These Jianghu people are completely holding the mentality that it is not a big deal to watch the excitement, you press ten taels, I press twenty taels, and he presses thirty taels.

It doesn't matter who wins or loses, who lives and who dies, for them, there is not much to lose.

Anyway, there are already talking points for the future.

Above the river

Just as the gray-haired old man said, whether it was Lin Xuan or Kong Jue, they had already reached the point of exhaustion.

You don't even need three moves, you only need one move to divide the victory and defeat between life and death, and whoever dares to stay is the one who dies.



The river water under his feet is surging, and the waves are endless, mobilizing the sixfold pure yang gong and injecting it into the right hand.

The blood was scattered, and the surrounding air was filled with ripples, poking out and pinching palm prints.

The young Taoist priest's face was indifferent, his eyes were calm, and in the dark, the terrifying qi was triggered, and the void trembled.

Layer after layer of waves spread in all directions with Lin Xuan as the center, and his arms vibrated and pulled the true qi.

In all directions, columns of water slowly rose into the air, and the terrifying coercion rose to the sky.

The entire surface of the river was shrouded in the pressure of this qi machine, the wind was fierce, and the grass and trees were dormant.

"It's such a strong air. "

High on the riverbank, some people were frightened, and the wind was blowing so hard that they were almost unstable.

"It's because he retained his strength from the beginning. "

"Definitely. "

Someone explained: "It's time to start desperately." "

A full nine water columns rose into the air, enveloping a huge amount of true qi, and the real dragon drew water.


The sound of the dragon's groan echoed, deafening, and lasted for a long time.

The cyan robe agitated and swished, at this moment, in the sky and on the ground, there was only that figure.

The coercion continued to rise, and the nine water pillars Hualong rose to the sky, and then fell from the sky and rushed into the river.



Suddenly, the river shook.

"From. "

Lin Xuan spoke.



Nine water dragons dozens of feet long rushed out of the river and circled around him.


The wind was howling, becoming more and more violent, the waves were monstrous, and the body of the young Taoist priest slowly rose into the air.

What a great power is this?

Countless people in the rivers and lakes were dumbfounded, and their expressions were unbelievable.

One step out, stepping on the void, the sleeve robe agitated, the true qi soared, the qi vibrate, out of a palm, palm prints across the river, nine water dragons roared, and the dragon chant shook the sky.

A palm out, the nine dragons followed, rolling the surging river.

08 "Moan"

The nine water dragons rushed towards Lin Xuan almost at the same time, and in an instant, they merged into the palm power.

It's not a palm

It was created by him by integrating many Wudang palm techniques, and he took the road of fierceness and domineering.

The palm momentum is condensed, the true qi turns into a dragon, across the river, and the violent palm wind will drown the first empty sense of the Shaolin King Kong Academy.

The river boiled and turned into droplets of water and rose into the air.

Before the palm power arrived, the palm momentum went first, and the big monk's face twitched, and his expression was hideous and distorted.

Facing this extremely fierce palm, Kongjue raised his palm, pinched his fingers, and mobilized all the true qi and qi and blood in his body, condensed in one finger.

Urging the strong King Kong finger in the Shaolin 72 stunts, like the strong King Kong palm, this stunt is also a fierce way.

However, the finger power of the Mighty King Kong finger is more condensed, and he is good at breaking the face with points.

With this finger, all the true qi in the whole body of the empty consciousness was evacuated, and even the body of King Kong dimmed.

Volleyed a finger and pointed towards the young Taoist priest.

Finger to palm.

Both of them are fighting for their lives.


The palm wind roared, and the dragon-like form surged, leaving a crack in the river.


The domineering palm force and the powerful Vajra finger collided, the palm wind shattered, the palm power shattered, and the finger power was like a broken bamboo, and it was in the palm of the young Taoist.


The strength of the palm and the finger force collided, but the next moment, Sora's eyes widened and his expression was horrified.

Because he found that Lin Xuan was using a false move at all, and the seemingly fierce palm power was actually collapsed at the touch of a button.

