"That's right, there's no need to panic. With Young Master Baili's strength, it would be easy for him to kill me. Why would he waste time talking to me?"

"I think that if Young Master Baili asks this, he must have some idea. Young Master, why don't you just speak up? Ruofeng would like to hear the details."

Xiao Ruofeng also nodded and said, then signaled to Lei Mengsha that he didn't need to be so nervous. He looked directly at Baili Nange and asked him.

Since Baili Nange asked this question, there must be some deep meaning behind it. He asked Baili Nange

"There are too many people here, it's not a place to talk, let's go back to the mansion."

Baili Nange looked at Xiao Ruofeng with admiration when he heard this. He had to admit that the old family of Emperor Tai'an was not very good, but Xiao Ruofeng in front of him was really very good, and he was also a person Baili Nange admired when he watched the drama before he traveled through time.


Several people nodded in agreement, and without saying anything more, they followed Baili Nange to the Marquis' Mansion.

"Fairy sister, where are you going? Do you want me to accompany you?"At this moment, Baili Dongjun's eyes fell on Yueyao and the other two.

He was not interested in Baili Nange and Xiao Ruofeng's affairs. The only thing he was interested in was Yueyao in front of him.

Hearing Baili Dongjun's words, Yueyao's eyes fell on Baili Dongjun. Her beautiful eyes flashed, and then the corners of her lips smiled slightly under the veil.

"I wonder if Master Baili is willing to take us back to the Marquis' Mansion. We have some things we want to discuss with the Marquis."

Yue Yao looked at Baili Dongjun. Seeing Baili Nange and the others return to the Marquis' Mansion, Baili Nange never looked at her from beginning to end, which made Yue Yao feel a little uncomfortable.

However, compared to this, Yue Yao has more important things to do now. That is to meet with Baili Luochen and have a good talk. Qiandong City's separation from Beili will inevitably make a sensation in the world. At that time, the conflict between Beili and Qiandong City will arise. This may be an opportunity for Tianwaitian.

Moreover, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. If Qiandong City and Beili fall out, then their Tianwaitian may become an ally of Qiandong City.

Because of this, Yue Yao plans to talk to Baili Luochen as the acting leader of Tianwaitian.

"You want to see my grandfather? Okay, of course you can. Fairy sister, I will take you to my house."

Bai Li Dongjun certainly would not refuse Yue Yao, and happily agreed to the other party, and then took the three of them back to the Marquis' Mansion.

"Young Master, tell me, what are your plans?"

After returning to the Zhenxi Marquis's Mansion, Xiao Ruofeng looked at Baili Nange and asked, wanting to know what Baili Nange was up to.

""Lord Langya, before I say anything, let me ask you, if Beili is under your control, can you tolerate our Qiandong City and allow our Qiandong City to become an existence like Xueyue City?"

Baili Nange looked at Xiao Ruofeng and said to him, staring into his eyes.


Xiao Ruofeng answered without hesitation.

"I have already expressed my opinion before, otherwise I would not have helped you write those letters. In my opinion, the Marquis of Zhenxi has made great contributions to Beili. Now he wants to retire. He just wants a city, which is no big deal. Compared with the contribution of the Marquis of Zhenxi to my Beili, this city is considered light."

Xiao Ruofeng answered sincerely. He said this not because his life was in the hands of others at the moment, but from the heart.

Baili Luochen has made great contributions to Beili. He has expanded the territory and it is more than just a city. So, he really thinks that giving Qiandong City to the Baili family is not a big deal. What's more, Qiandong City has actually always been in the hands of the Baili family. The military and political power belong to the Marquis of Zhenxi Mansion. There is no difference between it and an independent city. The only difference is that Qiandong City is nominally a Beili force.

And now, Baili Nange wants Qiandong City to become neutral and become a force in its own right!

"Okay, I believe you!"

Seeing Xiao Ruofeng being so frank, Baili Nange nodded immediately.

"Let me ask you one more question, do you want to be the emperor?"

Bai Li Nan Ge then asked a question that surprised everyone present. He actually asked Xiao Ruofeng in public whether he wanted to be the emperor. As soon as he said this, Xiao Ruofeng's face changed instantly.

But at the same time, Lei Mengsha, Li Xinyue, Bai Li Luochen and others all looked at Xiao Ruofeng, and were also very curious about whether Xiao Ruofeng wanted to be the emperor.

"What do you mean by this?"

Xiao Ruofeng frowned and looked at Baili Nange and asked

"Your Beili royal family has a tradition that princes love to fight for the throne. Your father was like that. If it weren't for my grandfather and Ye Yu, your father would never have become emperor."

"I'm afraid your generation can't escape the bondage of such a fate. Others may not know about the things between Prince Qing, Prince Jingyu and you, but can't I, the Marquis of Zhenxi Mansion, understand?"

"So, let me ask you, do you want to be the emperor?"

Bai Li Nan Ge asked Xiao Ruofeng. As a time traveler, of course he knew that the brothers would fight for the throne, and finally it was King Jingyu Xiao Ruojin who became the emperor.

But in fact, the one who was really qualified to be the emperor was actually King Langya Xiao Ruofeng, but Xiao Ruofeng was unwilling to be bound by the dragon throne, so he gave the throne to his brother, King Jingyu Xiao Ruojin.

But because of this, Xiao Ruofeng buried a hidden danger for himself. In the original plot, Xiao Ruofeng actually had a very tragic ending. He was framed by Xiao Ruofeng for treason, and finally chose to commit suicide to prove his innocence. It can be said that he had an absolutely tragic fate. The fate of the king ended.

A wise king died with a stigma in the end, which is heartbreaking and makes people sigh.

Baili Nange asked casually, but in fact he had a bold idea in his heart, that is, to simply cooperate inside and outside and drive Emperor Tai'an off the stage.

It would be best to let Xiao Ruofeng be the emperor. In this way, the world will be peaceful, Beili will have a good emperor, and Qiandong City will be able to successfully break away from Beili without any war. In this way, once and for all, isn't it the best result? That

's why Baili Nange asked that question. He had to let Xiao Ruofeng express his position first, so that he could convince him to cooperate with him to conspire for great things.

"Do you want to or not?"

Seeing Xiao Ruofeng silent, Baili Nange asked again.

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