"Prevent the King of Beiliang from breaking into the mountain, maintain the dignity of the mountain gate, and obtain a murderous aura of human slaughter and a swordsmanship enhancement card. "

"Prevent the three hundred elite guards from breaking into the mountain, maintain the dignity of the mountain gate, and obtain five years of pure internal strength. "

The voice of the system sounded in his head, making Lin Xuan stunned.

"Little Taoist, are you interested in going to Beiliang Wangfu to stay? "

The lame King of Beiliang spoke.

"In the palace, there are thousands of books, and there are countless advanced martial arts, which one you want to read, and you can practice whichever one you want. "

"I have a lot of magic weapons. "

Facing this human slaughter's invitation, before Lin Xuan could speak, he heard a loud voice in the distance.

"Poor Dao came to welcome the prince up the mountain. "

Wudang Sect Leader Wang Chonglou stepped on the wind and snow, and landed outside the pavilion, holding a whisk in his arms.

Ji Shou said: "I haven't seen you for a long time, and the prince is still the same." "

"Haha, you bull-nosed old way hasn't changed. "

King Beiliang laughed.

There was no embarrassment at all, as if it was not himself who was digging the corner of Wudang just now.

Without thinking about it, he knew that the words were definitely heard by Wang Chonglou, and the latter also spoke appropriately and interrupted him.

"I've never seen the world as an apprentice, I'm reckless, and I've offended the prince, please forgive me. "

Wang Chonglou said unhurriedly.

"No offense. "

The lame middle-aged man said: "Wang Laodao, I hit it off with your apprentice, why don't you let him go to Beiliang Wangfu with me to stay for a few days." "

Wang Chonglou's belly slandered, several Xu lame, just dug the corner of the wall before, but now that the road is here, he has to dig it.

He wouldn't be naïve enough to think that this person Tu really wanted to invite his apprentice to live there, and most of the time he wouldn't be able to come back.

"Thank you for your kindness. "

Lin Xuan shook his head: "The so-called homeland is difficult to leave, the poor Dao is used to being Xi in Wudang, if you see the prosperity of the royal mansion, I am afraid that I will mess up the Taoist heart, it is better not to go." "

"Yes, extremely. "

Wang Chonglou smiled and nodded.

"Wild boars can't eat chaff. "

Xu Weixiong next to him suddenly said this.

The woman in red glanced at the young man of the Xu family, who understood in seconds, and immediately leaned over enthusiastically and stuck to Lin Xuan's side.

"Little Taoist, you go back with me, and I'll find you the most beautiful woman in the world every day, how about it?"

He seduced.

"Ahem. "

Lin Xuan grimaced and said seriously: "Poor Dao is not this kind of person. "

"Hypocrisy. "

Xu Weixiong snorted coldly.

"Yanhuan is fat and thin, with everything, and the kind that looks down and doesn't see the ground. "

The young man of the Xu family continued: "This son of the world will take you to play fun, and it will not be the same every day. "

"Ahem. "

Wang Chonglou coughed.

"Wang Laodao, the weather is so cold, if you are not in good health, wear more, you see, you are coughing. "

King Beiliang quipped.

"It's impossible to go to the palace. "

Lin Xuan said leisurely: "But if the prince of the world really has a heart, he can send it to Wudang, and the poor Dao will definitely not refuse." "

"Gold and silver treasures are also available, and the gods and weapons don't mind, one hundred and two thousand taels is not too little, and eight thousand is not too much. "


The woman in red couldn't help but laugh.

Wudang Sect Leader Wang Chonglou smiled.

"Let's go, it's cold under the mountain. "

King Beiliang shook his head and said, "I have been on the road for a few days, and I didn't even care about a good night's sleep." "

"Please. "

Wang Chonglou stretched out his hand.

"I haven't been active for a long time, and I don't know if I can climb Wudang Mountain with old arms and legs. "

King Beiliang sighed: "Wang Laodao, you walk slowly, did you deliberately bully this king and lame a leg." "

Wang Chonglou walked a little slower.

"What a boring Taoist priest. "

The young man of the Xu family pursed his lips and followed the woman in red up the mountain.

