For one night, the entire Wudang Mountain was submerged in snow, and the withered yellow branches hung with narrow ice.

In the distance, the Wenxin Lake is covered with a thick layer of ice, and at dawn, the heavy snow does not stop, covering the sky and the sun.

The wind howled and swept through the snow.

The snow has been falling for a long time, and it has not stopped for more than half a month, but it is much smaller.

Even the New Year's Festival is falling, sparse and sparse, and the big rivers and streams on the mountains are all frozen.

After the beginning of spring, the weather warms up, and the dark clouds disperse, revealing the long-lost sun, sprinkling thousands of golden rays and flooding the mountains.

The snow began to melt, and although the sun was fierce, it was much colder than usual.

Especially when the mountain wind blows on the body, it is like a steel knife scraping bones, which makes people shiver.

The snow is not cold, the snow is cold.

After several days of exposure, most of the snow on the mountain melted, and trickles converged into the valley and poured into the lake.

The water level swelled, roaring and scouring the boulder walls on both sides of the valley, and the deafening roar was audible even at the foot of the mountain.

The snow melted, everything revived, the bare old willow trees sprouted, and the grass sprang up on the ground.

Many long-lost birds and animals have also reappeared.

The grass warbler flies in February, the poplar willow is drunk in spring, and even the air is full of the fragrance of grass and trees.

At the top of the Lotus Peak, a figure sat cross-legged, with a cliff at his feet, the scorching sun hanging in the air overhead, and the clouds and mist around him.

A series of steep peaks crawled at the feet, and the young Taoist priest enjoyed this rare scenery.

Looking down, with excellent eyesight, you can vaguely see the grass at the bottom of the cliff.

There was a Taoist priest walking on the path with a sturdy green ox on his head.

On the practice platform in front of the Zhenwu Hall, many Wudang disciples were concentrating on practicing swordsmanship.

The whole Wudang is in full view, and the cold mountain wind mixed with the chill that has not completely faded is coming.

Blowing the cyan robe, the long sword next to the blow buzzed.

"Almost. "

For a long time

The young Taoist priest muttered to himself, closed his eyes, and turned his heart to the sky, ready to start breaking through.

The Pure Yang Wuji Gong had already reached the third level of consummation, but Lin Xuan had not broken through for a long time in order to consolidate his foundation.

Now that the foundation is strong, it can't be suppressed if you want to, and the breakthrough is just a matter of course.

Moreover, a year ago, he fought with the Demon Gate Holy Maiden Wanwan, and Lin Xuan also obtained a swordsmanship upgrade card by the way.

Just use it up today, and then his strength will get a terrifying boost.

Slowly run the pure yang true qi in the body, come out of the dantian, travel through the eight veins of the Qi Sutra, and after a few weeks, the breath is smooth, and there is no time of stagnation and obscurity.

Concentrate your essence and energy, silently recite the mental mantra of the fourth level of Pure Yang Wuji Gong, and control your true qi to rush towards the meridians and points of the fourth level.


A low muffled sound came from Lin Xuan's body, and the first meridian was washed away, and the true qi did not stop, as if a torrent was venting out.

Go towards the second meridian pulse.



The muffled sound was endless, and the seven meridians and three acupoints were rushed in one go, and the remaining meridians and acupoints were also difficult to stop the majestic true qi.

Half an hour later, a powerful True Qi suddenly erupted from his body, enveloping a radius of several feet.

The vast pure yang true qi all poured into the meridians of the fourth layer, and every time it passed through a meridian or a trick point, the true qi would increase by one percent.

After all the meridians of the fourth layer were completed, the pure yang true qi directly tripled compared to before it broke through.




During the exercise, the true qi shuttled through the meridians, making a roar like a war drum, causing the flesh and blood to vibrate together with the meridian bones.

Lin Xuan's mind fell into a wonderful realm, and his perception of his body reached an unprecedented level.

Every muscle, every bone, and every joint is like an arm, and they can feel their rhythm without deliberately using the method of internal vision to peep.

However, it can only be felt, or another kind of "seeing", but it can only be seen and cannot be moved.

It was as if his soul was out of his body, standing outside and looking at his own body.

It's an amazing state that can't be accurately described in words.

At that moment, a word popped into his mind.

Haw Par Thunder Sound

This is a realm in the Daomen about the division of the realm of body refining, that is, when the cultivation reaches a certain level, the internal force feeds back the physical body, and when the body is refined, it is like a tiger roaring and thunder exploding.

The practice of Taoism is different from Buddhism, and the refining of Buddhism is the literal refining of the body, with the help of external forces to refine the skin, muscles, bones and flesh.

This is the case with the more famous bell jar.

The Daomen does not advocate such a way of cultivation, and the first step for Daomen monks to enter the martial arts practice is to cultivate qi.

With qi as the foundation, the flesh and blood are nourished through true qi, and the body is tempered from the inside out, while Buddhism is from the outside in.

These two methods of refining the body have their own strengths and weaknesses, and it is not yet known which is better or worse, but in the end, they are all different paths.

As one of the ancestral courts of Taoism, Wudang has a long history, and the mental method is also one of the leaders, and it attaches great importance to qi cultivation.

As one of the Zhenshan martial arts of Wudang, Pure Yang Wuji Gong can be said to be very representative as a Taoist martial art.

After all, it is known as the body of pure yang, and it can be compared to the Vajra of Buddhism.

However, Lin Xuan didn't know that not all people who cultivated Pure Yang Gong could reach the realm of Tiger and Leopard Thunder Sound.

The main reason is that his foundation is too solid, not to mention anything else, in terms of internal force alone, there are more than 20 years of pure internal force.

And he hasn't reached the crown yet, this is still the result of Lin Xuan's many deliberate suppression of internal forces.

One can imagine how strong and solid his foundation is.

The trembling of the flesh became more and more violent, and the four pure yang internal forces shuttled through the meridians around the body, nourishing the flesh and blood, and nourishing the meridians.

Along with the vibration, a lot of black substances came out of the pores of the skin, sticking to the body, and the smell was unbearable.

This process lasted for more than an hour before it slowly weakened, and Lin Xuan's mind was able to slowly control the physical body.

But that keen control of the body is still there.


The tremor disappeared, he opened his eyes, and a true qi that was several times more powerful erupted from his body.

Shattering the black dirt wrapped around his body, he slowly got up, and all the meridians and bones vibrated in unison, making a crackling explosion.

Feeling the powerful true qi flowing in his body, he couldn't help but laugh loudly, and the rolling true qi exploded, flying sand and stones.

The fourth level of pure yang Wuji Gong, the cultivation has skyrocketed, directly stepping from the innate triple to the innate sevenfold.

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