A vajra finger force smashed into the young Taoist's body, and after a short period of horror, it was ecstasy.

However, in an instant, Kong Jue saw a slightly playful expression on Lin Xuan's face, and his heart slammed into it.


The empty eyeballs protruded, and the body of King Kong swelled, like a puffed sheepskin sac.

The soft strength exploded in his body, instantly shattering all his internal organs, and even the meridians and bones of his body were shattered.


The back of the heart exploded, and a fist-sized hole of blood appeared.

"You... Tricks. "

Empty Jue shuddered and spat out these words.


The body exploded directly, and it also made a cloud of blood mist, falling into the river, staining a body of water.

Heaven and earth are silent

All the people who saw this scene unconsciously shrank their necks and shivered, it was terrible.

The first seat of the dignified Shaolin King Kong Hall was brutally exploded, and there was not even a whole corpse left.

They all looked at the Wudang Taoist priest wearing a cyan Taoist robe with horrified eyes.

No one dared to speak.

"Wudang, it's going to rise. "

After a while, a ranger opened his mouth and muttered to himself, as if he was speaking to himself, but it seemed to be for the whole Jianghu.

Wudang is about to rise.

Jiang Xinshang

Lin Xuan's face was blue and white for a while, he lowered his head, and his entire right palm was almost only white bones.

The flesh was shattered by the powerful vajra fingers of the void, and even the bones that carried the entire right hand were shattered.

But it's all worth it.

At the beginning of the hand, the nine dragons draw water, which is a strong and fierce hand-holding style, which seems to be domineering and overwhelming.

In fact, it is a false move, but this palm is not completely a false move.

The starting style uses his own self-created domineering palm technique, but in fact, he hides seven overlapping strengths.

The false move is first used to deceive the powerful Vajra finger power of the monk of Kongjue, and the seven overlapping forces behind are the killing moves, which are used to kill the bald donkey of Kongjue.

The combination of virtual and real, the last palm burst the void consciousness, and also completed the integration of the powerful Vajra finger power into the body.

However, for this, he also paid a heavy price, and the body and pure yang body cultivated by the twelve-fold white jade skill were shattered.

The jade color on his body dissipated, and fine cracks appeared, almost half a life left.

The violent pain hit his heart like a tide, and he bit the tip of his tongue violently, and he instantly woke up.

At this time, if you go to sleep, it will be over.

The domineering vajra finger power in the body is raging, destroying the internal organs and meridians, if it is not suppressed by the majestic pure yang true qi, I am afraid that my fate will not be much better.

One step out, the Taoist robe agitated, stepping on the turbulent waves, after a few breaths, he crossed the river.

Landing on the pier on the opposite bank.

Glancing lightly at the people in the rivers and lakes around him, a faint killing intent permeated, making many people fall into the ice cave, cold all over, and couldn't help shivering.

"It's terrible murderous. "

Someone muttered quietly, not daring to look at the man at all, even if he looked at it more, it would sting his eyes.

"Master Dao, your horse. "

The boatman immediately led the yellow and brown horse from a distance, and he couldn't afford not to do it, and witnessed the battle just now.

He was already extremely afraid and in awe of the young Taoist priest in front of him.

"Thank you. "

He took the reins, turned over his horse, and the whip fell, and he disappeared into the dust, and soon disappeared at the end of the road.

It wasn't until the back of the Taoist priest could not be seen at all that everyone around the dock breathed a sigh of relief.

That invisible murderous aura was too terrifying, like a killing god who had come out of hell.

As everyone knows, Lin Xuan has fused Xu Rentu's murderous aura, but that thing is extremely chicken, and it is useless to use it against masters.

When it is used to clean up trash fish, there is no sword trachea, so it is rarely taken out and used. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Soon, news of the big battle spread in all directions at a stormy speed.

swept the entire martial arts with a violent storm.

Lin Xuan, a disciple of Wudang, fought to kill the first empty jue of Shaolin King Kong Academy in Qiaojun, and the two fought more than 100 moves.

