"System, help me open both upgrade packages."

Lin Fan said impatiently.

He wanted to see what good things the system upgrade package that he spent 1.1 million taels of gold to get could give him! ? .

《"Ding, received the host's command, the first-level system upgrade package is opening... Ding... The package is opened successfully..."

《"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the peak of innate cultivation."

《"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the earth-level secret book Nine Yang Magic Skill."

《Nine Yang Magic Skill: One of the three great Shaolin magic skills, the speed of self-generation of internal force is extremely fast and endless when cultivated. Ordinary punches and kicks can also exert great attack power, and the defense is unmatched. The internal force automatically protects the body and can rebound external force attacks. It becomes a diamond. The body of the broken body, the light skill of the practitioner is better than all the masters of light skill in the world, and it is also a healing scripture, immune to all poisons, and specially restrains all cold and negative internal forces. The system reward is directly perfect. "

《"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the local light skill Lingkong Xudu."

"Lingkong Xudu: Quoting the example Lingkong Xudu, it is a superior light skill. It accumulates internal force and jumps into the air, and can stay and run in the air. The highest level is instant movement, and the system reward is directly perfect.

《"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining 100,000 ordinary sword and shield soldiers."

"100,000 ordinary sword and shield soldiers: all composed of middle-aged men between 20 and 25 years old, each equipped with a long sword, a shield, and a set of 20-jin heavy armor. Unless they encounter a warrior army, they are the strongest infantry in the world."

《"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining 100,000 ordinary light cavalry. ”》

“100,000 ordinary light cavalry: also composed of 20 to 25-year-old strong men, each equipped with a long sword, a bow and arrow, 30 arrows, a set of leather armor, and a high-quality warhorse. Unless they encounter a warrior army, they are the strongest light cavalry in the world.”

《“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining 100,000 tons of food and grass.”》

After the first-level upgrade gift package was broadcast, there was a pause, and the system's voice sounded again.

【“Ding, the second-level system upgrade gift package is being opened... Ding, the gift package is opened successfully.”】

【“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the peak cultivation of the master.”】

【“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the earth-level secret book Dragon God Skill.”】

“Dragon God Skill: can fly in the air, change into a dragon shape to attack the enemy, and use this skill to drive away poison, heal wounds, seize objects, and protect the body. It has many changes and infinite power. The system reward can be directly completed. ”

【“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the earth-level sword technique Dugu Jiujian.”】

“Dugu Jiujian: includes the final style, sword-breaking style, knife-breaking style, spear-breaking style, whip-breaking style, rope-breaking style, palm-breaking style, arrow-breaking style, and qi-breaking style. Practitioners of Dugu Jiujian can integrate the sword intent of the following eight sword techniques into them and reach the level of nine swords returning to one. The system reward is directly a great success. ”

【“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a giant city.”】

“Giant city: a city made of reinforced concrete, with a wall 39 meters high, 30 kilometers wide and 30 kilometers long, which can easily accommodate millions of people. It has all the facilities inside, with four military camps that can accommodate 100,000 people. The inner city covers an area of ​​3 kilometers and the wall is 19 meters high. There is the host’s city lord’s mansion there. ”

【“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the German-equipped infantry division X5. ”】

“German-equipped infantry division: Organization: The division has 2 infantry brigades, each infantry brigade has 2 infantry regiments, each infantry regiment has 3 infantry battalions, each battalion has 3 companies, each company has 3 platoons, each platoon has 3 squads, and the division also has 2 supplementary regiments. The total strength of the division is 14,000. ”

“The division’s direct forces include: an artillery battalion, an engineer battalion, a communications battalion, a baggage battalion, a special service battalion, and a medical team. The artillery battalion has: 3 howitzer companies (12 75MM mountain guns), 1 anti-tank gun company (4 37 anti-tank guns), and 1 anti-aircraft gun company (4 20MM anti-aircraft guns). ”

“The regiment’s direct forces: a mortar company (6 82MM mortars), a small artillery company (6 20MM mortars), a communications company, and a special service company. ”

“Battalion-affiliated troops: one machine gun company (6 heavy machine guns, 2 82MM mortars). ”

[“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining 15 division-level troop material equipment supply cards.”]

Looking at the rewards of the two upgrade gift packs, Lin Fan’s eyes were wide open. He said that the 1.1 million taels of gold were worth it.

The system seemed to know that he was going to rebel against the Qing Dynasty, and it actually directly rewarded him with 100,000 sword and shield soldiers, 100,000 light cavalry, five German-equipped infantry divisions, and even prepared subsequent supplies and food for him! .

It has to be said that his ownThis system is really awesome! .

After praising the system, Lin Fan began to fuse his cultivation. He first fused the innate peak cultivation from the first-level upgrade package, and then fused the master peak cultivation from the second-level upgrade package.

The combination of the two directly helped Lin Fan break through to the early stage of the Grand Master. From then on, Lin Fan became a strong man in the early stage of the Grand Master.

After the fusion of cultivation, the system helped Lin Fan fuse the rewards of the Nine Yang Divine Art, Dragon Divine Art, Lingkong Xudu, and Dugu Jiujian.

At this point, Lin Fan is considered a rare strong man in the world! .

"Congratulations, young master, on your great success."

Lv Bu, who saw that Lin Fan was embarrassed, congratulated him.

"Haha, there is still some gap compared to Fengxian, low-key, low-key."

Lin Fan said with a smile.

"Sir, you are too modest. Although your current cultivation is two realms lower than mine, Bu's feeling is not wrong. Bu can sense danger in you."

"From this, Bu can confirm that your real combat power definitely exceeds the realm!?"

"I even suspect that with your current strength, you can kill Bu by leaps and bounds!"

"How can it be so exaggerated? Although I have just merged with the cultivation and have never fought with anyone, I don't know what level your specific strength is!?"

"But who are you, Lu Bu? How can you be defeated so easily!?"

"Although you are only at the late stage of the Grandmaster now, according to my estimation, even if you encounter a strong man at the peak of the Grandmaster, you will not be at a disadvantage. You can even kill him with a little time."

"Sir, you are too kind. Not to mention encountering a peak Grandmaster, even if you encounter a thinker at the early stage of the land immortal, Bu has the confidence to fight him."

Lu Bu said without any modesty.

"Fuck, you're panting when someone praises you for being fat. Don't you know how to be humble at all!?"

"Hmph, I'm a rough man, I don't understand those tricks of scholars."

Lv Bu shook his head and said.

"Well, I can give you the title of Zhang Fei, the first rough man in the Three Kingdoms!"

Lin Fan said jokingly.

"Hmph, sir, don't joke. How can Zhang Fei be compared with me? If it weren't for Guan Yu's help, he would have died under my Fang Tian Hua Ji in the battle of Hulao Pass!"

Lv Bu said disdainfully.

"What about Liu Bei? Didn't Liu Bei also participate in the battle of Hulao Pass among the 18 princes?"

"Hahaha, you are joking again, Liu Bei can be solved with just one halberd from Si Bu. If he hadn't intervened, I might have been defeated by the combined forces of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei!"

"To be honest, either Guan Yu or Zhang Fei is not my opponent in a single fight, but the outcome of the two of them joining forces is still unknown!"

Lu Bu said casually.

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