials of these state capitals and counties have to bow their heads when they see it.

"A partial general dares to bark in front of the poor road. "

Lin Xuan put down the teacup and pouted, "I really don't know whether to live or die." "

With that, the teacup in his hand was thrown out and slowly flew towards Yuwentai.

A pro-soldier pulled out the long knife at his waist and slashed at the teacup, faintly blooming with knife light.

The strength of this pro-soldier is not weak in the rivers and lakes, and he barely has a grade of cultivation, and the steel knife is slashed on the teacup.


The porcelain cup shattered, and the tea inside burst out instantly, turning into a dense water curtain and blooming in the main hall.




Hundreds of elite soldiers who stepped into the Demon Suppression Hall were directly submerged by the water curtain, and a terrible howl broke out in an instant, accompanied by blood blooming.

"Bang Bang Bang"

"Bang Bang Bang"

The corpses exploded and turned into a cloud of blood mist, and every drop of tea had a strange power and was indestructible.

Everywhere I went, the fine steel armor was like rags, straight.

After only half a breath, the water curtain fell to the ground, but the hall was filled with a thick blood mist, and hundreds of soldiers did not even leave a single living mouth, not even a whole corpse to be precise.

A severed limb and severed arm lay on the ground, and the thick smell of blood lingered for a long time.

Outside the main hall

The wind and snow were long, and before the thousands of troops could react, the screams had stopped abruptly.

Then they saw a scene that they would never forget in their lives, the hall seemed to be stained red with blood.

It's like hell on earth

Just a cup of tea has such terrible power.

Jianzhou's partial general Yuwentai became the only one who survived, not because of his high cultivation, but because Lin Xuan wanted to kill him personally.

The tiger's back of the general had dull eyes and extended fright, looking at the young Taoist priest who was walking towards him, his heart was broken.

Holding back the fear in his heart, he shouted, "Adversary, what do you want to do?"

"Do you think that with a few thousand ants, you are qualified to be on an equal footing with the poor road? "

Lin Xuan put his hands behind his back and said disdainfully, with one look, Yuwentai was like being devoured by thunder, and the violent true qi bombarded his body, and the whole person flew out uncontrollably, his eyes widened, and he slammed on the ground outside the Demon Suppression Hall.

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