In the end, Lin Xuan smashed the first seat of the King Kong Courtyard with one palm and walked away.

This battle will inevitably shake the world, except for the life-and-death struggle of the two grandmasters and martial artists.

It also involves two super sects in the martial arts.

The first Shaolin King Kong Academy

A disciple of Wudang Sect Wang Chonglou

And Shaolin and Wudang are old rivals, this time Shaolin bullied the small, but was killed by Lin Xuanzhen.

It can be said that Shaolin's face was disgraced, and at the same time, it also greatly increased the prestige of Wudang.

You, a senior in Shaolin who has been cultivating for decades, can't even beat a second-generation disciple of my Wudang.

Why are you Shaolin on an equal footing with me Wudang.

Besides, if this grievance is really investigated, Shaolin will not take advantage of it.

Don't say these words, just say that after the battle of Dajiang, after killing the monk Kongjue, Lin Xuan rode away.

There were no stops along the way, nor did they go in the direction of the school palace, but rode their horses along the official road for two hours, and finally turned back along the path and walked along the river for dozens of miles.

Cross the river from the stone bridge downstream, take advantage of the night to turn back to the bank of the river, and plunge into the bamboo sea on the edge of the pier.

This is called never tired of deceit, and the most dangerous place is the safest place.

There is no way, there are too many people who want his head now, and Shaolin will definitely not give up if he dies first, and he is still nominally carrying the lives of the four elders of the Yin Sect.

Although Zhu Yuyan's demon should not have time to trouble himself now, he is not afraid of 10,000 just in case.

There are also the imperial court, other sects of the Daomen, such as the leader of the Daomen of Longhu Mountain.

After all, there are far fewer people in this world who want him to live than there are people who want him to die.

And Lin Xuan's pure yang body was broken by emptiness again, and his true qi was consumed a lot, and he had to divide most of the internal force to suppress the vajra finger force in his body.

I'm afraid I don't even have the strength of Issei in his heyday.

If you don't hide it, you have a problem with your brain.

I found a hidden col in the bamboo sea, and there was a clear stream everywhere.

The water and grass are luxuriant, tie the yellow and brown horses under the tree, untie the burden, take out the dry food they bring, and fill their stomachs with wine.

Then he found a clean bluestone by the stream and sat cross-legged, with the long sword lying horizontally on his knees.

As the morning sun rises, the cool morning breeze echoes in the col, mixed with the faint fragrance of grass and trees.

The young Taoist priest sat cross-legged, with his heart facing the sky, pinching the Dao technique in his hands, slowly running the sixfold pure yang gong, mobilizing the remaining true qi to make the Zhou Tian cycle bigger.

Most of the meridians and bones of the right hand are wasted and can only be temporarily discarded.

After a few weeks of circulation, he calmed his mind and began to concentrate, controlling the power of the vajra in his body to impact the barrier of the Great Realm.

Every time he was impacted, he had to endure heart-rending pain, and after half an hour, Lin Xuan woke up and grinned, "It hurts." "

He immediately closed his eyes and continued to control the Vajra Finger Power and the Pure Yang True Qi Rush.

Every half hour, you have to stop and rest.

Almost at the same time

School Palace

Xu Weixiong, who had just finished the swordsmanship class, walked out of the palace with an indifferent face and wrapped in a black warrior suit.

Holding a sheathed long sword in his hand, walking on the road to the school palace, many students around him were far away, let alone saying hello, and they didn't even dare to take a look.

It doesn't matter what kind of dignitary you are, the family background of generals and princes, or the background of a wealthy businessman and a wealthy man.

In front of Xu Weixiong, it is useless, looking at the entire imperial court, there are very few people with stronger family backgrounds than her.

At least not in the school palace.

is no more than family background, more than others, the six arts of the gentleman, Xu Weixiong is invincible, and even the teacher of the school palace is not her opponent.

Especially the swordsmanship, it is extremely sharp, and among the students of the academy, there is not even one who can make three moves with her.

