While the two were talking in the carriage, the carriage suddenly stopped, and then they heard the loud shouts of the cavalry outside. It was obvious that someone was blocking their way.

At this moment, two figures suddenly flashed out of the carriage.

"Who is so bold as to block my way? Do you know who I am?"

Lei Mengsha, the second oldest of the Eight Young Masters of Beili, is known as Young Master Zhuo Mo. He comes from the Lei Clan, is gifted, and is a disciple of Li Changsheng in the academy. However, compared to his martial arts, he is most famous for his talkative mouth, which is why he is called Young Master Zhuo Mo.

The moment the carriage stopped suddenly, Lei Mengsha and Xiao Ruofeng knew that something was wrong, so the two jumped out of the carriage, shouting loudly, as if they were afraid that others would not know his existence.

Xiao Ruofeng also jumped out of the carriage, but unlike Lei Mengsha, he did not speak, but quickly looked at one place, and his eyes instantly became sharp.

In the direction he was looking at, a terrible breath surged, and it was obvious that something incredible was hidden there.

"Now that you are here, why hide your head and show your tail, come out."

Xiao Ruofeng stood on the top of the carriage and shouted at that place.


As Xiao Ruofeng spoke, suddenly, the ground began to shake


The horses of the surrounding knights began to neigh restlessly as the ground shook, as if they were frightened by something.

Lei Mengsha looked at this scene and exclaimed

"What's going on? An earthquake? Why is there an earthquake? Why is there an earthquake out of nowhere?"

The shaking of the ground made people feel like an earthquake at first. But soon, everyone realized that it was not an earthquake, but something more terrible than an earthquake.

"What is that? A monster. There is a monster."

"Oh my God, what is this, a snake, such a big snake, what kind of snake is this and why is it so big?"

"Oh my god, this is not a snake, it's clearly a dragon. This must be a dragon, how can there be such a big snake?"


There were waves of terrified shouts. The people around Lei Mengsha and Xiao Ruofeng looked at the guy who appeared one by one, and their expressions instantly became extremely terrified.

Many people fell off their horses and looked forward with horror.

"It’s your situation. This, this, isn’t this the big snake of Baili Dongjun, Bai Liuli?"

"That’s not right, that’s not right. Baili Dongjun’s snake was clearly white, why is this snake green? This, this, this is not white glass?"

"What's going on? Are there two snakes?"

When Lei Mengsha saw the creature in front of him, he felt familiar at first, because he had seen this creature not long ago.

However, after he saw it clearly, Lei Mengsha was confused again. It was obvious that the creature in front of him was not the one he knew.

At this moment, Lei Mengsha was a little confused and couldn't understand what was going on.

"Bai Liuli?"

On the side, Xiao Ruofeng frowned, looked at the creature that appeared in front of him, and heard Lei Mengsha's words, and asked in surprise

"Yes, Bai Liuli, a big snake, is Baili Dongjun's pet. It seems that it was raised by his grandfather Wen Lin and given to Baili Dongjun. When he was helping the Gu family in the Southwest Road, Baili Dongjun summoned this snake. However, Baili Dongjun's snake was white, but why is this one green?"

"Could it be that this snake can change color, like a chameleon?"

Lei Mengsha touched the back of his head and said in confusion.

"Hehe, the one you saw was Bai Liuli, but this one is not. The one in front of you is Qing Liuli. Bai Liuli and Qing Liuli are siblings. Bai Liuli is the younger sister, and Qing Liuli is the older brother."

Just at this time, a voice sounded, and then, the giant green snake Qing Liuli, with a person on its head, appeared in front of Lei Mengsha and Xiao Ruofeng.

"Qing Liuli, brother and sister, two snakes... Who are you? Why do you look so much like Baili Dongjun?"

Lei Mengsha was a little dumbfounded when he heard this. He didn't expect that there were two snakes, and they were actually brother and sister.

But when he recovered and saw the person standing on the head of the snake, Lei Mengsha was shocked again. Because the young man standing on the head of the Qing Liuli snake was 60% similar to Baili Dongjun he had seen before.

"Snakes have brothers and sisters, so naturally this person has brothers and sisters too. If I am not mistaken, you should be the grandson of Zhenxi Hou, Baili Nange, right?"

Xiao Ruofeng looked at Qing Liuli and Baili Nange who appeared, his eyes were sharp, then he chuckled and asked Baili Nange

"What, Baili Nan Ge, he is Baili Nan Ge?"

"I heard that the Marquis of Zhenxi has two grandsons, twins from the same mother. I didn't expect it to be true. Are you Baili Nange?"

Lei Mengsha finally understood. Indeed, the Marquis of Zhenxi has two little sons, and Baili Dongjun has a younger brother. The two are twins. Obviously, the person in front of him who looks very similar to Baili Dongjun should be Baili Luochen's other grandson.

"Yes, it’s me. I am Baili Nange"

"You are Lei Mengsha, the Master of Burning Ink, right?"

Baili Nange stood on Qing Liuli's head, looked at Lei Mengsha and asked

"Hey, do you know me?"

Lei Mengsha nodded and smiled. He didn't expect Baili Nange to recognize him.

"Zhuo Mo is talkative, so talkative, who else could it be except you?"

Baili Nange looked at the other party speechlessly. Lei Mengsha, known as Master Zhuo Mo, is talkative and talks a lot of nonsense. In just a short while, I don't know how much saliva he has spit out. It is hard for Baili Nange not to recognize him.


When Lei Mengsha heard this, he was speechless for a moment, with his mouth open, feeling a little embarrassed.

Xiao Ruofeng laughed at Lei Mengsha unceremoniously. Seeing Lei Mengsha being ridiculed made him feel a little happy.

"He is Lei Mengsha, so you must be Xiao Ruofeng, Master Fenghua or His Royal Highness the King of Langya."

Bai Li Nan Ge did not say much to Lei Mengsha. If you talk to him a few more times, he can talk to you for a whole day. So, after confirming that the other person was Lei Mengsha, Bai Li Nan Ge immediately looked at another person, and he was the protagonist this time, the King of Langya, Xiao Ruofeng.

"It is me!"

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