It's finally available. "

After January

At the foot of Wudang Mountain

in the gazebo

The boy woke up from sitting cross-legged, feeling the internal force flowing in his body, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a smile and muttering to himself.

Seven days to find the sense of qi, one month into the product, this cultivation speed, is really not slow.

Concentrate your mind, concentrate your mind, carefully control this internal force, and slowly run in the meridians.

As he breathed in, the purple qi of the surrounding heaven and earth slowly flowed down his mouth and nose into his body.

Part of it is absorbed by the body, and part of it is transformed into internal force true qi.

After seven or eight small weeks of circulation, the body reaches its limit and collects its internal force into the dantian.

The cool breeze blew the robe, and the young man slowly got up, pulled out the long sword on his back, and meticulously cultivated the Chaoyang Yiqi Sword.

Every sword move will drive the true qi in the body to run, and the three-foot long sword, in his hand, is sometimes fast and sometimes slow.

After practicing a set of swordsmanship, the qi and blood in the body were restless, and the whole body was soaked with beads of sweat the size of beans.

There is not much true qi left in the dantian.

After resting for a while, he picked up the long sword again and began to practice in an orderly manner.

At the beginning, the pursuit of resemblance, as time went by, the Chaoyang Sword became more and more proficient.

When practicing the sword, he mobilized his true qi and injected it into the long sword, and began to try to control the sword with qi and nourish his qi with the sword.

The sun rises in the east, sprinkling thousands of rays of light, the morning sun is rippling, between the mountains and fields, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, there is water vapor steaming, turning into clouds and mist.

Under the bamboo forest outside the pavilion, the young man bathed in the morning glow, waved his sword, immersed in it, and suddenly did not realize the passage of time.

Suddenly, Lin Xuan worshiped Wudang, and for more than three months, the innate qi refining technique stepped into the second level, and entered the eighth-rank martial arts realm.

The whole Wudang people, whether they are seniors or peers, like this little junior brother very much.

After all, who would hate a calm and hard-working, sweet-mouthed, good-looking little junior brother.

In the blink of an eye, the autumn is in, the world is bleak, the cold wind is gradually rising, the grass and trees are dyed yellow, the autumn morning, the bamboo and trees at the foot of the mountain are hanging with a thin frost, and the cold is getting thicker.

Lin Xuan was concentrating on exhaling his true qi, and at this time, a small green ox came down from the mountain in a leisurely manner, followed by a young Taoist priest, wearing a wide Taoist robe.

Holding an ancient book in his hand.


When the little green cow saw a fresh weed, it let out a cheerful cry and trotted over.

"Uncle Junior, why are you here?".

Lin Xuan opened his eyes, and his true qi returned to the dantian.

"Hehe, I'm not here to see you, nephew. "

This little uncle who is not looking for boundaries went to the stool in the pavilion, supporting his head with his right hand and holding a book in his left hand, reading with relish.

The little green cow began to drill into the grass in the mountains, and the little Taoist priest didn't care.

"Uncle Junior, what books do you read?".

A curious voice sounded in his ears, and the little Taoist priest who was seeing the gods hurriedly came back to his senses and closed the ancient books.

But it was too late, and Lin Xuan, who came over, caught a glimpse of the things in the ancient books out of the corner of his eyes, and couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

"Ahem, Uncle Xiao, I didn't expect you to be okay with this mouthful. "

Lin Xuan's expression seemed to be smiling, and he gave a thumbs up.

"It's too boring in the mountains, so have some fun to pass the time. "

The little Taoist priest sneered.

"If you want to see it, I can lend it to you. "

In order to avoid being told by Lin Xuan, the little Taoist priest said bitterly.

"Not interested. "

Lin Xuan pouted.

The picture scroll is shoddy, and the little Taoist can see it with relish, but in his eyes, it is unattractive.

"I don't understand customs. "

The little Taoist priest muttered, and when he saw that his master and nephew did not mean to preach, he looked boldly.

Lin Xuan began to practice swordsmanship, and every day, he could feel his progress.

This is the benefit of the gate faction, although Wudang has been lonely all these years, the background is still there.

Not to mention anything else, just taking out this innate practice qi duel and Chaoyang One Qi Sword two foundation-building exercises, I don't know how many people in the rivers and lakes will be blushing.

Refining qi and practicing swords

Every day is extraordinarily fulfilling, there are no bloody plots, the teacher is considerate, and the brothers and sisters of the same family care for each other.

There is no intrigue calculation, nor is there any cruelty of deceit, let alone he, a little junior brother, to take on the responsibility of the sect.

The bloodshed of the rivers and lakes was kept out of Wudang, and every day, Lin Xuan could devote all his energy to cultivation.

From early autumn to late autumn to early winter, the weather is getting colder day by day, and most of the originally green mountains have become dry yellow with a little green.

Under the small bridge, the cold and piercing spring water flowed, smashing against the boulders with a crisp sound.

Outside the pavilion, the young man is getting taller and taller, and his swordsmanship is becoming more and more powerful.

The little uncle of the same age as him, who had nothing to do every day, took the green oxen to wander around the mountains and fields, picking back the ripe fruits in the mountains.

Let the disciples of Wudang eat wild fruits for a long time, and they are tired of eating them directly, but the little uncle is still happy to do it.

He even researched a variety of fancy ways to eat.

"Six products. "

At the foot of the mountain, Lin Xuan made another breakthrough, and the innate qi refining technique reached the second level of the Great Perfection, and this cultivation speed became more and more terrifying.

It's not like what his own master Wang Chonglou said, Wudang's internal strength, first slow and then fast.

The reason for this was only known to Lin Xuan himself, but it made the unknown elders on the mountain more and more shocked.

I found a treasure.

"Strive to enter early, and push the innate qi refining technique to the third layer. "

He said secretly

The two-speed cultivation card can only last for one year, and when it expires, it must be used within this year to maximize its effect.

Innate Qi cultivation is determined to enter the third layer, and cultivation should be able to steadily step into the realm of the six grades.


The palm of his hand rested on the hilt of the sword, the three-foot long sword was unsheathed, and he jumped forward, held the long sword, and fell under the bamboo forest.


The sword trick of the rising sun was displayed, and the sword was controlled with qi, and the sword moves the clouds and water, and there was a faint low whistling.

The moves are suppressed and frustrated, between the movement and displacement, the pace is light and agile, and the true qi is mobilized with the innate qi refining technique.

The breath is gentle and long, without the slightest obscurity, and this is where the mastery of Wudang Gongfa lies.

Pay attention to the long, full of stamina.

In the rivers and lakes, there are not a few quick methods, and the power of many swords is amazing.

However, the advantages are obvious, and the disadvantages are also obvious, this kind of martial arts, most of them are damaging to the body, and they are strong in a short period of time, and it only takes a long time to get weaker and weaker.


The cold light suddenly started, and the last style was completed, ending with Su Qin's technique of carrying a sword.

He opened his mouth and exhaled a mouthful of hot turbidity, and the yellow fallen leaves behind him moved with the wind, and they were cut in two.

"It's basically a beginner. "

Seeing this scene, Lin Xuan had a smile on his face, he had been practicing hard for several months, and finally saw the results, how could he not be happy.

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