"Aren't you going?".

Xu Weixiong walked out of the pavilion.

"Second sister, hurry up. "

The boy stood on the steps and waved.

"Don't go. "

The young Taoist priest shook his head: "The head of the poor Dao is still in the king of Beiliang, if you don't guard the mountain gate, the head is not protected, but it will be a big loss." "

"I'm curious, if someone really sneaks into Wudang and assassinates us, will you really hand over your head?"

Xu Weixiong raised his eyebrows.

Lin Xuan pondered for a moment and shook his head: "No." "

Then he added: "I'll slip away immediately." "

"I knew it. "

Xu Weixiong's eyes were disdainful, and he walked towards the mountain road.

"Be careful at night. "

It didn't take long for Lao Xu's family to see their backs and disappear into the snow.

"Who would be so stupid. "

Lin Xuan pouted: "For the sake of an irrelevant person, put on your own head." "

The wind and snow became heavier and heavier, and the dark clouds over Wudang Mountain dispersed, revealing a crescent moon hanging above the sky.

The moonlight fell, and the snow shone white, covered in silver, which was quite meaningful.

Raise the campfire, boil a pot of water, peel off the ashes, put two sweet potatoes in it, and cover the sparks with it.

It takes less than half an hour to bake it.

Wrapped in a cloak and holding a long sword in his arms, leaning on the railing, the heat came to his face, and he didn't feel cold.



A strange sound came from the grass in the distance, he opened his eyes, turned his head to look, and saw a dark shadow faintly visible in the wind and snow in the distance, looking this way.

"Come out, they have gone up the mountain. "

As soon as the words fell, I saw a person coming out of the grass, it was his little uncle, shivering from the cold, and his face was pale.

"Uncle Xiao, are you really going to hide from her?"

Lin Xuan frowned.

"I don't know. "

The young Taoist priest squatted by the fire, his hands boiling hot air.

"At least stay out of the night. "

Uncle Xiao said: "I heard it before, that kid from the Xu family is going to clean me up." "

"Wudang is so big, where else can you hide. "

Lin Xuan asked.

"I don't know. "

Uncle Xiao shook his head.

"Forget it, drink some hot water to warm up. "

He didn't say much, his own master said that this little uncle had his own fate, and Lin Xuan also knew the final outcome.

As for the process, it doesn't hurt if it's a little more bumpy.

"Senior nephew, the sweet potatoes are well baked. "

In the middle of the night, Uncle Xiao wrapped himself in a cloak, sat cross-legged by the fire, and was very happy to nibble on a sweet potato.

"It would be nice to have meat to eat. "

He didn't forget to say.

"Wait, I'll get some meat. "

Lin Xuan got up, wrapped in a cyan robe and walked into the wind and snow, and disappeared in a blink of an eye, as for the cloak, it was on his junior uncle.

It didn't take long for him to come back with two cleaned rabbits, skewer them with bamboo, and set up a bonfire.


The oil stars splash and the aroma is overflowing.

"How many good things did King Beiliang bring this year?".

Uncle Xiao asked.

"Certainly not a few. "

Lin Xuan said with a smile: "I ran to take a look from a distance before, there were many big cars, all fully loaded. "

"Then we can have a fat year this year. "

Uncle Xiao rubbed his hands, staring at the two roasted rabbits with scorched outside and tender inside, and his saliva flowed.

"We spent so much effort to buy it every day, and even the ancestors and ancestors let them incense, so it is appropriate to spend some incense money. "

Lin Xuan said: "Besides, I also pressed my own head, I don't have 350,000 taels of silver, and they are not allowed to burn incense and pray for blessings next year." "

"That's right. "

Uncle Xiao nodded like a chicken pecking rice, but his eyes kept staring at the two rabbits, and he didn't know if he heard them or not.

"In my opinion, if you don't have Uncle Xiao, you will be the eldest girl of the Xu family, and the family will be good-looking, and then you will share one-third of the family property of the lame Xu.

I don't want more nephews and nephews, you can just share half of me. "

"That's right. "

Uncle Xiao replied casually.

Ke Meng reacted and hurriedly denied: "No, no, no." "

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