"Imperial Master, this Baili Nange is the younger brother of Baili Dongjun, and the grandson of Zhenxi Hou Baili Luochen."

"Baili Nange and Baili Dongjun are twins. I heard that this person is very lazy and even more dissolute than Baili Dongjun, but I never thought that he is actually……"

Seeing that Qi Tianchen didn't know Baili Nange, Jin Xian introduced him to him.

"What? Baili Nange is actually the grandson of Zhenxi Hou and the younger brother of Baili Dongjun?"

"Is he the newly born swordsman?"

"How is this possible? If he is a twin of Baili Dongjun, he would be only seventeen years old now. At the age of seventeen, he is already a sword immortal. With such talent, I am afraid that only my missing junior brother and Mr. Li from the academy can compare with him, right?"

"Baili Luochen actually has such a monstrous grandson?"

Qi Tianchen was extremely shocked. When he learned that Baili Nange was actually the grandson of Zhenxi Hou Baili Luochen, and even the younger brother of Baili Dongjun, his head instantly"buzzed".

Because Qi Tianchen knew that Baili Dongjun was only seventeen years old now. If they were twins, then Baili Nange would also be only seventeen years old. It is not uncommon for a person to be a sword immortal at the age of seventeen. His junior brother Mo Yi entered the Xiaoyao Tian realm at the age of nine, and entered the Shenyou Xuan realm at the age of more than twenty, which was even more amazing than this.

But how many people like Mo Yi are there in this world? A seventeen-year-old sword immortal, this is already exaggerated enough.

Hearing Qi Tianchen's words, Emperor Tai'an's face became even gloomier, and his eyes were full of surprise. The room was filled with murderous intent.

The Marquis of Zhenxi Mansion was already powerful enough, but the current Marquis of Zhenxi Mansion made him feel uneasy. Originally, the two grandsons of Baili Luochen were useless, which made him feel relieved, but now it seems that they were just pretending.

Now, the two grandsons of Baili Luochen, one of them is famous for his sword song of Western Chu, and the other is even more powerful, he has become a sword immortal. What is going on?

There is a saying that goes,"I am afraid of my brothers suffering, and I am also afraid of my brothers driving a Land Rover." When Emperor Tai'an learned the news, he felt uneasy and manic, and at the same time, he felt an inexplicable jealousy. Why can his descendants of Baili Luochen be so outstanding?

"So, Baili Nange is also the disciple of Xichu Ruxian. How could he teach a 17-year-old swordsman?"

Qi Tianchen did not notice the gloomy expression on Emperor Tai'an's face, and continued to mutter.

"That's not right. Didn't they say that Baili Nange's swordsmanship had never been seen before, and no one knew it, so it wasn't the swordsmanship of the Western Chu State that was used?"

Zhuo Qing frowned when he heard this.

""Hiss, that's right, then what's going on?"

Qi Tianchen was stunned, then frowned and was full of doubts.

"Your Majesty, does the Prince of Langya have any other news?"

Zhuoqing looked at Emperor Tai'an. Xiao Ruofeng was in Qiandong City at the moment, so he might have more news.

"I'll finish reading it."

Emperor Tai'an heard this and slightly restrained his gaze. He picked up Xiao Ruofeng's letter again to read it. He had only read the beginning and was shocked by the news on it, so he didn't even finish reading all the contents.

However, as Emperor Tai'an read the contents of the letter, his face became worse and worse, and his expression became more and more shocked. It was as if he had seen the most unbelievable thing in the world.

"Baili Luochen, you old man, how dare you do this."

Finally, when Emperor Tai'an finished reading all of Xiao Ruofeng's letters, he immediately exploded.


The tea table in front of him was smashed to pieces by Emperor Tai'an's palm. His eyes were bloodshot and his expression was extremely angry. One could even clearly see the blue veins on his forehead. It was obvious that Emperor Tai'an was extremely angry at this moment.

Seeing Emperor Tai'an like this, everyone was shocked and looked at each other. They were even more confused about what happened and what was written in the letter that made Emperor Tai'an so angry that he actually scolded Baili Luochen.

In the past, it was absolutely impossible to see Emperor Tai'an show such anger.

""Your Majesty, Your Majesty, calm down. What did the Prince of Langya tell you? Could it be that the Marquis of Zhenxi...he...he wants to rebel?"

Seeing the furious Emperor Tai'an, Zhuo Qing was puzzled. He didn't know what had happened to Emperor Tai'an and why he was so angry. But it was clear that the matter was not simple, otherwise Emperor Tai'an would not have lost his composure like this.

"How is this possible?……"

Qi Tianchen was startled, and was about to say something to refute Baili Luochen, but when he saw Emperor Tai'an looking at him with angry eyes, Qi Tianchen was shocked.

"Your Majesty, could it be that the Marquis of Zhenxi really……"

Seeing Emperor Tai'an's expression, Qi Tiancheng's heart skipped a beat. He thought Zhuoqing might be right this time.

"Baili Luochen held Ruofeng and Lei Mengsha hostage in Qiandong City. He said in the letter that Baili Luochen asked Ruofeng to tell me that he, Bailijia, did not want to be a subject of Beili anymore, and Qiandong City did not want to be ruled by Beili anymore."

"He wanted to be independent, like Xueyue City and Wushuang City, and become an independent force from now on."

"Baili Luochen also said that if I agree, he can promise that Qiandong City will never be an enemy of Beili."

Emperor Tai'an finally told all the news about Xiao Ruofeng's letter. The content of the letter, telling Baili Nange that he is a sword fairy, actually only accounts for a small part, and most of it is about one thing that his uncle Chen said, that is, Qiandong City wants to rebel.

However, Qiandong City's rebellion is a bit peculiar. It has been built, but not completely.

Qiandong City is indeed going to rebel, but not to fight for the Beili country, but to be independent, to break away from Beili and become an independent force. This is indeed something that Emperor Tai'an did not expect.

What surprised him even more was that Qiandong City was so swift and resolute that they actually detained Xiao Ruofeng directly. This was clearly to use Xiao Ruofeng as a bargaining chip.


As soon as Emperor Tai'an finished speaking, everyone present was dumbfounded. They never expected that Qiandongcheng would do such a thing. Is the Marquis of Zhenxi crazy?

"Your Majesty, what if you don't agree? What about the Marquis of Zhenxi?"

"Ruofeng said in the letter that if I don't agree, Baili Luochen will wait for me to lead the Beili army to attack him. At that time, the truth will be revealed on the battlefield, and he, Baili Luochen, will accompany him to the end."

Emperor Tai'an gritted his teeth and said, his body was shaking.

He never thought that his brother would actually rebel against him. The three brothers who were together at the beginning were killed by him, and the remaining one would really fight with him one day.

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