Great Qin Dynasty, Imperial Palace.

“Another young person from my Daqin, although it is a little strange, but it is indeed a thing worthy of my Daqin’s pride.”

The First Emperor Yun Zheng slowly spoke.

It’s just that in his gaze, there is a lot of solemnity.

Because since the people of Daqin were on the list, they obtained things that could resurrect others.

He quickly and keenly noticed some of these frightening things.

He was completely predictable.

In the near future.

There will be countless strong people standing at the peak of Kyushu’s martial arts stepping into the realm of the Great Qin Land, all just to compete for the divine artifact that can resurrect people!

“Zhao Gao, send someone to investigate the location of that snow girl.”

“She is proud of my great Qin, how can a widow let her have an accident?!”

The first emperor won the government and was full of manhood, although he understood that it was very dangerous.

But he still made that choice.

His courage really surpasses many imperial generals, and there are very few people who can compare with him in the world, and it can even be said that there is not even one.

And this . .

Perhaps it is also the reason why he was able to sweep the six countries in the past and swallow thousands of miles of mountains and rivers!

“Obey Your Majesty’s orders!”

And that Zhao Gao naturally led the way.

It’s just that when he left, a gloomy gaze flashed in his eyes.

This feeling is like a poisonous snake that has just come out of the cage.

“Your Royal Highness the Ninth Prince, in the past, you connived at people beating me in the mansion, and even threatened me with words.”

“Don’t blame me for pushing you into the furnace today!”

He thought like this in his heart, but the smile on his face became brighter.

He didn’t know that the snow girl was the one who won the summer.

The reason why I want to do all that now is to do it.

It’s just to avenge the old days!

He Zhao Gao was originally a person who would repay him, and he suffered such humiliation and beatings on the Yingxia Mansion, naturally it could not end so easily….

So when he left.

A rumor gradually spread outward.

And this is a myth.

It is said that the snow girl who obtained the resurrection is now in the mansion of the ninth prince of the Great Qin!

And it gets worse!

In a short period of time, it was spread by the spies of the major dynasties and the people above the rivers and lakes!

Even Zhao Gao did not stop doing anything.

Will those young people from Daqin on the list.

Like the likes of Flame Lingji, they are all counted on the head of the Ninth Prince of Great Qin!


Daqin, the Ninth Prince’s Mansion.

Although the outside world has fallen out, there is a feeling of coming from the storm.

But everyone in this mansion has always sat firmly on Mount Tai.

Just like a long pine with a straight line, it is windy from east to west, south and north.

In that long pavilion.

Yingxia sat in front of the stone table, accompanied by several peerless beauties, like a wonderful picture.

When a fresh breeze blows.

There were ripples in the lake.

Lotus flowers sway gently above the lake.

“Gongzi, the wind is blowing.”

The snow girl took an edelweiss sweater from nowhere and draped it over Yingxia.

Although he knew that his own son’s martial arts had already reached that unknowable and unspeakable realm.

But she still did it habitually.

And Yingxia did not refuse, but said softly:

“I don’t know if someone blindly touched the dead cat, or if it was really found.”

“In short, your news on my house has spread.”

“During this time, you can stay here and don’t mess around, I will end it all!”

His voice was clearly soft, like a spring breeze.

But for some reason, it seems to contain great power and magic.

People can’t help but want to be convinced!

“Xueji obeys Gongzi’s orders.”

The snow girl did not refuse.

But he smiled, obviously very happy to win the summer’s move.

Yingxia didn’t say much, and his eyes always looked at the sky.

It’s just that there are many thoughts in my mind.

To be honest, he didn’t expect that the snow girl’s reward on the list would be so amazing.

The resurrected thing… How many people desire this!

He had already foreseen that many martial arts masters would come to compete for this thing.

But so what?

As long as he is there, this sky will not fall!

Moreover, since he had his current cultivation, he rarely fought with those strong people in the rivers and lakes.

Now is a good opportunity.


He can borrow the hand of the world’s martial artists to hone his martial arts!


Above the sky, there seemed to be thunder falling around the golden list.

And in that thunder.

Lines of golden characters seem to come out of the bath in thunder, standing in the sea of thunder!

[The Winner of the List has mercy rewards: Heavenly Rank Grade Divine Skill – Luoshen Fu is like a shocking chapter! ] 】

[Note: (Roselle) Its shape is also like a frightening hong, and it is like a dragon! ] A dance can make the people of the world sink, can make the immortals fall, is the dance of immortals and demons! 】

Under the line of big words, the reward of mercy star on the list was announced.

There are many emotions above the rivers and lakes.

“Luoshen, the rumored true immortal god, rules the waters of the four seas and eight desolations!”

“I didn’t expect that the reward on the list this time would be related to her!”

“The dance of immortals and demons can make immortals fall, but it is a big name.”

I don’t know how many people are talking about it.

It’s just that obviously more people are not focusing on this.

It was really that the appearance of the resurrected thing before was too amazing.

So much so that all eyes converged on the land called “Great Qin”!

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