If you provoke her, you will be beaten violently, or you will lose arms and legs, and even lose your life.

Awe and fear are in it

This is the attitude of the students of the Academy to Xu Weixiong.

Several Confucian scholars with swords came up to them, and after seeing Xu Weixiong, they immediately dodged, lowered their heads, and didn't even dare to speak.

It wasn't until she walked over that the men continued to whisper.

"Have you heard? Two days ago, Lin Xuan, a disciple of Wudang, and the first Kongjue monk of Shaolin King Kong Academy fought in the Great River of Qiaojun.

In the end, Lin Xuan won, but I heard that it seemed to be a miserable victory and left. "

"That's right. "

The Confucian student who was traveling with him immediately nodded: "And I also heard that many forces are looking for him now."

Buddhism, Taoism, and Demon Gates, all of them quickly turned over the surrounding counties, but they still didn't find anyone. "

"Lin Xuan has offended too many people, I guess this time it will be difficult to escape. "587

The woman, who had been facing away from them, suddenly stopped, and then turned and walked towards a few whispering Confucian students.

"What's wrong with Lin Xuan?"

The cold voice sounded in their ears, and several people shuddered, their faces frightened, and slowly turned back.

Just met Xu Weixiong's eyes full of murderous intent.

A moment later, the master of the school palace left the school palace without looking back.

Day and night, when the sky was slightly bright the next day, Xu Weixiong rushed to the big river of Qiaojun.

That is, where Lin Xuan and Kong Jue killed, turned over and dismounted, walked to a high place, overlooking the entire river, the blue waves rippled, and there was no trace.

However, there were many more ships coming and going than usual, especially the people in the rivers and lakes, who left one after another, and immediately came again.

After a moment of silence, Xu Weixiong got on the horse, the long whip fell, and the road was gone, and a heavy rain in the evening helped her.

Shake off the tail at the back, and by the time the spies followed the footprints, only one horse was tied to the side of the road.

As for Xu Weixiong, he has long been missing.

Just after the hour, it was still on the big river, the sky was gray, the east was a little white with fish belly, and the river was foggy.

A small boat is moving along the river, shuttling through the hazy mist, looming.

The boatman, wearing a hat and a coat, could not see clearly, and the boat drove along the riverbank, picking an inconspicuous stream to enter, and after a short time it flowed out of the stream.

It seemed to be looking for something, and it was enough to find that at noon, the sun was shining, shining on this deserted river, sparkling.

The boat passed by the bank of the river and stopped at a narrow stream, and the captain wearing a hat jumped from the boat and landed in the bamboo forest on the bank, and went all the way along the stream.

Drawing a short knife from his back, he slashed through the tall weeds and cut through the dense jungle, the stream widening.

Turn a slope and the inside suddenly opens up.

"Found it. "

The captain looked into the col and saw a sturdy yellow-brown horse grazing leisurely in the shade of a tree.


The cold blade silently appeared on the back of the man's neck.

"You're looking for me?"

A deep voice sounded in his ears, and the blade of the sword was against the skin, and it only took a little force to easily cut off the opponent's neck.

Behind the captain, a young Taoist priest held a long sword in his left hand and his right hand hung down from his robe.

Although he was a little tired, his eyes were extremely sharp.

"Who told you to come?"

Lin Xuan spoke.

"What's the matter? Daoist Lin is so embarrassed now, he actually hid in the deep mountains and old forests. "

The man spoke, his tone playful.

Lin Xuan exerted his strength slightly, and a trace of blood dripped down the blade of the sword.

"It's me. "

The hoarse voice he had just had just now disappeared and turned into a voice that was extremely familiar to him.

"Stinky Daoist, I'm not done with you. "

The captain took off his hat and turned around, a man of vicissitudes, but his hands were extremely delicate.

Reaching out and tearing off the human skin mask on his face, he revealed a delicate face, but it was as cold as frost.

Who else can it be besides Xu Weixiong?

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