"Sword Immortal...Great Free Heaven Realm……"

"How is this possible?"

Wen Hujiu opened his mouth wide, a goose egg could fit in it.

He looked at his seventeen-year-old nephew in front of him, as if he had seen the most terrifying monster in the world. There is no shortage of geniuses in the martial arts world. Many young heroes have become well-known figures in the martial arts world at a young age.

For example, the Eighth Prince of Beili in Tianqi City are such figures. Each of them is young but has created his own reputation.

But if these people were placed in front of Baili Nange today, they would be somewhat inferior. A seventeen-year-old Da Xiaoyao Tianjing, what kind of monster is this?

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Wen Hujiu would not have dared to believe that this was actually true?

""Grandpa, Dad, are you okay?"

Baili Nange threw away the Bu Ran Chen in his hand, and in an instant, Bu Ran Chen returned to the sheath in Baili Dongjun's hand.

Baili Nange's figure flashed and appeared in front of Baili Luochen and Baili Chengfeng. Looking at his father and grandfather, Baili Nange asked

"It's okay, it's just that my Qi and blood are a little disordered, I can recover in a few cycles of Qi."

Baili Luochen shook his head. At this moment, let alone the disorder of Qi and blood, even if it meant losing an arm, Baili Luochen would not blink an eye.

His grandson turned out to be a sword fairy, this news excited him more than any other news. Looking at the jade-like Baili Nange in front of him, Baili Luochen was extremely happy in his heart, and he felt that his grandson was excellent.

"I'm fine too.……"

Baili Chengfeng was supported by Wen Luoyu. He said he was fine, but his face looked a little unhappy. However, because he was the father, he couldn't lose in front of his son. He waved his hand at Baili Nange to show that he was fine.

"Nan Ge, Grandpa wants to ask you, who did you learn this sword technique from? Why have I never seen such a sword technique before? It is so domineering and elegant, and the sword intent is so magnificent. Even those famous swordsmen cannot match your sword intent."

"I am sure that this is not the swordsmanship of the Xichu Confucian Immortal. Where did you learn this swordsmanship?"

Bai Li Luo Chen is also an old man in the martial arts world, and he is very familiar with the Xichu Sword Immortal. So when Bai Li Nan Ge used his swordsmanship, he was sure that this was not the swordsmanship of the Xichu Confucian Immortal.

This made Bai Li Luo Chen feel surprised. Since it was not the swordsmanship of the Xichu Confucian Immortal, where did Bai Li Nan Ge learn this swordsmanship?

"Grandpa, I can't say anything about this. Anyway, the person who taught me the sword technique had no ill intentions. He just wanted to promote the inheritance. He has no other intentions. You can rest assured about this."

Baili Nange heard this and of course he couldn't tell the other party that he had a system and was a time traveler. Even if he said it, the other party might not believe it.

So, Baili Nange directly used a vague statement to fool him. After all, what he said was not wrong, because after he merged with the Drunken Sword Immortal template, the task required to unlock the template was actually to promote the inheritance of the Shushan School in this world.

""Brother, can I learn your swordsmanship? Your swordsmanship is so cool, better than the swordsmanship of the swordsmen in the storybooks. I want to learn it."

Baili Dongjun has now turned into a little fanboy, looking at Baili Nange and asked.

He saw everything just now, and he also saw Baili Nange's swordsmanship. This swordsmanship is so cool, it really has the style of a peerless swordsman, especially flying with a sword, which is too elegant and makes people have endless reverie.

"Of course, I will teach you later."

Bai Li Nan Ge nodded. Originally, there was a task in the template task that required him to train three strong men in the free and easy realm. Bai Li Dong Jun was born with martial veins. He was a knife fairy when holding a knife, a sword fairy when holding a sword, and a gun fairy when holding a gun.

With such talent, it is too easy to become a strong man in the free and easy realm.

What's more, in fact, over the years, Gu Chen has been cultivating Bai Li Dong Jun's internal strength with wine. In fact, Bai Li Dong Jun already has a strong internal force in his body. He only needs an internal skill method, and Bai Li Dong Jun can master the internal force. By then, he will be a strong man.

Now that he plans to set up his own business, Bai Li Nan Ge naturally wants the people around him to be as strong as possible.

"Grandpa, how about it? Now that I have demonstrated my strength, there is no need to hide it any longer since we can no longer hide it."

"Beili has long been wary of us. Perhaps Emperor Tai'an is willing to let our Baili family go because of his friendship with you, but what about the kings who come after him? When that friendship disappears along with Emperor Tai'an, will they still be able to tolerate our Baili family and the 300,000 Pofeng Army?"

"Grandpa, make a decision when necessary, otherwise you will suffer the consequences."

Bai Li Nan Ge looked at Bai Li Luo Chen again. The reason why he exposed the power of his fairy sword was to make Bai Li Luo Chen support his decision.

Bai Li Nan Ge knew that after the death of Emperor Tai'an of Beili, Emperor Mingde would take the throne. That guy could even kill his own brothers, not to mention their Baili family. At that time, the Zhenxi Marquis Mansion would also be blamed by the court. It would be better to take advantage of the initiative and just make a decision.

""Father, I think what Nan Ge said is right. Since we have a sword fairy in our family, what is there to fear? With Nan Ge here and my 300,000 wind-breaking soldiers, I think the imperial court will have to think twice if they really want to take action against us."

Baili Chengfeng unconditionally supports Baili Nan Ge. He is not as loyal to the Beili royal family as Baili Luochen. In his opinion, anyone who endangers his children can become an enemy.

"Father, I also support Nan Ge. If you need me, my Wen family can help you."

"Yes, Lord Marquis, if father knew that his grandson was actually a sword immortal, he would definitely wake up in the middle of the night with joy. My Wen family is willing to support Qiandong City."

Wen Hujiu also nodded.

"Yes, Grandpa, everyone supports you, don't hesitate, we made the decision as a family, even if there are any consequences, we will bear them together."

Bai Li Dongjun looked at Bai Li Luo Chen and said.

Seeing that everyone was united, the last trace of hesitation on Bai Li Luo Chen's face completely disappeared.

"Okay, Dong Jun is right, we are a family, we have to shoulder the burden together, now that we have made the decision, then let’s do it, the Zhenxi Marquis’ Mansion has rebelled!"

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